Tender Results of London Borough Of Camden
Tender Results of London Borough Of Camden
London Borough Of Camden Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date16 Feb 2022
Contract AmountGBP 11 Million (USD 13.6 Million)
Accommodation based support that enables adults with learning disabilities to live as independently as possible, to have real choice and control over their lives, and the same opportunities as other citizens. Camden’s ambition is for supported living to facilitate a fulfilling and active life for people with a variety of needs, including Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities (PMLD), complex health conditions, and/ or behaviours of concern.
London Borough Of Camden Tender Result
United Kingdom
Contract Date9 Feb 2022
Contract AmountGBP 6.7 Million (USD 8.4 Million)
Works to Weedington Estate, NW5, to cover the replacement of the total life-expired and failing heating and hot water distribution network pipework and heating and hot water pipework, the heat emitters and controls within dwellings including the associated plant and equipment within the sub plant rooms.
91-100 of 280 active Tender Results