Tender Results of Vestland Fylkeskommune
Tender Results of Vestland Fylkeskommune
Vestland Fylkeskommune Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Vestland Dental Health Service would like to procure hardware and software for an x-ray system with the accompanying maintenance. The aim is to procure an integrated, future orientated and user friendly system. We would like a total supplier that can deliver both software and hardware. The new supplier must be able to deliver software that is compatible with the existing hardware in the old SFFK and that functions together with the existing system.
Contract Date17 Dec 2021
Contract AmountNOK 6.6 Million (USD 614.7 K)
Vestland Fylkeskommune Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
VLFK would like to enter into a new framework agreement for the procurement of network and infrastructure equipment. The contract will include the procurement of equipment and services to cover existing and new future needs within network and infrastructure equipment. The contract is divided into 2 packages: Package 1: Cisco and Citrix ADC etc. Package 2: Computer room rack, UPS, cooling, and cabling, etc. The contracting authority would like to enter into a framework agreement with one tenderer. Tenders can be submitted for one or both of the packages. The packages will be evaluated separately.
Contract Date9 Dec 2021
Contract AmountNOK 65 Million (USD 6 Million)
51-60 of 56 active Tender Results