Tender Results of Hscc India Limited
Tender Results of Hscc India Limited
HSCC India Limited Tender Result
Healthcare and Medicine
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
CATEGORY: Haemodialysis Machine , Portable RO Plant 125 LPH for
Hemodialysis , Carbonate Mixing Machine , 3 KW Step Up
Transformer Input 120 60 Hz , Container Based Sets
Contract Date30 Jul 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 66.4 Million (USD 790.6 K)
HSCC India Limited Tender Result
Electrical Cables And Wires...+2Electrical and Electronics, Electronics Equipment
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
CATEGORY: CAT 6A Cable , CAT 6A IO including Pentascanning ,
Faceplate 1 port or 2 port , CAT 6A 1m patch cord , CAT 6A
2m patch cord , RJ 45 Connector , 24 port loaded Patch
Panel , 6 core SM OS2 or OS1 Optical Fiber Cable , 6 core
MM OM4 or OM3 OFC , Patch Cord Single Mode 3 mtr , MM
Patchchord 3 mtr , MM Pigtail with Splicing and OLTS , MM
Pigtail with Splicing and OLTS with MS office Licenses ,
Pigtail SM with Splicing and OLTS , 12 Port MM LIU , 24 Port
MM LIU , 24 Port SM LIU , PVC flexible conduit 25 mm , PVC
batten 25 mm , PVC Conduit 25 mm , HDPE Pipe 40 mm ,
Stacking Cable , 42 U rack Networking Rack , Trenchless
Digging soft hard digging , Manhole pit , Workstation with 3
MP Medical Grade MONITOR , Workstation with 1.3 MP
Medical Grade MONITOR , Server , Unified storage 43 TB ,
Unified storage 48 TB , 42 U Rack for server , Layer 3
Distribution Switch MII , Antivirus , 27U Rack , Viewing
workstation , Software Licenses for Picture archeival and
communication system , Implementation and Training Cost
for Picture archeival and communication system , 3D
License for MiP MPR 5 licenses , Advance 3 D tool ,
Integration with HMIS , Charges for Interfacing with
Radiology Equipment , Installation Testing and
Commissioning , Onsite Engineer for 2 year for maintenance
of Picture archeival and communication system , SMS
Charges for 3 Lacs SMSs , CMC for 6th year of above PACS
Hardware and Software components from 1 to 42 , CMC for
7th year of above PACS Hardware and Software components
from 1 to 42
Contract Date29 Jul 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 48.7 Million (USD 580.9 K)
HSCC India Limited Tender Result
Electrical and Electronics...+2Electronics Equipment, Software and IT Solutions
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
CATEGORY: Maintenance and support for QMS Hardware and Software ,
Maintenance and support for TV Display , Maintenance and
support for Server , QMS Thermal Roll , Onsite QMS
Contract Date22 Jul 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 6.6 Million (USD 79.5 K)
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
HSCC India Limited Tender Result
Civil And Architectural Services...+2Consultancy Services, Software and IT Solutions
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
CATEGORY: Renewal of Architecture Engineering and Construction
Collection IC Commercial ELD single user licenses , Renewal
of BIM Collaborate Pro CLOUD Commercial licenses ,
Renewal of BEXEL Manager licenses , Training 4 Days
advance training on AEC Collection BIM Collaborate ,
Training 3 Days advance training on BEXEL Manager
Contract Date12 Jul 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 1.6 Million (USD 19.7 K)
HSCC India Limited Tender Result
Electrical and Electronics...+1Electronics Equipment
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
CATEGORY: SITC of Gang Box , SITC of Face Plate 1 Port 2 Port White ,
SITC of 24 Port loaded Cat 6 A I Os Patch Panel including
adapters , SITC of Cat6A RJ45 Sheilded Jack for server room
, SITC of 19 inch Rack 12 U Wall Mount Rack with all
standard accessories that include Cable Manager Power Bar
with sockets , SITC of 6 Core FOC OM4 cable , SITC of Cat6A
RJ45 Sheilded Jack with high end modules for server room ,
SITC of CAT 6 A U FTP cable , PVC conduit , SITC of 24 Port
loaded Patch Panel Cat 6 A I Os including adapters including
distribution equipment type 1 etc , SITC of Cat 6A Patch
Mounting Cord 1 mtrs , SITC of Cat 6A Patch Mounting Cord
2 mtrs , SITC of 24 port MM LC LIU Fibre Panel , SITC of 12
port MM LC LIU Fibre Panel , SITC of 19 inch Rack 42U Rack
with all standard accessories that include Cable Manager
Power Bar with sockets and mounted with high end server
room equipment , SITC of Cat 6A Sheilded RJ 45 connectors
for Wi Fi devices as per the technical specificaton mentioned
including access points , Supply of LC Pigtail MM , SITC of
19 inch Rack 12 U Wall Mount Rack with all standard
accessories that include Cable Manager Power Bar with
sockets and security appliance etc , SITC of 24 Port loaded
Patch Panel including distribution equipment type 2 and 10
G Stacking Cable adapters , SITC of LC LC Multimode 3 Mtrs
Patchcord , SITC of 19 inch Rack 12 U Wall Mount Rack with
all standard accessories that include Cable Manager Power
Bar with sockets etc with distribution equipment type 3
Contract Date29 Jun 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 8.3 Million (USD 100 K)
HSCC India Limited Tender Result
Software and IT Solutions
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
CATEGORY: RIS PACS software with VNA with 1 years support , HIS
integration , Interfacing with Radiology Modalities ,
Implementation Training Support of RIS PACS , 3D Software
Licenses , 2nd year Support for PACS software , 3rd year
Support for PACS software , 4th year Support for PACS
software , 5th year Support for PACS software , Radiology
Work station with DVD writer and Antivirus , NAS Storage
200TB , Application and Database Server , Unified storage
200 TB , Server for Backup , Film Digitizer , 2MP Dual Head
Diagnostics Monitor , Cat 6 A cable , 42 U Rack , Input
Output Faceplate Patch Chord etc , 12 U Rack , 24 Port
Access Switch with min 2x10 G ports , 1 KVA UPS with 30
min Backup , 10 KVA UPS with 30 min Backup , LR Module
10G SFP , SR Module 10G SFP , 5 mtr 10G DAC Cable , OFC
Connection with accessories , 4th year AMC cost for PACS
Hardware , 5th year AMC cost for PACS Hardware ,
Manpower 1 Nos support for 1st year , 6th year CMC for
PACS Software , 7th year CMC for PACS Software , 8th year
CMC for PACS Software , 9th year CMC for PACS Software ,
10th year CMC for PACS Software , 6th year CMC for PACS
Hardware , 7th year CMC for PACS Hardware , 8th year CMC
for PACS Hardware , 9th year CMC for PACS Hardware , 10th
year CMC for PACS Hardware
Contract Date25 Jun 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 89.5 Million (USD 1 Million)
51-60 of 1164 active Tender Results