Tender Results of Government Medical College
Tender Results of Government Medical College
Government Medical College Tender Result
Food Products
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
CATEGORY: Canteen Service - Best Price on Fixed Menu Rate Model -
Vegetarian, Non-Vegetarian; Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner,
Snacks, Beverages; Inside Building Premises (exclusive for
employees/ patients/ in house personnel)
Contract Date28 Oct 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 290 (USD 3.4492824)
Government Medical College Tender Result
Healthcare and Medicine
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
CATEGORY: Castroviejo needle Holder without lock , bard parker handle
, kelly descemets membrane punch , Hydrodissection
cannula round tip , Hydrodissection cannula Flat tip , Air
injection cannula angled , Air injection cannula Curved ,
simcoe cannula , Knolle-Pearce Irrigating Vectis , SICS
irrigating victies , utrata capsulorhexis forceps , lims forceps
, mcpherson iol holding forceps , dastoor superior rectus
forceps , Kelmen mcpherson forceps , Hartman hemostatic
mosquito straight forceps , Hartman hemostatic mosquito
curved forceps , Halstead hemostatic mosquito forceps ,
Sponge Holding Forceps , Micro carneal curved scissor ,
westcott tenotomy scissors sharp pointed tip , westcott
tenotomy scissors blunt tip , vannas scissors Straight ,
vannas scissors Curved , Adult barraquer wire speculum ,
Child barraquer wire speculum , Infant barraquer wire
speculum , Adult barraquer wire speculum Solid blades ,
Child barraquer wire speculum Solid blades , Sinskey hook ,
Jaffe lens spatula , Barraquer Iris spatula , castroviejo
cyclodialysis spatula , Wilder lens loop handled vectis ,
colibri forceps , castroviejo suturing forceps , Micro Pierse
Contract Date23 Oct 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 132.7 K (USD 1.5 K)
Government Medical College Tender Result
Automobiles and Auto Parts
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
CATEGORY: Automotive Vehicles - Pneumatic Tyres for Passenger Car
Vehicles - Diagonal and Radial Ply as per IS 15633 (Q2)
Contract Date17 Oct 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 26.7 K (USD 318.04645)
Government Medical College Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
CATEGORY: Suasruta Samhita-l , Susruta Samhita II , Text Book of
Rachana Sharira , Ayu.Rachna Sharir Vigyan , Research
Methodology and Medi. Statistics , Astanghridya of
vagbhatta , Astanghridya of Vagbhatta VOl-I , Aatanghrldya
of Vagbhatta Vol-III , Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Ayurveda ,
Padarth vijnana ENG. , Agadtantra Vyaharyveda Avam Vidhi
Vaidhak , Ayd.Prasuti Tantra-English , Dravyagana Vigyan I ,
Dravyagun Vignan II , Dravyaguna Vigyan III , Kaya Chikitsa
Vol I Hindi , Kaya Chikitsa Vol II Hindi , Kaya Chikitsa Vol III
Hindi , Kaya Chikitsa Vol IV Hindi , Ayurvediya Sar , Text
Book of Rasashastra ENG , A.T.B.of Kaya Chikitsa Vol I , H-
A.T.B. of Kaya Chikitsa-II , Post Graduate T.B.of Samhita
Siddhanta , T.B. Agad Tantra Evam Vidhi Vaidak ,
Kamarbhartiya Updated , Text Book of Panchakarma
Vijnana , Namalinganusasana Nam Or Amar Kosh ,
Kaumarbhrtya , Ayd. Prasuti Tantra Hindi , Ayd.Stri roga
Vigyan Hindi , Rasa Shastra Evam Bhaishjya Kalpana l ,
Carak samhita Chakrapanni , Astanga Hridayam Hemadri ,
Susruta Samhita Dalhan Commentary , Susruta Samhita-
VOL I , Susruta Samhita-VOL II , Susruta Samhita VOL III , A
T.B.of Kaumarbhrtya , T.B. of Roga nidana evam vikriti
vigyan II , A.T.B.of Dravyaguna Vijnana I , A.T.B.of
Dravyaguna Vijnana II , Madhava Nidana Vol I , Madhava
Nidana Vol II , Kasyap Samhita Or Vrddha Jivakiya Tantra ,
Samhita Adhyayan I Eng. , Caraka Samhita Sutra Sthana ,
Caraka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana , Caraka Samihrta
Kalpa,Siddhi Sthana , A T. B. of Bhaisajyaq Kalpana
Vijnanam P.B. , Padarth Vigyan HINDI , Shalakya Tantra Vol
1 to 11 Eng. And Hindi Ver. , Ayurvediya Roga Nidana I ,
Ayurvediya Roga Nidana II , Outline of Salyatantra ,
Sanskritarn Evain Ayuryeda Itihas ENG. , A.T.B. of Shalakya
Tantra I Netra Roga , A.T.B. of Shalakya Tantra Vol II Kaena
5 OW Nasa , A Hand Book of Dravyaguna Detail , A H.B.of
Dravyaguna Vijnana Non Detailed , Sahasrayogarn
Compendum of 1000 , T.B.of Shalya Tantra I Eng. , T.B.of
Shalya Tantra II Eng. , Chakradatta Moot , Recent Advance
In Ksarasutra , Anusa. MCQS in Research Method and Bio.
Com.Ex , Ayurveda Samhita Adhayayan HINDI , Vaat Vyadhi
Chikitsa Vigyan , Guide to Ayd.Competitive Exm.Vol 1 ,
Guide to Ayd. Competitive Exm.Vol II , Tantra Me Ayurveda ,
Ayurved Pravesh Pariksha Darpan , Agad Tantra MCQ ,
Rasamrtam , Parparti Kalpa A Pharmaceutical Dosage Form
, Principle and Practies of Ayurvedic Medicine , MCQ s in
Swasthavritta , Vyavaharayurveda and Vidhivaidyak PB ,
Pricip and Pract of Panchakarma 4th Edition , Pract.Guide to
Dravyaguna Vijnanam , Agadatantra PB , Research
Methadology and Medical Statics , The Ceremony of Sacred
Thread , Concept of Manas in Ayurveda , Dincharya-
Ritucharya Evam Sadvritta , Ayd.Pachan Tantra Chikitsa
Siddhant , Prameha An Ayd. Concord.Taxtual Ref Frm ,
Research Methodology and Medical Statistics , An
Introduction to Nighantu of Ayuveda , Hand Book of
Rasasastra , Kriya Sharira-Shlokavali , M.C.Q.s on
Astangahridayam Sutra Sthana , Grahani An Ayd. Con. of
Text.Ref. Frm Brih , Sanchipt Charaka Samhita Hindi , Yoga
and Ayurveda New Revised Edition
Contract Date16 Oct 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountINR 297.6 K (USD 3.5 K)
51-60 of 2349 active Tender Results