Tender Results of International Labour Organization
Tender Results of International Labour Organization
International Labour Organization - ILO Tender Result
Contract Date11 Dec 2023
Contract AmountRefer Documents
The International Labour Office (hereinafter the “ILO”) is pleased to invite your company to submit a Proposal for the re-tender of an Awareness Campaign and Public Outreach on the Rights to Social Security among workers in the private sector in Iraq as further described in Annex III Terms of Reference (TOR) of RFP/44/2023/JUG. Your Proposal must be received by the ILO no later than 26 July 2023 15h00 Iraq time. Late bids will be rejected. The Non-Mandatory Bidders' Conference will take place online on Tuesday 27 June 2023 from 14h00-15h00 Iraq time. See RFP/44/2023/JUG to access the Conference. Please be cautious when uploading documents to the ILO eSourcing Platform and ensure that only the technical proposal documents are uploaded into the Technical Envelope and only the financial proposal is uploaded into the Financial Envelope, as an error in this regard will have an impact on an offer's eligibility for evaluation. In order to access the complete tender documentation, your company must be a registered UNGM supplier and subscribe to ILO tenders. If for some reason access to the ILO e-Sourcing platform is not possible, please contact the ILO Procurement Bureau at pcrt@ilo.org. We look forward to receiving your Proposal. ILO Procurement Bureau
International Labour Organization - ILO Tender Result
Contract Date6 Dec 2023
Contract AmountRefer Documents
The International Labour Office (ILO) is pleased to invite your company to submit a Proposal for the procurement of services for the value chain analysis in the engineering products and services sector in Jordan.
International Labour Organization - ILO Tender Result
Contract Date18 Nov 2023
Contract AmountUSD 135.3 K
Fair Recruitment Initiative Knowledge Hub Platform Open New Window
International Labour Organization - ILO Tender Result
Contract Date30 Oct 2023
Contract AmountRefer Documents
Purchase of archival folders for the ILO headquarters
International Labour Organization - ILO Tender Result
Contract Date28 Oct 2023
Contract AmountRefer Documents
1.BACKGROUND In 2022-23, the ILO and its three constituents (government, workers, and employers) established a draft Decent Work Country Programme for Jordan for 2024-27 which is a strategic document that will guide the work of the ILO and its constituents in Jordan from 2024 to 2027. The Programme stems from the needs of the constituents, the ILO Decent Work Agenda and the Programme & Budget for 2024-25, and the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework for Jordan. 2.OBJECTIVE The assignment has two objectives: Ensure the Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP) for Jordan for 2024-27 evaluable and compliant with the Results-Based Management principles. Set the outcome indicators, the baseline and the target values for all indicators in the corresponding logframe. 3.SCOPE OF WORK For Objective 1, the assignment will assess and if needed revise the DWCP’s Theory of Change (TOC), the logical framework, and the M&E plan. This will include revisiting the Country Programme Outcomes (CPOs), indicators at all results level and identify the gaps and missing information. The assignment will gauge the alignment of the DWCP with the following criteria which are based on ILO EVAL guidelines on DWCP EA[1]: The assignment is expected to rate the DWCP against the checklist of the tool for EA of DWCP results framework (see annex I of guidance note 1.31) using the below scale: • Low quality • Medium quality • High quality • Not relevant The ratings are intended to raise attention to potential problems. The tool also includes a comment section under each criterion. The comments should indicate how improvements will be made. For Objective 2, the assignment will complete the missing components of the narrative and Logframe including the following: In the narrative and logframe, set the Outcomes indicators, baseline figures for each indicator, and targets for outcome and output indicators, disaggregated by the relevant category. Address the gaps identified via the works associated with Objective 1 above in the DWCP documents. 4.Methodology: The evaluability review will involve four complementary data collection and review activities: Document review: this includes but not limited to: the draft Jordan DWCP (2023-27) document, the review of the previous Jordan DWCP (2018-22), ILO P&B 2022-2023 and P&B 2024-2025, Implementation Report on Jordan CPOs, UNSDCF, key national strategies and decent work related documents, ILO Jordan active and pipeline project documents and proposals, work plans, communications, minutes of stakeholder meetings, and other information sources. Assess the DWCP’s Theory of Change (TOC), the logical framework, and the M&E plan. This will include revisiting the Country Programme Outcomes (CPOs), indicators at all results level and identify the missing information. The assignment will utilize all available tools and guidance from EVAL on EA. Conduct key informant