Llywodraeth Cymru Welsh Government Tender Result
View complete overview of Llywodraeth Cymru Welsh Government Tender Result
Llywodraeth Cymru Welsh Government Tender Result
Contract Date23 May 2023
Contract Period90 Days
Contract AmountNA
AOC Description
C354/2022/2023 - Statutory Licensing for all Visitor Accommodation in Wales Consultation - Analysis-This contract will appoint a supplier to provide analysis of responses to the Welsh Government’s consultation on proposals for a Statutory Licensing for all Visitor Accommodation in Wales and prepare a summary report presenting the findings. The final report will be published on the Welsh Government website.
Award Id
d0ea340c-fa3c-306f-abf6-4bd0775c757bTender Id
d0ea340c-fa3c-306f-abf6-4bd0775c757bTender Authority
Llywodraeth Cymru Welsh Government ViewPurchaser Address
Bidder Details
- Bidder NameThis Information is for unsubscribed user This Information is for unsubscribed user
- Bidder AddressThis Information is for unsubscribed user
- Award Amount234234234200
- Bidder NameThis Information is for unsubscribed user This Information is for unsubscribed user
- Bidder AddressThis Information is for unsubscribed user
- Award Amount234234234200
- Qualified BiddersThis is message for unregistered
- Lowest Bidder662
- Number of Bids99