Tender Results of European Investment Bank
Tender Results of European Investment Bank
European Investment Bank Tender Result
Contract Date28 Feb 2023
Contract AmountEUR 11.3 Million (USD 11.9 Million)
The overall objective which underlies this agreement is to select a service provider who will, for each assignment, deliver high quality travel booking, travel management and travel administration services (otherwise referred to as associated services) and maintain business continuity for the EIB Group staff and its business travel activity.
European Investment Bank Tender Result
Contract Date3 Feb 2023
Contract AmountEUR 275.6 K (USD 290.4 K)
The overall objective of this assignment is to support the EIB in scoping of an EU-wide forestry investment advisory programme (FAP). This objective shall be reached by the independent assessment and identification of sector challenges, market failures, institutional gaps, target groups, investment needs, advisory gaps, needs for technical and financial advisory services, valuation of ecosystem services, contribution to cohesion policies, feasible implementation modalities and required monitoring of impacts and sustainability. Ultimately, the FAP shall contribute to the mobilisation of public and private sustainable investments in forestry and the wider forest-based bio-economy in the EU.
European Investment Bank Tender Result
Contract Date3 Feb 2023
Contract AmountEUR 498.6 K (USD 525.4 K)
The contracting authority intends to select a programme manager to coordinate the Greening Financial Systems (GFS) programme. The overall objective of the GFS programme is to promote net zero and climate-resilient financial systems that ultimately will support the private sector in deploying climate-related and environmentally sustainable investments. This will be done by providing capacity building and support to central banks and supervisors introducing best lending practices related to green financing in terms of procedures, processes and products available to financial intermediaries. The programme manager will coordinate the programme management team (‘PMT’) of the GFS programme, also including a network of EIB experts. The PMT will oversee the GFS programme and will be responsible for a number of transversal activities. The overall objective of the programme manager is to coordinate the programme efficiently and effectively according to EIB and the IKI fund procedures.
European Investment Bank Tender Result
Contract Date3 Feb 2023
Contract AmountEUR 1.6 Million (USD 1.7 Million)
Consultant shall undertake the following scope of work for the study section: • development of the preliminary design for alignment, superstructure, tunnel, structures, drainage, stations and road level crossings including the option analysis considering the relevant aspects, e.g. technical/technological, operational, environmental, financial, economical; • preparation of the feasibility study (including demand and cost-benefit analysis) and preliminary project procurement strategy; • preparation of environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA), stakeholder engagement plan (SEP), non-technical summary (NTS) and resettlement action plan (RAP); and • preparation of procurement documentation for the next step of project preparation.
European Investment Bank Tender Result
Contract Date30 Jan 2023
Contract AmountEUR 11.7 Million (USD 12.3 Million)
The overall objective of the Greening Financial Systems Technical Assistance Programme is to promote net zero and climate-resilient financial systems that ultimately will support the private sector in deploying climate-related and environmentally sustainable investments. This will be done by providing capacity building and support to central banks and supervisors, and introducing best lending practices related to green financing in terms of procedures, processes and products available to financial intermediaries.
European Investment Bank Tender Result
Contract Date23 Dec 2022
Contract AmountEUR 990 K (USD 1 Million)
The focus of this assignment will be on advising the Gingko Fund in the development of resilient neighbourhoods embedding nature nature-based solutions (NbS) and suggesting biophilic design solutions. The consultant will work alongside the Fund’s core project team on a selected set of five projects. NbS are integrated with the objective of strengthening the resilience to climate change impacts, to promote biodiversity and to maximise the quality of life of the new neighbourhoods. The practical design advice shall be based on an integrated approach that embeds NbS and where possible creates linkages with other green areas (biodiversity promoting green corridors). The team will identify and develop biophilic design options, and involve future inhabitants and citizens of the surrounding areas to ensure a design that caters to the needs of the local population where and whenever possible. The design advice will be based on in-depth climate risk and biodiversity. assessments of the sites.
European Investment Bank Tender Result
Contract Date20 Dec 2022
Contract AmountEUR 280 K (USD 295 K)
The assignment will support Transgaz to develop a climate strategy that allows it to act in the short term while also preparing for a more substantial energy transition over the decades to come. The objective of the assignment is to create a climate strategy for Transgaz that helps it to efficiently decarbonise its activities and strengthen its resilience to climate changes, taking into account best practices and national and international climate policies and regulations.
European Investment Bank Tender Result
Contract Date19 Dec 2022
Contract AmountEUR 237.9 K (USD 250.7 K)
The overall objective of this assignment is to support Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona (TMB) in the implementation of its prevention plans against all forms of harassment that aims at contributing to transport services being accessible to both women and men. — Evaluate the resources needed for the implementation of TMB’s harassment prevention plans identifying any potential gap based on TMB’s existing resources; — Support TMB’s in monitoring and measuring the impact of the harassment prevention plans; — Capturing the key findings and develop lessons learned from the assignment in order to share the identified results and learnings that could be used by other public transport providers in Spain and other EU countries.
European Investment Bank Tender Result
Contract Date5 Dec 2022
Contract AmountEUR 490 K (USD 516.4 K)
The Liberia Rice Value Chain Project supports an initiative of the Government of Liberia (GoL) to boost domestic rice production and processing capacity thereby reducing its reliance on imported rice. The GoL and private sector actors have invested heavily in the last decades to set up the infrastructure needed to boost production. Unfortunately, some infrastructure is not yet in operation or was abandoned, due in part to the internal civil conflict. The purpose of this contract is to conduct an in-depth feasibility study and design and structure the project in close consultation with the various stakeholders (government, local authorities, private sector, financiers, off-takers, logistics/transport and storage service providers, cooperatives, smallholder farmers and their organisations, vulnerable groups incl. women and youth, etc.) to ensure that all opportunities, demands, constraints and interests are taken into account.
European Investment Bank Tender Result
Contract Date29 Nov 2022
Contract AmountEUR 2.3 Million (USD 2.5 Million)
The European Guarantee for Renewable Energy (EGRE) is a European platform of collaboration for guarantees for sustainable energy projects jointly proposed by the EIB, AFD, CDP and KfW. It aims at the developing and implementing four new renewable energy, utility-scale, grid connected, bankable independent power producer IPP) projects in two pilot countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, Kenya and Niger. The lead transaction advisor will be responsible for the day-to-day management and the execution of the overall EGRE TA programme, in addition to being responsible for all financial and project management tasks, and will be the key counterpart to the EIB staff managing the EGRE TA programme and the public authorities in the two pilot countries.
31-40 of 54 active Tender Results