Tender Results of Norsk Helsenett Sf
Tender Results of Norsk Helsenett Sf
Norsk Helsenett SF Tender Result
Contract Date27 Sep 2023
Contract AmountNOK 40 Million (USD 3.6 Million)
The contracting authority is the national ICT service provider for the health services in Norway, Norsk helsenett SF, which intends to enter into an agreement with one or more tenderers for the establishment of an event-based streaming platform with support tools and associated services.
Norsk Helsenett SF Tender Result
Contract Date25 Sep 2023
Contract AmountNOK 205 K (USD 18.7 K)
Norwegian Patient Injury Compensation [Norsk pasientskadeerstatning (NPE)] needs expert specialist doctors to investigate and assess professional health matters in compensation cases and provide case workers and management with professional advice. Expert assignments will mainly consist of investigations and assessments of whether treatments and/or investigations have been carried out in accordance with good medical practice and any standards or guidelines. In addition, it is applicable to assess the scope of injury when this is upheld in a case. The offered specialist must have at least 6 years' work experience as an approved specialist in the relevant specialty. There is a need for specialist doctors within the following specialties: 1) Paediatrics 2) Pulmonary medicine 3) Radiology 4) Gastroenterological surgery 5) Neurosurgery 6) Child and adolescent psychiatry 7) Orthopaedic surgery 8) Oncology 9) Vascular surgery 10) Thoracic surgery 11) Internal medicine 12) Infectious disease 13) Anaesthesiology 14) Neurology Click here: https://permalink.mercell.com/216504699.aspx
Norsk Helsenett SF Tender Result
Contract Date25 Sep 2023
Contract AmountNOK 5.5 Million (USD 501.7 K)
The Norwegian government is now implementing approved changes to the organisation of the central health administration. The change came in the revised national budget (RNB) 2023. The Norwegian Directorate of E-health will be merged with the Norwegian Directorate of Health (Hdir) through a business transfer. The Norwegian Directorate of Health needs to procure consultants for assignments related to a new organisation in the Directorate of Health.
Norsk Helsenett SF Tender Result
Contract Date13 Sep 2023
Contract AmountNOK 1 (USD 0.09208055)
One of the areas the NHN Divisjon Innbygger is responsible for is Helsenorge, the citizen’s access to online public health services. Helsenorge is continuously developed, with consolidation of existing services and introduction of new ones, and we now need expertise in the functional architecture to support this work. We need a functional manager for one of our product-oriented system teams.
Norsk Helsenett SF Tender Result
Contract Date8 Sep 2023
Contract AmountNOK 1.6 Million (USD 146.6 K)
The system must be able to be used by all agencies in the health authorities (the contracting authorities) nationwide, and will cover the contracting authority's need for all types of temporary staff. The new adjusted value for this DPS scheme, Temporary staff services, has been adjusted upwards to a new value of: NOK 65,000,000
Norsk Helsenett SF Tender Result
Contract Date5 Sep 2023
Contract AmountNOK 1 (USD 0.09208055)
The Department of Health Registries has ongoing work to modernise the health registries. A strategy has been established for the Norwegian Directorate of Health’s (HDIR's) central health registries, which forms the background for significant development of Norsk pasientregister (NPR) (the Norwegian Patient Register) and Kommunalt pasient- og brukerregister (KPR) (the Municpal Patient and User Register) With NPR and KPR come a mandate to harvest data from all publicly funded health services. Further development leads to increased collaboration on the content of the registries and a focus on access to a broad information base for various users in the health administration. We are now seeking a senior project manager with experience from modernization, IT development projects and transformation.
21-30 of 158 active Tender Results