Switzerland Tender Results

Switzerland Tender Results

Abwasserverband Altenrhein Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Switzerland – Sewerage works equipment – Belebtschlammbiologie, 24 Rührwerke
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountCHF 142.2 K (USD 157.6 K)

Association AAT, P A Tekhne SA Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Switzerland – Landscape architectural services – Appel d’offres pour les prestations d’architectes paysagistes
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountCHF 153.8 K (USD 170.4 K)

Unite Soumissions Departement De L'amenagement, Des Constructions Et De La Mobilite DACM De La Ville De Geneve Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Switzerland – Construction work – Rue Jean Dassier 15 - 2069 - Serrurerie
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountCHF 170.6 K (USD 188 K)

Etat De Geneve Departement Du Territoire DT Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Switzerland – Secondary school construction work – Extension du Cycle d'orientation de la Golette à Meyrin - CFC 281.0 Chapes
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountCHF 171.1 K (USD 187.9 K)

Armasuisse Property Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Switzerland – Building construction work – Gesamtsanierung Kaserne Auenfeld, Wpl Frauenfeld, 1. Etappe und 3. Etappe BKP 281.7 Bodenbelag aus Holz (Kommandogebäude NK)
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountCHF 182 K (USD 199.9 K)

HBD Amt Fur Hochbauten AHB Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Switzerland – Building construction work – BAV 82127 Schulanlage Riedtli
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountCHF 184.8 K (USD 204.7 K)

Canton St Gallen, Department Of Construction And Environment, High Construction Office Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Switzerland – Application work of protective coatings – Campus Wattwil - Ersatzneubau Kantonsschule Wattwil - BKP 285 Innere Oberflächenbehandlungen
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountCHF 186.5 K (USD 204.9 K)

Gemeinde Wollerau Abt Infrastruktur Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Switzerland – Construction work for school buildings – DBZW Dorf- und Bildungszentrum Wollerau BKP 248 Gebäudeautomation
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountCHF 204.3 K (USD 224.4 K)

Armasuisse Property Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Switzerland – Building construction work – Gesamtsanierung Kaserne Auenfeld, Wpl Frauenfeld, 1. Etappe und 3. Etappe BKP 281.4 Bodenbelag aus Naturstein (Kommandogebäude NK)
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountCHF 212 K (USD 232.9 K)

Lazzarini AG Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Switzerland – Construction work – 2314 Umnutzung Primarschulhaus Klosters-Kulturhaus / BKP 222 / 224 Spengler & Bedachungsarbeiten
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountCHF 218.2 K (USD 240.5 K)
3681-3690 of 3858 active Tender Results