interviews or group interviews, either through email, telephone, online, or in person; This will include concerned ILO officials and representatives from the tripartite constituents (members of the DWCP steering committee if it has been established). The types and number of interviews will be based on the needed information to fill in the identified gaps and develop the needed changes. Based on the desk review, interviews, and the assessment the assignment will address the identified gaps and revise the M&E system of the DWCP to ensure its evaluability. This will entail a revamped TOC; validated assumptions and risks; a clear, complete and logical results framework; a coherent, detailed, and relevant M&E plan with SMART indicators, indicator measurement guidance note for each indicator, data collection plan to report on all indicators; adequate reporting processes; clear assigned roles and responsibilities for the ILO and constituents. 5.Timeframe The assignment is expected to start on 16 November 2023 and end on 31 January 2024. Tasks Number of Payable Working days Kick-off meeting, 0.5 Desk review of documents; drafting an inception report, 5 Revising and resubmitting inception report, 1 Assessing the M&E system and using the EA tools, 3 Presentation of the findings and the needed adjustments, 0.5 Interviews, 2 Addressing all the identified gaps and revising the M&E system of the DWCP, 5 Preparing a draft final report, 4 Integration of comments and finalization of the report, 2 Total number of working days, 23 6.Assignment Oversight The manager of this consultancy will be the Regional Programme Officer (RPO) who will 1) oversee and supervise the assignment and the quality and adequacy of its results 2) clear the deliverables. The Regional M&E Officer will provide technical advice and support and work directly with the RPO when needed. 7.Payment Terms, Conditions, & Timeline Payment will be made once at the end of the assignment by 31 January 2024 upon the satisfactory delivery of the deliverables outlined in the Deliverables section below. Payment is conditional upon the quality of the deliverables and their compliance with the overseeing officials’ feedback, rather than on workdays spent on the assignment. 8. Deliverables An inception report demonstrating the understanding of the assignment and the TOR. The report will also include a clear methodology and a detailed timeline of the assignment. It will also specify the format of the final report, by 10 December 2023 Evaluability report assessing the DWCP vis-à-vis the criteria identified in section 3 (i) above, identifying gaps, and proposing modifications, additions, and cuts thereto by 30 December 2023. PowerPoint Presentation of the assessment results and proposed changes needed. by 30 December 2023 Draft Report that includes the narrative and the revised M&E system with all its components reflecting the changes proposed in accordance with sections 3(ii) and 4(iv) above. The report will also include a set of recommendation for ILO’s consideration to ensure the adequate operationalisation of the M&E system and effective reporting by 05 January 2024 Final Report, by 22 January 2024 9.Eligibility Requirements Individuals, for-profit companies, and nongovernmental organizations are eligible to submit proposals for this assignment. The following pre-requisites are required to be considered for this assignment: An advanced degree in a relevant field with strong research background. A strong understanding and application of M&E concepts (TOCs, Logical frameworks, M&E matrices and workplans) At least 7 years of professional experience in project management including results-based management and monitoring and evaluation. Previous experience in conducting evaluability reviews for UN agencies is required. Experience with the International Labour Organization (ILO) is preferred. Strong understanding of ILO’s areas of work and its tripartite mandate. Previous work experience in the region and in Jordan is highly preferred. Proficiency in English (ability to produce high quality reports). For companies and NGOs, registration with the relevant authorities in the country of origin and operation. 10.Application Requirements To apply for this assignment, interested parties are requested to submit ALL of the following documents to el-dani@ilo.org and alrifai@ilo.org by midnight on 10 November 2023. Identification documents (CV for individuals, registration papers with the Ministry of the Interior for nonprofit entities, and registration with the Ministries of Commerce and Industry and Ministry of Finance) Proposal or cover letter detailing the value offering and the plan for the execution of the assignment along with the timeline Budget requested for the initiative (no travel costs to be included) List of all entities with which the entity has worked with or delivered services for along with the location and time period Sample of previous similar work [1] wcms_746707.pdf (ilo.org)
International Labour Organization - ILO Tender Result
Contract Date16 Oct 2023
Contract AmountUSD 6.3 K
Purchase of several office furniture// Office supply
51-60 of 262 active Tender Results