Gulf Cooperation Council Tender Results
Gulf Cooperation Council Tender Results
Qatarenergy Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
EPIC FOR ELE&TEL UTILITIES FOR SSA-1&2 WEST END EXTN-This project Scope of Work is the EPIC of Electrical and Telecom System facilities for West End Extension, Ras Laffan to achieve the following. Power Transmission network consists of 132KV and 33kV System with 132/33kV and 33/11kV Substations, 132kV and 33 kV Cable feeders and PMS network for the West End Area of Raslaffan. Subtransmission cable ring networks of 11kV System for complete SSA Phase-1 and Phase -2 area with Package substations and RMUs. Distribution network to cater load requirement of Street Lightings and Traffic Signals lights for all major and main Roads of West End including the provision of Street Lighting and Traffic Signal Lights. Establish Fibre Optic Transmission and Distribution Telecom/Data network system infrstructure for RLC West End Extension which comprises, FO cable network in ducts, telecom buildings with active equipment to cater the requirements such as telecom, IT data transfer, Fire Alarm Network, PMS network, etc. Bidders shall essentially have sufficient experience in EPIC contracts for 132kV Cable Feeders and Substations ( or higher voltage level, 33kV, 11kV systems and in Telecom infrastructure development.
Contract Date17 Aug 2009
Contract AmountQAR 605.4 Million (USD 166.2 Million)
Qatarenergy Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
WATER UPGRADE DUKHAN TOWNSHIP & DUKHAN SEWAGE TREATMENT PLAN-This SOW for Feasibility Study is based on the requirements of PINs No OMD 07/06D(Upgrade of Potable Water in Dukhan Water in Dukhan ship and FSD 02/06D Upgrade of Dukhan Sewage Treatment Plant. The SOW has been divided into two parts with each part addressing the requirements of each PIN separately. It is however required that the assessment for each PIN will run concurrently.
Contract Date15 Feb 2009
Contract AmountQAR 2.4 Million (USD 683.8 K)
Qatarenergy Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
PROVISION OF OFFSHORE RIG FOR DRLG & W/O OP'S-This tender is issued to provide QP with Offshore Rig for Drilling & Workover Operations in QP Offshore Fields for a period of Two years (One Year confirmed plus One year Optional to be confirmed by QP with same prices, Terms and conditions)
Contract Date6 Jul 2008
Contract AmountQAR 703.4 Million (USD 193.1 Million)
Qatarenergy Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
EPIC OF VARIOUS SHEDS AT REFNRY-MESAIEED-Engineering, Procurement, Installation and Commission various sheds to provide proper shade / housing for consumables, equipments, tools etc. The Scope of Work as a minimum shall include the following activities. Construct 7 Nos. sheds, for the storage of lu be oil near process unit equipments. Demolish and rebuild the existing 4 Nos. lube oil storage sheds. Construct 14 Nos. sheds, for s torage of chemical drumson the existing paved areas. Extend existing heavy equipment storage by one more bay (approx. 10m high). Con struct proper shed to house thermo jet purifiers and power operated cradle platforms. Air Conditioned lapping rooms shall be also co nstructed. Construct proper extension between two existing entrance rooms of the material warehouse to convert it to a receiving roo m for central warehouse. Construction of a dedicated central shed in the material stores for the storage of oil and grease.
Contract Date23 Apr 2006
Contract AmountQAR 19.9 Million (USD 5.4 Million)
Qatarenergy Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
PURCHASE IMPLMNT,MAINT OF LAB I/MANGMNT-A computerized Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS), manufactured by Thermo has been implemented to assist laboratory ana lyst to maintain control on chemical applications and to select more suitable oil field chemicals in April 2004. As part of the on-g oing initiative to improve the utilization and application technology, QP decided to Implement the LIMS Phase 2, as defined below. 1. Granting the continued right of use to QP a number of existing standard SampleManager SOFTWARE packages, by Thermo, implemented under 3-tier server-client architecture. 2. The purchase and supply of standard SOFTWARE interfaces from Thermo as required for t he Scope of Services including interfaces between the LIMS server and laboratory instruments and handheld devices. 3. The purchase and supply of standard SOFTWARE interfaces from third party suppliers as required for the Scope of Services not including OSI PI hi storian interface SOFTWARE. 4. Granting the right to use to QP a number of standard SOFTWARE package to be implemented under the e xisting server-client architecture as described further. Newly dedicated SOFTWARE interfaces include: a) to handheld devices b) to l aboratory instrument integration c) to Matrikon?s Dukhan Information Center (DIC) d) to OSI PI Historian e) to web report interface 5. The configuration, implementation and testing on-site integration of the LIMS and applicable interface. 6. Training Services. 7. LIMS standard SOFTWARE supports. 8. Project and Vendor documentation.
Contract Date1 Dec 2005
Contract AmountQAR 8.8 Million (USD 2.4 Million)
2001-2010 of 2035 active Tender Results