Tender Results of International Labour Organization

Tender Results of International Labour Organization

International Labour Organization - ILO Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Maintenance and repair of MAG vehicles and machinery through a long-term agreement - LTA
Contract Date15 Mar 2024
Contract AmountRefer Documents 

International Labour Organization - ILO Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Laos, Thailand
Acquisition of Medical and Hospital Furniture for Latin American and Caribbean countries.
Contract Date5 Mar 2024
Contract AmountRefer Documents 

International Labour Organization - ILO Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Dear Bidder, On behalf of the International Labour Organization, your company is invited to submit a bid in response to ITB/004/2023/ROAS/FH- Routine Road Maintenance & Spot Improvement – Amchit Cluster. A mandatory Site Visit & Pre-bid Meeting will take place on 31/10/2023 at 10:30AM, Venue is Municipality of Amchit. P.S: The road starts at Amchit (34.1499003, 35.6332892) and ends at Lehfed (34.1660053, 35.7857326). Request for clarification deadline: 3 Nov 2023 before 15:30. Bid submission deadline: 10 Nov 2023 before 15:30, Beirut Time Only bidders who will attend the Site visit and the pre-bid meeting can submit their proposals. If for some reasons the access to ILO e-Sourcing platform is not possible, please contact the ILO at bey-procurement@ilo.org Note: The ILO will only accept electronic offers submitted via the e-Sourcing platform. Your participation is highly appreciated, and we thank you in advance for your interest in doing business with the ILO. Best Regards. ILO Procurement. EIIP.
Contract Date16 Feb 2024
Contract AmountRefer Documents 

International Labour Organization - ILO Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
The International Labour Office (hereinafter the “ILO”) is pleased to invite your company to submit a Proposal for the Lessons Learned and Documentation of Implementation Experience of ILO PROSPECTS and Development of Actionable Knowledge Products as further described in Annex III Terms of Reference (TOR) of RFP/63/2023/JUG. Your Proposal must be received by the ILO no later than 15 November 2023 15h00 CET. Late bids will be rejected. The Non-Mandatory Bidders' Conference will take place online on Wednesday 1 November 2023 from 16h00-17h00 CET. See RFP/63/2023/JUG to access the Conference. Please be cautious when uploading documents to the ILO eSourcing Platform and ensure that only the technical proposal documents are uploaded into the Technical Envelope and only the financial proposal is uploaded into the Financial Envelope, as an error in this regard will have an impact on an offer's eligibility for evaluation. In order to access the complete tender documentation, your company must be a registered UNGM supplier and subscribe to ILO tenders. If for some reason access to the ILO e-Sourcing platform is not possible, please contact the ILO Procurement Bureau at pcrt@ilo.org. We look forward to receiving your Proposal. ILO Procurement Bureau
Contract Date14 Feb 2024
Contract AmountRefer Documents 

International Labour Organization - ILO Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Dear Bidder, On behalf of the International Labour Organization, your company is invited to submit a bid in response to ITB 001/2023/ROAS/Beirut/FH pertaining to the Construction/Rehabilitation of Agricultural Roads in Tal Maeeyan, Akkar Governorate. (Re-advertised) A mandatory Site Visit & Pre-bid Meeting will take place on 30/08/2023 at 11:00AM, Venue is Municipality of Tal Maeeyan, Akkar, Lebanon. Request for clarification deadline: 31 Aug 2023 before 14:30. Bid submission deadline: 08 Sep 2023 before 15:30, Beirut Time Only bidders who will attend the Site visit and the pre-bid meeting can submit their proposals. If for some reasons the access to ILO e-Sourcing platform is not possible, please contact the ILO at pcrt@ilo.org Note: The ILO will only accept electronic offers submitted via the e-Sourcing platform. Your participation is highly appreciated, and we thank you in advance for your interest in doing business with the ILO. Best Regards. ILO Procurement. EIIP.
Contract Date5 Feb 2024
Contract AmountRefer Documents 

International Labour Organization - ILO Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Acquisition of educational robotics equipment for the Ministry of Education of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires
Contract Date2 Feb 2024
Contract AmountUSD 162 K 

International Labour Organization - ILO Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Madame, Monsieur, Le Bureau international du Travail (BIT) a le plaisir d’inviter votre entreprise à soumettre une offre ayant pour objet un mandat pour la création d'une Application Mobile pour le BIT. Les sociétés qui souhaitent soumissionner doivent être enregistrées auprès de UN Global Marketplace (UNGM) (www.ungm.org). Si votre entreprise est déjà inscrite, vérifiez que vos coordonnées (adresse email, nom de la personne de contact, etc.) sont à jour. Assurez-vous aussi que le BIT fait partie de la liste des organisations des Nations Unies qui correspondent à votre profil sous l’onglet « Organisations des Nations Unies ». En cas de problème, veuillez contacter le service support UNGM à l’adresse ci-après : registry@ungm.org Veuillez noter que pour accéder et télécharger les documents faisant partie de cet appel d’offres vous devez être connecté à votre compte UNGM. Votre offre devra être soumise via le système d’appels d’offres sécurisé du BIT, via UNGM, au plus tard le 8 novembre 2023 à 16h00 (CET). Toutefois, si l’utilisation dudit système s’avérait impossible, vous avez la possibilité de contacter le service support du BIT à l’adresse suivante : pcrt@ilo.org afin de solliciter l’autorisation de soumettre votre offre en format papier. Cette façon de procéder devra être dûment justifiée. Le BIT se réserve le droit de rejeter toute requête infondée. Cordialement Bureau des Achats du BIT
Contract Date23 Jan 2024
Contract AmountRefer Documents 

International Labour Organization - ILO Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
RFP 12/2023 EVAL LTAs.
Contract Date19 Jan 2024
Contract AmountRefer Documents 

International Labour Organization - ILO Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Dear Sir/Madam, The International Labour Office (ILO) is pleased to invite your company to submit a proposal for the performance of the works described in the attached annexes. Submissions must be received by the ILO no later than 21 September 2023, 17h00 Zimbabwe time, via the e-Sourcing platform. A mandatory Site Visit is scheduled on 31 August 2023 at Hauna, at 2km after Hauna Growth Point 2km from the in the northeast direction, Mutasa District, Manicaland province of Zimbabwe (UTM coordinates: X:486223; Y: 7955894) . Bidders requiring any clarification on technical, commercial or legal aspects of the ITB documents may notify the ILO by using the e-Sourcing platform through the “Messages” tab (please refer to the “How to communicate with the Buyer” section in Annex I-A e-Sourcing - Supplier User Guide). Request for clarification deadline is on 1 September 2023, 17h00 Zimbabwe time. The ILO will only accept bids through e-sourcing platform. Bidders are advised to log into the e-Sourcing platform immediately upon receipt of such notification in order to be promptly informed of any change that may have occurred following the clarifications provided. If for some reason access to the ILO e-Sourcing platform is not possible, please contact the ILO at pcrt@ilo.org. Your participation is highly appreciated and we thank you in advance for your interest in doing business with ILO. Thank you in advance, ILO PROCUREMENT
Contract Date2 Jan 2024
Contract AmountRefer Documents 

International Labour Organization - ILO Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
ILO is inviting bidders to price the manufacturing, supply and delivery of office furniture before 25 December 2023
Contract Date30 Dec 2023
Contract AmountRefer Documents 
41-50 of 262 active Tender Results