Tender Results of Ofcom

Tender Results of Ofcom

OFCOM Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Customer Satisfaction Tracker-This awarded contract is for a Customer Satisfaction Tracker that tracks and understands the attitudes of residential consumers and the quality of service they receive for each service they purchase. The Customer Satisfaction Tracker is Ofcom's key data source on levels of overall satisfaction across the communications markets (landline, mobile, fixed broadband and pay TV).
Contract Date5 Nov 2024
Contract AmountGBP 25.5 K (USD 32.4 K)

OFCOM Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Residential Postal Tracker-This awarded contract is for research to accurately measure usage and attitudes towards postal services among UK adult postal service users (aged 16+) and to provide a research vehicle that can be used to gather information about emerging policy issues.
Contract Date31 Oct 2024
Contract AmountGBP 541.3 K (USD 687.6 K)

OFCOM Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Supporting Those Susceptible to Mis and Disinformation-This awarded contract is for a qualitative study to explore and co-create the messaging and identify trusted voices that might be most appropriate to engage both the general public and specific identified groups who may be more susceptible to mis and disinformation.
Contract Date29 Oct 2024
Contract AmountGBP 123.8 K (USD 157.3 K)

OFCOM Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
What does the Future of Wireless Connectivity look like for the UK?-This awarded contract is research of future of wireless connectivity could look like for the UK in the next 10 years and the role different next generation technologies could play in shaping this.
Contract Date29 Oct 2024
Contract AmountGBP 162 K (USD 205.7 K)

OFCOM Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Child Financial Harms and Persuasive Design-This awarded contract is for a qualitative study to build an understanding of children's financial harms online and what platforms can do to mitigate them.
Contract Date25 Oct 2024
Contract AmountGBP 81.6 K (USD 103.6 K)

OFCOM Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Childrens Online Passive Measurement-This notice is for the provision of passive measurement technology to measure what platforms children aged 8-14 are using online.
Contract Date25 Oct 2024
Contract AmountGBP 245.6 K (USD 312 K)

OFCOM Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Future AI Use Cases Consultancy Work-This awarded contract is for a piece of research and analysis to improve Ofcom's understanding of specific future AI use cases (traditional and generative AI) across all of our sectors, with a specific focus on the online sector, and what the impacts of these use cases could be on consumers and industry.
Contract Date22 Oct 2024
Contract AmountGBP 80.9 K (USD 102.7 K)

OFCOM Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Online Fraud - Serious Game RCT-This is an awarded contract notice for services required by Ofcom. The contract is for the design and development of a serious game that can be used to educate users on online scams and fraud. It is also the design, delivery and analysis of results from a randomised control trial to test the effectiveness of the game.
Contract Date18 Oct 2024
Contract AmountGBP 81.2 K (USD 103.1 K)

OFCOM Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
MATLAB standalone licences-Two additional Matlab licences and associated toolboxes, a specialist tool used by other engineering teams in Ofcom.
Contract Date16 Oct 2024
Contract AmountGBP 82.8 K (USD 105.5 K)

OFCOM Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Audience Protection Measures on Video on Demand Services-This awarded contract is for research that captures the range of views, attitudes and experiences of existing APMs among VoD service users, and where and how people consider they are currently protected or how they feel empowered to protect themselves and their families from viewing harmful and offensive content.
Contract Date16 Oct 2024
Contract AmountGBP 165.2 K (USD 209.9 K)
41-50 of 276 active Tender Results