Tender Results of Bradford Metropolitan District Council

Tender Results of Bradford Metropolitan District Council

Bradford Metropolitan District Council Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Darley Street Market - AV Solution-The Council is building a new 3 storey market building on Darley Street in the City Centre which will have a new, fenced and gated, public square of around 1,000m2 with seating and planting. The Council is seeking to appoint a suitably experienced and qualified Provider (the Provider) to deliver a high quality audio visual experience for customers and visitors to the city, which includes a large outdoor screen.
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 400 K (USD 487.4 K)

Bradford Metropolitan District Council Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Cisco Hardware Support and Maintenance-The Council is seeking to appoint a suitably experienced and qualified Provider (the Provider) to deliver a support and maintenance service on the Council's existing Cisco network hardware. The Provider must have a direct relationship/partnership with Cisco and hold at least Gold Partnership Certification. It is anticipated that the contract will be for a period of 3 years with an option to extend by 2 periods of 12 months. The Council reserves the right to amend the scope of the support...
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 500 K (USD 620.9 K)

Bradford Metropolitan District Council Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
SAP Licences (VEAT Notification)-This is not an opportunity, but a VEAT notice to inform the Market that the Council is looking to renew its contract for SAP Enterprise Licences, Support and Maintenance to give them rights to product upgrades, new product functionalities, fixes & patches directly with SAP UK Ltd. The contract is not to procure a new system or solution, it is purely to cover the existing perpetual licences with ongoing support/maintenance across the entire stack and usage rights to SAP Solution Manager for a...
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 695 K (USD 872.6 K)

Bradford Metropolitan District Council Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Framework Agreement for Lifting Adaptations in Domestic Properties-The Council required a framework of suitably qualified and experienced suppliers who manufacture/supply and install Lifting Adaptations who are interested in gaining approval onto a framework agreement for supplying and installing these products in Domestic Properties. Please see Appendix 1 - Specification for full details.The Council is looking to appoint 4 suppliers per lot, but reserves the right to appoint less than 4 suppliers per lot should 4 suitable suppliers per lot not be identified.
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 700 K (USD 921.7 K)

Bradford Metropolitan District Council Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Mental Health Specialist Enablement & Recovery Service-In a partnership between the Bradford District Care Trust, Bradford Council and a Housing Provider we are establishing a new Specialist Supported Housing Project to start in April 2024. As part of this Project the Council is seeking to procure a 'Mental Health Specialist Enablement & Recovery Service' that will sit at the centre of a wider Community Rehabilitation Offer linked to fourteen assured short hold tenancies. The Mental Health Specialist Enablement & Recovery Service w...
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 747 K (USD 948.9 K)

Bradford Metropolitan District Council Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Double Glazed Units & Door Glass-The Council is looking for suppliers interested in gaining approval onto a framework agreement to manufacture Double Glazed Units (DGU's), Lot 1 & Door Glass, Lot 2 and deliver them to sites based throughout the Bradford District. Please see Appendix 1 - Specification and Appendix 2 - Pricing Matrix for full details
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 800 K (USD 974.9 K)

Bradford Metropolitan District Council Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Ilkley Grammar School - Resourced Provision-Resourced Provision for SEN Children including 2 new classrooms
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 866.2 K (USD 1 Million)

Bradford Metropolitan District Council Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
New Opportunities - Negotiated Procedure Awards-Regulation 32 awards of 4 New Opportunities contracts for Daytime Activities, following an initial unsuccessful procurement round.
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 1.5 Million (USD 1.9 Million)

Bradford Metropolitan District Council Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
CBMDC 481 - Capita One-Capita One Education Software as a Service. Management Information System (MIS) used by the authority across Education and Children's Services. Hosted SaaS. Annual payments subject to RPI. Procured from KCS Managed Services Framework Y20023
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 1.6 Million (USD 2 Million)

Bradford Metropolitan District Council Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
United Kingdom
Bowling Cemetery Extension - land grading drainage and provision of access roads and paths-Bowling Cemetery Extension - land grading, drainage and provision of access roads and paths The Council requires a suitably qualified and experienced Contractor to extend the existing Burial Grounds at Bowling Cemetery. This will require the delivery and management of on-site works from inception to completion. Please see Appendix 1 - Specification for full details It is expected that works on site will take no longer than 6 months. The anticipated value of the contract is £1.9 m...
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountGBP 1.7 Million (USD 2.1 Million)
391-400 of 412 active Tender Results