Tender Results of London Borough Of Camden

Tender Results of London Borough Of Camden

London Borough Of Camden Tender Result

Result Stage: Under Evaluation
United Kingdom
Camden and Islington Oral Health Promotion Service-Following a competative process in accordance with the Public Contract Regulations 2015 Camden and Islington Council have award the contract for the Oral Health Promotion Service to Whittington Health NHS Trust. The contract will commence on 1st May 2023 for five (5) years with the option to extend by a further three (3) periods of one-year each. Whittington Health NHS Trust will bring strong clinical and strategic leadership and expertise to tailor oral health promotion and fluoride varnish tar...
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 2.7 Million (USD 3.3 Million)

London Borough Of Camden Tender Result

Result Stage: Under Evaluation
United Kingdom
Environmental Enforcement Service-The London Borough of Camden is awarding a contract for the provision of Environmental Enforcement Services. The contractor will deliver enforcement for littering, fly tipping and illegal street trading cases and provide night-time enforcement to support the maintenance of clean and safe streets and public spaces.
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 2.8 Million (USD 3.4 Million)

London Borough Of Camden Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Legal Services for Debt Recovery-The London Borough of Camden is seeking to award a contract for the provision of an external legal services for debt collection. r The services will include: r -Legal services for the recovery of all outstanding debt owed to Camden - excluding Parking and Council Tax / National Non-Domestic Rates (NNDR) r -Contractor services will be employed on a case-by-case basis once all the internal processes have been exhausted in the pursuit of the debt. r -Letters before Action (LBA) to liti...
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 3.8 Million (USD 4.8 Million)

London Borough Of Camden Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Arboricultural Service-The London Borough of Camden is seeking to award a contract for the provision of arboricultural services, including but not limited to, general pruning works, crown reductions, crown lifting, felling of trees, removal of stumps, and planting new or replacement trees. To also attend and clear tree emergencies in and out of working hours. These services will be supplied across the highways, Council housing estates and street properties, temporary accommodation, education sites, parks, and corporat...
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 4.9 Million (USD 6.1 Million)

London Borough Of Camden Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
School Meals Service-Provision of school meals for pupils in those Camden primary and secondary schools which opt in to the Council's school meals arrangements. The contract is for a period of 3 years plus two optional extensions of 1-year each, and will commence on 1st April 2025.
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 24 Million (USD 29.7 Million)

London Borough Of Camden Tender Result

Result Stage: Under Evaluation
United Kingdom
Public Realm Maintenance and Improvements-The provision of maintenance, upgrade and improvement works to the public and housing estate highway for the London Borough of Camden. The services covered by this contract are split into two Lots as follows: Lot 1 Camden Area A Lot 2 Camden Area B
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 53.6 Million (USD 65.3 Million)

London Borough Of Camden Tender Result

Result Stage: Under Evaluation
United Kingdom
Public Realm Maintenance and Improvements-To provide maintenance, upgrade and improvement works to the public and housing estate highway for the London Borough of Camden. The services covered by this tender documentation are split into two Lots as follows: Lot 1 Camden Area A Lot 2 Camden Area B The contract duration will be 5 years with an optional extension of up to 3 years.
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 90 Million (USD 109.6 Million)

London Borough Of Camden Tender Result

Result Stage: Under Evaluation
United Kingdom
Public Realm Maintenance and Improvements-The provision of maintenance, upgrade and improvement works to the public and housing estate highway for the London Borough of Camden, Lot 1 Camden Area A.
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 107.2 Million (USD 130.6 Million)

London Borough Of Camden Tender Result

Result Stage: Under Evaluation
United Kingdom
Camden and Islington Oral Health Promotion Service-The London Boroughs of Camden and Islington ('the Authorities" and "the Authority") are seeking to award a contract for the provision of an Oral Health Promotion Service (with Fluoride Varnish Service) -The Service- across Camden and Islington. The Service will deliver an innovative and evidence based Oral Health Promotion which will include the following groups: •Children living in communities with high levels of untreated disease. •Older people living in residenti...
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNA 

London Borough Of Camden Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Southampton Row Specialist Support - Very Complex Needs-The service will provide high level support within a purpose built property to 18 men, where 'men' includes trans gender men, aged 18 or over, who are experiencing multiple disadvantage, who may or may not be engaging or able to access mainstream services and therefore present a high risk to themselves or others. Those with lower support needs will not be referred to the service and those who achieve the necessary stability will be helped to move on to independent accommodation or refe...
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountRefer Documents 
271-280 of 280 active Tender Results