Tender Results of Sarpsborg Kommune

Tender Results of Sarpsborg Kommune

Sarpsborg Kommune Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
The dynamic purchasing system includes procurement of play apparatus, playground equipment, training devices and other equipment and services that are naturally included in the area, with a focus on deliveries to nurseries, schools, play parks, sports facilities, recreational areas, etc. The dynamic purchasing system also includes the assembly and equipment, as well as procurements for material and services required for maintenance and up-grading.
Contract Date1 Jul 2022
Contract AmountNOK 2.2 Million (USD 204.9 K)

Sarpsborg Kommune Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Information on the procurement In accordance with and public procurement regulations and law, Sarpsborg Municipality (henceforth referred to as the contracting authority) invites tenderers to participate in a contest for a two-year framework agreement with an option for 1 year + 1 year extension, for delivery of mobile telephones and accessories for Sarpsborg Municipality. Further information on the procurement's content and scope is described in part 2, the requirements/service specification. The objective and scope of the agreement: The purpose of this framework agreement is to ensure that the contracting authority, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, achieves a cost effective and rational procurement of mobile telephones and accessories. The framework agreement shall apply for the goods listed in the price sheet and requirements specification, and closely related products. The contract manager will decide cases where there can be doubt as to whether a product is 'closely related' or not.
Contract Date28 Jun 2022
Contract AmountNOK 2.8 Million (USD 265.6 K)

Sarpsborg Kommune Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
In accordance with law and public procurement regulations, Sarpsborg kommune [Sarpsborg Municipality] (hereafter called the contracting authority) invites tenderers to participate in a contest for a two-year framework agreement with an option for one year + one year, for delivery of taxi services in Sarpsborg. This contract will apply to passenger transport not performed in-house.
Contract Date9 Feb 2022
Contract AmountNOK 14.5 Million (USD 1.3 Million)

Sarpsborg Kommune Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Procurement of assistance for process guidelines for the 'Technical 2025' project. The project will lead to a modern organisation where employees thrive and where inhabitants and internal users are pleased with the services that are provided. The plan is that all operations for municipal engineering are to be established in a joint 'operations centre'. In order to succeed with this, we believe that it is necessary to develop new methods of working, have better interaction both internally and externally, and use new technology.
Contract Date20 Dec 2021
Contract AmountRefer Documents 

Sarpsborg Kommune Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Fresh bread and baker's products that are traditionally found in a bakery/cafe.
Contract Date14 Dec 2021
Contract AmountNOK 8 Million (USD 745.1 K)

Sarpsborg Kommune Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Information on the procurement In accordance with the law and regulations on public procurements, Sarpsborg Municipality, (hereafter called the contracting authority), invites tenderers to an open tender contest for the procurement of a 3-axle lorry with an addition for flushing and sweeping, capacity 12-14 m3. The vehicle must have biogas, liquid or compressed, as its fuel. It must be constructed for winter operations, i.e., able to operate in temperatures as low as minus 25 degrees Celsius. The vehicle will be used 60-80% for emptying minor private treatment installations, blocked tanks, and interceptors for sludge at holiday cabins and residences in sparsely populated areas of the municipality. It must, therefore, have good weight distribution on th axles and good accessibility on roads with challenging access and turning possibilities. The rest of the time the vehicle will be used for emptying sand traps on roads and pump stations, as well as minor flushing jobs. More information about the procurement's content and scope is described in part 2, the Requirements Specification.
Contract Date18 Jun 2021
Contract AmountNOK 5.1 Million (USD 481.8 K)

Sarpsborg Kommune Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
The contest is for a framework agreement for the provision of company health services for Sarpsborg Municipality. The value of the procurement is estimated at: NOK 3,000,000 excluding VAT per year. The maximum value for the entire agreement period, including any options and expected price increase is: NOK 15,000,000 excluding VAT. The need is uncertain. The value can be both higher and lower, and will depend on, among other things, the contracting authority's needs, activities, budgetary situation and other framework factors. See the procurement documents for further information. NB: The procedure given in section IV.1.1 of the notice is incorrect. The correct procedure is Open tender contest.
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNOK 15 Million (USD 1.4 Million)

Sarpsborg Kommune Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Norway – Electrical equipment and apparatus – Lade infrastructure for Sarpsborg and Halden municipalities
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNOK 25 Million (USD 2.2 Million)

Sarpsborg Kommune Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Norway – Furniture (incl. office furniture), furnishings, domestic appliances (excl. lighting) and cleaning products – Furniture for offices and conference rooms, primary and secondary schools and before-and-after-school care, nursery schools and institutions - framework agreement for Sarpsborg, Fredrikstad and Hvaler.
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNOK 90 Million (USD 8 Million)

Sarpsborg Kommune Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Norway – Health and social work services – (24214) Welfare and respite services, framework agreement
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNOK 300 Million (USD 26.7 Million)
21-30 of 30 active Tender Results