Switzerland Tender Results

Switzerland Tender Results

Canton St Gallen, Department Of Construction And Environment, High Construction Office Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountCHF 186.5 K (USD 204.9 K)
Switzerland – Application work of protective coatings – Campus Wattwil - Ersatzneubau Kantonsschule Wattwil - BKP 285 Innere Oberflächenbehandlungen

Gemeinde Wollerau Abt Infrastruktur Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountCHF 204.3 K (USD 224.4 K)
Switzerland – Construction work for school buildings – DBZW Dorf- und Bildungszentrum Wollerau BKP 248 Gebäudeautomation

Armasuisse Property Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountCHF 212 K (USD 232.9 K)
Switzerland – Building construction work – Gesamtsanierung Kaserne Auenfeld, Wpl Frauenfeld, 1. Etappe und 3. Etappe BKP 281.4 Bodenbelag aus Naturstein (Kommandogebäude NK)

Lazzarini AG Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountCHF 218.2 K (USD 240.5 K)
Switzerland – Construction work – 2314 Umnutzung Primarschulhaus Klosters-Kulturhaus / BKP 222 / 224 Spengler & Bedachungsarbeiten

Canton St Gallen, Department Of Construction And Environment, High Construction Office Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountCHF 228.4 K (USD 250.9 K)
Switzerland – Floor-covering work – Campus Wattwil - Ersatzneubau Kantonsschule Wattwil - BKP 281.7 Bodenbeläge aus Holz

TED Entsorgung Recycling Zurich ERZ Hagenholzstrasse 110, Zurich Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountCHF 235.3 K (USD 259.3 K)
Switzerland – Administration, defence and social security services – Abnahme und Verwertung von Altmetall aus den Recyclinghöfen und Spezialabfuhren der Stadt Zürich (Los 1, Los 2, Los 3)

Spitalanlagengesellschaft HOCH Health Ostschweiz Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountCHF 239.7 K (USD 263.3 K)
Switzerland – Construction work – Erweiterung Grossküche Haus 25 - SKP 285.1 Innere Malerarbeiten

Lazzarini AG Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountCHF 244.7 K (USD 269.7 K)
Switzerland – Construction work – 2314 Umnutzung Primarschulhaus Klosters-Kulturhaus / BKP 373 Bühneneinrichtung

International Union For Conservation Of Nature iucn - IUCN Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountCHF 250 K (USD 276.8 K)
Preparation of GEF Funding Proposal Documents for the “Tiger recovery in Thailand through prey recovery, forest restoration and community participation” project.

International Union For Conservation Of Nature iucn - IUCN Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountCHF 250 K (USD 276.8 K)
3671-3680 of 3760 active Tender Results