Tender Results of Economic And Technical Division National Police Corps
Tender Results of Economic And Technical Division National Police Corps
Economic And Technical Division National Police Corps Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Acquisition of spare material for the corrective maintenance of BO-105, EC-120, EC-135, and its annexed components and equipment, belonging to the Air Media Service of the National Police Corps, for the years 2015 and 2016.
Contract Date20 Feb 2015
Contract AmountEUR 1.6 Million (USD 1.7 Million)
Economic And Technical Division National Police Corps Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Adquisición de un sistema LC-MS Q-TOF ION-FUNNEL de ultra-alta resolución, para el laboratorio químico toxicológico de la Unidad Central de Anlálisis Científicos de la Comisaría General de Policía Científica.
Contract Date18 Dec 2014
Contract AmountEUR 277 K (USD 294.8 K)
211-220 of 317 active Tender Results