Tender Results of Gateshead Council
Tender Results of Gateshead Council
Gateshead Council Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Holiday Activities and Food Plus App-Gateshead Council currently run a number of holiday camps in the Christmas, Easter, and Summer school holidays for children up to age 16, through the Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Scheme. This is part of a national programme run, with funding coming from the Department for Education, further information on the national programme is available on the DfE's website. The camps are popular with under 11s, with a high number of participants, but has struggled to attract older age groups. T...
Contract Date13 Mar 2024
Contract AmountGBP 52.6 K (USD 66.4 K)
Gateshead Council Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
CONTRACT FOR A SOLAR PHOTO VOLTAIC (PV) INSPECTIONS & MAINTENANCE SERVICE-The purpose of this procurement is to appoint a fully qualified, experienced and competent Contractor to provide a professional cyclical Inspection and Maintenance Service to Gateshead Council and their partner organisations to ensure their Portfolio of Solar PV installations are operating to their full capacity and remain in good and safe condition and fit for their intended purpose as detailed within the suite of Tender documentation.
Contract Date13 Mar 2024
Contract AmountGBP 176 K (USD 225.5 K)
Gateshead Council Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Consultancy Services to Support the Strategic Development of Technology Enabled Care in Gateshead-Gateshead Council (the Council) has appointed a supplier to develop, in conjunction with the Council, the strategic approach and vision for the use and delivery of technology enabled care (TEC), with a focus on prevention and reducing formal care needs as well and enabling greater independence in a person's own home.
Contract Date1 Mar 2024
Contract AmountGBP 27.5 K (USD 35 K)
Gateshead Council Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
BIN LORRY CCTV SYSTEM-Upgrade of Mobile Digital Video Recording (MDVR) equipment for Council Bin Lorry Fleet to a 4G capable system as the 3G network is currently being shut down across the UK. Cameras, cables, monitors, sensors, and associated elements can be upgraded as part of this contract when deemed necessary. Any new RCV vehicles purchased by the Council may require the MDVR equipment, cameras, cables, monitors, sensors, and associated elements fitted on-site at the vehicle manufacturers premises prior to d...
Contract Date1 Mar 2024
Contract AmountGBP 68.4 K (USD 86.4 K)
Gateshead Council Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Forest School Programme Along the Tyne Derwent Way-Gateshead Council, on behalf of the Gateshead Riverside Partnership, which comprises Gateshead Council, Tyne and Wear Building Preservation Trust, National Trust, Newcastle University and Northumbria University have appointed a Forest School provider to deliver a programme of Forest School along the Tyne Derwent Way, with a specific focus on Gateshead Riverside Park. The Tyne Derwent Way (see attached plan) is a blue green corridor which stretches from Gateshead Town Centre to Gibside (Nation...
Contract Date6 Feb 2024
Contract AmountGBP 43.6 K (USD 55.1 K)
Gateshead Council Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
FRAMEWORK FOR THE SUPPLY OF DRUG TESTING EQUIPMENT AND DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTING SERVICES ON BEHALF OF FDAC NE-Family Drug and Alcohol Courts North East (FDAC NE) covers Newcastle City Council, Gateshead Council and North Tyneside Council area. Acting on behalf of FDAC NE, Gateshead Council has established a Framework with legal drug testing providers to supply urine testing services and urine drug testing equipment in order to support intervention delivery. This contract has the option to extend for a further 2 x 12 month periods.
Contract Date2 Feb 2024
Contract AmountGBP 50 K (USD 63.2 K)
Gateshead Council Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Contract for an Artificial Intelligence Validator tool for integration with the Council planning system-Artificial Intelligence (AI) System to assist with the validation of planning applications including the integration between the planning portal and Idox and also exploring integration from Plan X. Agile AI Planning Validation solution combines the latest AI technologies to automate the validation process into any back-office solution.
Contract Date1 Feb 2024
Contract AmountGBP 75 K (USD 95.2 K)
Gateshead Council Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
GB-Gateshead: TPPL Gateshead Council HCC Lot 3 - 4 x Crew cab Multipurpose Tipper (17538)-6 x Crew Cab Multipurpose Tippers
Contract Date17 Jan 2024
Contract AmountGBP 300 K (USD 371.6 K)
Gateshead Council Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Disabled Access to Garden Area Including Decking-Run under Lot 40B of Gateshead Councils DPS for Construction Contractors and Sub-Contractors Dynamic Purchasing System. This project aims to improve disabled access and decking to a garden area.
Contract Date12 Dec 2023
Contract AmountGBP 31.4 K (USD 39.5 K)
Gateshead Council Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
PROPERTY ANALYSING SOFTWARE FOR BUSINESS RATES & COUNCIL TAX-Software system used for identifying properties that haven't been rated for business rates (or are under valued as the premises have been expanded) or domestic properties that haven't been valued for council tax. 12 month contract with an option to extend for a further 12 months
Contract Date1 Dec 2023
Contract AmountRefer Documents
41-50 of 169 active Tender Results