Tender Results of Beml Limited
Tender Results of Beml Limited
BEML Limited - BEML Tender Result
Healthcare and Medicine...+1Manpower Supply
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
Request For Proposal (rfp) For Selection Of Sevice Providor For Running Mmu (“mobile Medical Unit Service Procuring Agency (mmuspa)” ) Under Mukya Mantri Slum Swasthya Yojna For Bemetara, Nawagarh , Maro ,berla ,saja,khamhariya,devkar ,parpondi Cities
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNA
BEML Limited - BEML Tender Result
Machinery and Tools
Result Stage: Potential AOC Released
Shaft - 4921acke268e,shaft - 4921abea434j,shaft Carrier Roller - 4921aaka138h,shaft - 4921aafa343d CATEGORY: Shaft - 4921ACKE268E (Q3) , Shaft - 4921ABEA434J (Q3) ,
Shaft carrier Roller - 4921AAKA138H (Q3) , Shaft -
4921AAFA343D (Q3)
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountRefer Documents
6021-6030 of 6054 active Tender Results