Tender Results of Administrador De Infraestructuras Ferroviarias Spainish Railway Infrastructure Administrator Adif
Tender Results of Administrador De Infraestructuras Ferroviarias Spainish Railway Infrastructure Administrator Adif
Administrador De Infraestructuras Ferroviarias Spainish Railway Infrastructure Administrator ADIF Tender Result
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountRefer Documents
Supply and transportation of track equipment for the expansion of sectional tracks on the Miraflores-Sant Vicenç de Calders section (through Lleida) of line 200. Lot 1: Selgua, Marcén-Poleñino and Almudévar stations.
Administrador De Infraestructuras Ferroviarias Spainish Railway Infrastructure Administrator ADIF Tender Result
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNA
Facultative direction for the drafting of the construction project and execution of the connection works of the AV lines Madrid-Sevilla and Córdoba-Málaga in the area of Almodóvar del Río (Córdoba). Traffic control, signaling and telecommunication installations.
Administrador De Infraestructuras Ferroviarias Spainish Railway Infrastructure Administrator ADIF Tender Result
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNA
Construction project for the resolution of problems in fixed communications systems due to the duplication of track of line R3 of the Barcelona suburban train. Parets del Vallés-Granollers section and Granollers-La Garriga section and construction project for the installation of new SDH equipment and construction of shoring for cables in the Parets-La Garriga section due to effects of the doubling of track on line R3 of Cercanías de Barcelona
Administrador De Infraestructuras Ferroviarias Spainish Railway Infrastructure Administrator ADIF Tender Result
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNA
Emergency of works and services caused by the effects of the extreme heat waves in July 2022 on Line 770 Unquera -Santander, Line 772 Orejo - Lierganes, Line 780 Bilbao La Concordia - Santander and Line 790 Aranguren - Asuncion The University. Biscay. Installation of anti-buckling sleepers L780 and L790.
1931-1940 of 1967 active Tender Results