Tender Results of Mega Company Limited
Tender Results of Mega Company Limited
Mega Company Limited Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
CATEGORY: Conference Folder , Clips , Clips Binder , Self Adhesive
Paper Note , Self Adhesive Flags , Marking Pen- Permanent,
Highlighter , Glue Stick , Scales -Steel Scale- As Per IS 1481 ,
Transparent Tape As Per IS 13262 , Adhesive Tape ,
Adhesive Spindles , Tape Spindles , Adhesive Tape IS 1326 ,
Wooden Pencil As Per IS1375 , Eraser , Round Head
Fasteners-Drawing Board Pin-IS 5205 , Battery Cell ,
Portable Sealed Rechargeable Single Cells , Cell 3As Per
IS9128 , Battery Cell 4 As Per IS9128 And IS8144 , Markers
White Board , Diaries-Printed , Knife Blades - 84 pieces - ,
Markers-Board , Standard Markers , Folder Binding
Accessories- Dak Pad , Cello puro Steel x Bottle , Stapler Pin
- 181 box - , Round Head Fasteners , Marking Pen-
Permanent , Marking Pen Highlighter , Compatible Cartridge
, Desktop Calculator-Electronics , Desk Pads-writing ,
DiariesPlain , Correction Pens , Stamp Pads - 60 pieces - ,
Permanent, Highlighter , Envelopes , Envelopes IS13892 ,
Envelopes As Per IS Standard , Envelopes As Per ISStandard
13892 , Tape Dispensers , Correction Pens As Per IS11992 ,
Manual Pencil Sharpener2 - 193 pieces - , Envelopes
IS13892 Standard , Envelopes Standard 13892 , Spring File -
340 pieces - , Gel Pen , OEM Compatible Cartridge , Binding
Punch Machine - 23 pieces - , Scissors Office , Scissor ,
Paper Weights - 15 pieces - , Pen Stand - 12 pieces - ,
Diaries-Printed-Plain6- Register--IS 1848 , Diaries-Register ,
Rubber Bands - 2 box - , Pen Ball Standard , A 3 paper ream
75 gsm , A4 paper ream 75 gsm , Legal paper ream 75 gsm
green , U Pin
Contract Date16 Aug 2022
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 172.3 K (USD 2 K)
Mega Company Limited Tender Result
Furnitures and Fixtures
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
CATEGORY: domestic trays or platters (Q3) , Glass Tableware (Q3) ,
domestic spoons (Q3) , Dinner Set (Q4) , Electric Kettles and
Jugs for Household as per IS 367 (Q3)
Contract Date28 Jul 2022
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 123.4 K (USD 1.4 K)
151-160 of 220 active Tender Results