Tender Results of Dublin City Council

Tender Results of Dublin City Council

Dublin City Council Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Contract Date30 Jan 2024
Contract AmountGBP 4 Million (USD 5 Million)
Single Party Framework Agreement for the Provision of new firefighting Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and the maintenance of new and existing firefighting PPE’-Dublin Fire Brigade are seeking tenders for the Provision of new firefighting Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and the maintenance of new and existing firefighting personal protective Equipment (PPE) to Dublin Fire Brigade including fitting service, supply, delivery, maintenance, and provision of a PPE management database.Dublin Fire Brigade (DFB), as part of Dublin City Council and has approx. 1000 male and female fire-fighters working four continuous shifts 24/7 to deliver a fire, rescue, ...

Dublin City Council Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Contract Date26 Jan 2024
Contract AmountGBP 240 K (USD 304.8 K)
Multi Party Framework Agreement for the Provision of HR Consultancy Services to Dublin City Council Expression of Interest-Expression of Interest/Multi Party Framework AgreementFor the provision of various HR Consultancy Services to Dublin City CouncilThe EOI is for the provision of services as follows:•Conducting investigations under a number of Dublin City Council policies and Government Codes, including, but not limited to, the following: Dignity at Work Policy, Disciplinary Policy, Grievance Policy, Protected Disclosures Procedure, and the Code of Conduct for Employees•Assisting with strategic HR and organisatio...

Dublin City Council Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Contract Date22 Dec 2023
Contract AmountGBP 4 Million (USD 5 Million)
Multi Party Framework Agreement for Integrated Design Teams for Public Realm Projects.-Multi Party Framework Agreement for Integrated Design Teams for Public Realm Projects.Typical services will mainly be landscape architectural and urban design services for the delivery of refurbished public realm projects, refurbishment of public parks and the development of new public parks. Urban landscape planning studies, strategies, land use strategies and policy formation etc.The framework duration is 4 years.Projects under this framework will vary in scale but will typically be similar in...

Dublin City Council Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Contract Date18 Dec 2023
Contract AmountGBP 4 Million (USD 5.1 Million)
Single-Party Framework Agreement for Architect Led Integrated Design Team Services for the Redevelopment of Dalymount Park-Dublin City Council is seeking an Architect Led Integrated Design Team for the Redevelopment of Dalymount Park.The design team will comprise the following principle disciplines:(a) Architect Services including stadia design (incl. design team lead, fire safety design services, disability access design services, employer’s representative for the Works Contract, design certifier and assigned certifier services as defined under the Building Control (Amendment) Regulations 2014).(b) Civil & Structu...

Dublin City Council Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Contract Date15 Dec 2023
Contract AmountGBP 4.6 Million (USD 5.9 Million)
Public realm improvements works to Barrow Street for an area extending from the Grand Canal Street Upper to the junction with Ringsend Road, Dublin 4-Dublin City Council seeks to award a contract for works that will comprise of the following Public Realm Improvement works:•Introduction of traffic calming measures;•Widening of footpaths and provision of improved pedestrian crossing points.•Resurfacing of carriageway and footpaths.•Provision of cycle parking and cycle stands;•Improvements to the public realm to facilitate the disabled, visually impaired and elderly including the introduction of guidance strips, marked crossings and dished kerbs...

Dublin City Council Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Contract Date15 Dec 2023
Contract AmountGBP 75 Million (USD 95.6 Million)
Multi-Party Framework Agreement for Works Contractors in relation to non-residential projects with an estimated value in excess of €5,000,000.-Multi-Party Framework Agreement for Works Contractors in relation to non-residential projects, including cultural, recreational and community services with an estimated value in excess of €5,000,000 with an initial contract for the Rutland Street School Redevelopment and Refurbishment Project.

Dublin City Council Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Contract Date13 Dec 2023
Contract AmountGBP 152 Million (USD 192.9 Million)
Multi-Party Framework Agreement for residential works projects with a value range between €5,000,000 – 25,000,000 for Dublin City Council.-Multi-Party Framework Agreement for residential works projects with a value range between €5,000,000 – 25,000,000 for Dublin City Council. Stage 2- Tender Housing Project, Infirmary Road, Dublin 7. Projects to be delivered under the framework may include, new build, refurbishment and retrofit residential projects with an estimated value range between €5,000,000 - €25,000,000.

Dublin City Council Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Contract Date1 Dec 2023
Contract AmountGBP 16 Million (USD 20 Million)
SIngle Party Framework Agreement for Waste Enforcement-Dublin City Council seeks to establish a single party framework agreement for the provision of a waste enforcement service for an initial period of 4 years, from the date of commencement, and the contract may be extended for a further period of not more than 24 months, subject to the annual, periodic and other reviews, at the sole discretion of the Council. While it is envisaged that the contract will be for a 6 year period, the award of and duration of the contract is strictly subject to the p...

Dublin City Council Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date27 Nov 2023
Contract AmountEUR 16 Million (USD 17.4 Million)
Dublin City Council seeks to establish a single party framework agreement for the provision of a waste enforcement service for an initial period of 4 years, from the date of commencement, and the contract may be extended for a further period of not more than 24 months, subject to the annual, periodic and other reviews, at the sole discretion of the Council. While it is envisaged that the contract will be for a 6 year period, the award of and duration of the contract is strictly subject to the provision of a sufficient annual grant from the Department of Environment Climate and Comunications (DECC). The contract will be reviewed on an annual basis and the continuance of the contract for each subsequent year is subject to the provision of a sufficient annual grant and the Council’s continued obligation and requirement to provide a waste enforcement service under the current national structures.documentation available to download from www.etenders.gov.ie at RFT ID 234757

Dublin City Council Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract Date21 Nov 2023
Contract AmountEUR 152 Million (USD 166.4 Million)
Multi-Party Framework Agreement for residential works projects with a value range between €5,000,000 – 25,000,000 for Dublin City Council. Stage 2- Tender Housing Project, Infirmary Road, Dublin 7. Projects to be delivered under the framework may include, new build, refurbishment and retrofit residential projects with an estimated value range between €5,000,000 - €25,000,000.
1-10 of 130 active Tender Results