Tender Results of Nhs England

Tender Results of Nhs England

Nhs England Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Annual Physical Health Checks for Severe Mental Illness patients-This was procured through the SBS Technology Enabled Care Services framework for the Purchase of point of care medical devices (tablet pc, blood anayser and wireless instruments) for the regional programme to increase the uptake of annual physical health checks for patients with severe mental illness as per the national agenda in the midlands region.
Contract Date1 Mar 2022
Contract AmountGBP 159.5 K (USD 203.6 K)

Nhs England Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Innovation Service_User Research and Content 2022-TThe Service will help to speed up access to innovative products in the NHS and there is potential to showcase or connect with the work of other innovation related workstreams.
Contract Date1 Mar 2022
Contract AmountGBP 250 K (USD 317.7 K)

Nhs England Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Implementation of GP referral pathway to NHS CPCS-NHS England and NHS Improvement (NHSEI) Pharmacy Integration Fund Programme (PhIF) commissioned an organisation to work with the NHSEI Access Improvement Programme (AIP) and regional NHSEI implementation leads to support GP practices in rapidly implementing the General Practice referral route into the Community Pharmacist Consultation Service (GP CPCS). The provider will look to provide a range of effective learning solutions for GP practice care navigators and receptionists delivered through...
Contract Date1 Mar 2022
Contract AmountGBP 1.7 Million (USD 2.1 Million)

Nhs England Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
NHS Framework for the North of England Branded Medicine-Offer reference number: CM/PHR/20/5600 CM/PHR/20/5600/01 - NHS Framework for the North of England, Branded Medicines -Tranche B - 1 March 2022 to 29 February 2024 with an option or options to extend (at the Authority's discretion) for a period or periods up to a total of 24 months CM/PHR/20/5600/02 - NHS Framework for the North of England, Branded Medicines - Annual Tranche Products. Period of framework: 1 March 2022 to 28 February 2023 with an option or options to extend (at the Auth...
Contract Date1 Mar 2022
Contract AmountGBP 431.8 Million (USD 526.2 Million)

Nhs England Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Contract for the supply of Legal Services to HSIB-HSIB requires the support of a Supplier with the requisite expertise, experience and in-house resources across a number of areas of legal advice including information governance, regulation, corporate law, employment law, and to a lesser extent commercial and property law.
Contract Date1 Mar 2022
Contract AmountRefer Documents 

Nhs England Tender Result

Result Stage: Under Evaluation
United Kingdom
FCP-Masters level module - FCP paramedics
Contract Date27 Feb 2022
Contract AmountGBP 39 K (USD 47.5 K)

Nhs England Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Sharing learning to support development of clinical and care professional leader-The Authority is looking to commission a written report/framework which brings together a compendium of learning from systems on their practical implementation of the clinical and care professional leadership guidance, published by NHSEI in September 2021. Aimed at providing systems with insight and experience of all 42 approaches to implementation.
Contract Date24 Feb 2022
Contract AmountGBP 58.3 K (USD 74.2 K)

Nhs England Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Supporting Systems to develop clinical and care professional leadership-The Authority is looking to commission the development of two resources, both being fully developed in this financial year: 2021/22. Both resources will be available for systems in 2022/23; enabling them to measure the quality of their culture in terms of effective clinical and care professional leadership and assessing the extent to which the system framework is enabling the desired cultural impact. Specifically, the resources will provide practical tools to enable the system to carry out their...
Contract Date21 Feb 2022
Contract AmountGBP 54 K (USD 65.8 K)

Nhs England Tender Result

Result Stage: Under Evaluation
United Kingdom
Digital Medical Care Website-The provision of website development for the Royal College of Physicians (RCP) Medical Care website.
Contract Date14 Feb 2022
Contract AmountGBP 30 K (USD 36.5 K)

Nhs England Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
NHS Digital Clinical Safety Strategy Discovery-NHSX has appointed a partner to support the delivery of the strategy by commissioning a piece of discovery work to understand where digital technologies can drive safety improvements and support the delivery these commitments by 2023.
Contract Date14 Feb 2022
Contract AmountGBP 208.7 K (USD 265.3 K)
1561-1570 of 1849 active Tender Results