Tender Results of Llywodraeth Cymru Welsh Government

Tender Results of Llywodraeth Cymru Welsh Government

Llywodraeth Cymru Welsh Government Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Gulfood 2024 – Space & Exhibitors Fees-To procure space at a food and drink trade show in Dubai, UAE
Contract Date29 Sep 2023
Contract AmountRefer Documents 

Llywodraeth Cymru Welsh Government Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
C101/2023/2024 - Food & Drink Sustainability Toolkit-To extend the availability to Welsh food and drink manufacturers of the online ‘Food & Drink Sustainability Toolkit’ and to expand the associated guidance materials.
Contract Date28 Sep 2023
Contract AmountRefer Documents 

Llywodraeth Cymru Welsh Government Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
FC047/2023/2024 - Bus Bill Regulatory Impact Assessment-A direct award contract for the completion of a regulatory impact assessment for the Bus Bill Wales.
Contract Date22 Sep 2023
Contract AmountRefer Documents 

Llywodraeth Cymru Welsh Government Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Holy Island Vaccination contract-The Welsh Government seeks to establish a contract for the provision of of3 set rounds of badger vaccination within a 3 month period each year on Holy Island, for 4 consecutive years. The list of rounds will be provided by the client, and all vaccinations must be completed between May and October for each year of the Contract. E-TENDER INFORMATION: https://etenderwales.bravosolution.co.uk - The first person from your Organisation to use the Platform will be required to register on behalf of t...
Contract Date14 Sep 2023
Contract AmountGBP 120 K (USD 146.2 K)

Llywodraeth Cymru Welsh Government Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Satellite Imagery for Wales-This is a Contract Award Notice for Lot 2 only. Previous Notice Reference 2023/S 000-000838 https://www.sell2wales.gov.wales//search/show/Search_View.aspx?id=JAN423818 The aim of the EO programme is to test and trial the use of satellite imagery and remote sensing techniques, in the design and implementation of the Rural Investment Schemes (RIS) and the Sustainable Farming Scheme (SFS), to assess the extent which the use of satellite imagery (specifically VHR/VHF) could be used effectively for: ...
Contract Date29 Aug 2023
Contract AmountGBP 525 K (USD 639.8 K)

Llywodraeth Cymru Welsh Government Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Communication & Marketing Framework Agreement-A framework for delivering Welsh Governments communication and marketing requirements. The framework will be open for use by other public bodies. 1. Creative Design 2. Digital Services 3. Filming, Editing & Animation Services 4. Bespoke Stand Design & Build 5. Event / Conference Management 6. Evaluation / Research 7. Publicity Materials- Storage & Shipping 8. Audio Visual (AV) Services 9. Portable Publicity Equipment & Signage Over the maximum 4 year period of the framework. The value of GBP 20m...
Contract Date23 Aug 2023
Contract AmountGBP 5.2 Million (USD 6.3 Million)

Llywodraeth Cymru Welsh Government Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
eInvoicing Services-Electronic Invoicing solution for the Welsh Public Sector Please note this Call-Off Contract has been procured and awarded in compliance with the procedures set out within Framework Agreement Reference: RM1557.13 Crown Commercial Services G-Cloud framework agreement G-Cloud 13. Under the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (“PCR 2015”), a contracting authority is not required to issue an award notice for Call-Off Contracts awarded using frameworks, but the Welsh Government has undertaken to vol...
Contract Date10 Aug 2023
Contract AmountGBP 271.5 K (USD 330.9 K)

Llywodraeth Cymru Welsh Government Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Pembrokeshire Bovine TB Project-The Welsh Government wishes to develop additional approaches to bovine TB control, over and above the statutory measures currently being used in the Pembrokeshire area. E-TENDER INFORMATION: https://etenderwales.bravosolution.co.uk - The first person from your Organisation to use the Platform will be required to register on behalf of the Organisation. - Registration involves accepting a User Agreement, and providing basic information about your Organisation and about the User performing the R...
Contract Date4 Aug 2023
Contract AmountGBP 597.8 K (USD 728.6 K)

Llywodraeth Cymru Welsh Government Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Inshore Fisheries Patrol Vessel 6.5-7m Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat and Trailer-Welsh Government are looking to procure an easily transported Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat complete with Road Launching Trailer to carry out our statutory Fisheries Patrol duties around the Welsh coast. The vessel will be used to patrol the inshore areas of the Welsh coast and facilitate the boarding of commercial and recreational fishing vessels by Marine Enforcement Officers. This tender has received funding through the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund, which is funded by the European Uni...
Contract Date14 Jul 2023
Contract AmountRefer Documents 

Llywodraeth Cymru Welsh Government Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Review of the Tobacco Control Action Plan and Delivery Plans for Wales-The client wishes to commission a review of Tobacco Control Action plan and Deliver plans in Wales which concluded in 2020. The review is to insight into the effectiveness of activity to date, notably how the work associated with the TCAP, TCDP1 and TCDP2 may have contributed to the decline in smoking prevalence rates among both adults and young people in Wales. It is anticipated the research will identify those areas of work thought most likely to have contributed to the changes in smoking beha...
Contract Date13 Jul 2023
Contract AmountRefer Documents 
201-210 of 319 active Tender Results