Tender Results of Kungliga Tekniska H Gskolan
Tender Results of Kungliga Tekniska H Gskolan
Kungliga Tekniska H Gskolan Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Förbrukning & kemikalier för laborativ verksamhet Inbjudan Kungliga Tekniska högskolan, KTH inbjuder härmed till anbudsgivning avseende ramavtal förbrukning och kemikalier för laborativ verksamhet.Upphandlingen omfattar anbudsgivarens hela sortiment inom respektive produktområde som förekommer i en laboratorie- och forskningsmiljö.Anbud kan lämnas på ett eller båda produktområden som vart och ett utvärderas separat. Avgränsningar Upphandlingen exkluderar laboratoriegaser såväl flytande- och gasform.Upphandlingen exkluderar mikrobiologiska produkter såsom antikroppar, molekylärbiologiska kemikalier och reagens mm.
Contract Date17 Dec 2021
Contract AmountSEK 4.7 Million (USD 425.9 K)
Kungliga Tekniska H Gskolan Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
The purchase of a state-of-the-art XPS within the 2MILab facility at KTH will enhance ongoing research in several different areas. The instrument will be used primarily to answer scientific questions relating to the operation and stability of solar cells and other electrochemical energy devices such as novel batteries. It should be possible to analyse a wide range of samples including conductors, semiconductors and insulators as well as samples, which might be sensitive to X-ray radiation. Purpose of procurement The aim of this tender is to purchase an X-Ray Photoelectron Spectrometer (XPS), which will be located at the 2MILab (Molecules and Materials at Interfaces Laboratory) facility at the CBH School at KTH – Royal Institute of Technology. The instrument will be used in several different research activities and will provide open access to several Departments at KTH as well as external users, to extract chemical information by XPS.
Contract Date14 Dec 2021
Contract AmountSEK 696 K (USD 62.2 K)
Kungliga Tekniska H Gskolan Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
The purpose of the procurement is to purchase a real-time mass spectrometer based on time of flight (TOF) technology, which will be adapted to the detection of organic radicals. Purpose of procurement The aim is to purchase a real-time mass spectrometer based on time of flight (TOF) technology, which will be adapted to the detection of organic radicals.
Contract Date13 Dec 2021
Contract AmountSEK 310 K (USD 27.7 K)
Kungliga Tekniska H Gskolan Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
The purpose of the present procurement is to upgrade the electronic control system and corresponding software and hardware of an existing unique HVPE reactor, The reactor is used to produce III-V epitaxial materials at high growth rate with high selectivity. Purpose of procurement The aim of this purchase is to upgrade the electronic control system and corresponding software and hardware for an existing AXITRON HVPE reactor. The HVPE reactor was installed in the Electrum-laboratory at KTH in 1997. Since then no major upgrade has been implemented. While the present HVPE system continuously is serving numerous projects with high-quality epitaxial material, it is getting to the limit of its capacity (full load of academic projects as well as industrial development/production campaigns), resulting in increasing service demands and down-time. Many of the problems are due to a malfunctioning and outdated electronic control system, which limits the system performance.
Contract Date30 Nov 2021
Contract AmountSEK 2.7 Million (USD 245.6 K)