Tender Results of Administrador De Infraestructuras Ferroviarias Spainish Railway Infrastructure Administrator Adif

Tender Results of Administrador De Infraestructuras Ferroviarias Spainish Railway Infrastructure Administrator Adif

Administrador De Infraestructuras Ferroviarias Spainish Railway Infrastructure Administrator ADIF Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Technical assistance for health and safety coordination during the execution of maintenance work and investment works on conventional network and metric gauge network lines. (3 lots).Lot 1 North-Northwest
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountRefer Documents 

Administrador De Infraestructuras Ferroviarias Spainish Railway Infrastructure Administrator ADIF Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Internet access in the CPD of Villaverde Bajo
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountRefer Documents 

Administrador De Infraestructuras Ferroviarias Spainish Railway Infrastructure Administrator ADIF Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Lot 6 South Operations Subdirectorate
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountRefer Documents 

Administrador De Infraestructuras Ferroviarias Spainish Railway Infrastructure Administrator ADIF Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Lot 1 Northwest Operations Subdirectorate
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountRefer Documents 

Administrador De Infraestructuras Ferroviarias Spainish Railway Infrastructure Administrator ADIF Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Lot 5 Center Operations Subdirectorate
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountRefer Documents 

Administrador De Infraestructuras Ferroviarias Spainish Railway Infrastructure Administrator ADIF Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Lot 5 – North. Framework agreement on updates and improvement actions in the existing RFIG class A2, A3 and A4 level crossing facilities
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountRefer Documents 

Administrador De Infraestructuras Ferroviarias Spainish Railway Infrastructure Administrator ADIF Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Lot 2: preventive and corrective maintenance service for the buildings of the multi-operator stations of the Miranda de Ebro station headquarters.
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountRefer Documents 

Administrador De Infraestructuras Ferroviarias Spainish Railway Infrastructure Administrator ADIF Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Conservation of buildings and their facilities in facilities managed by the General Directorate of Circulation and Capacity Management. LOT 2: NORTHEAST
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountRefer Documents 

Administrador De Infraestructuras Ferroviarias Spainish Railway Infrastructure Administrator ADIF Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Acquisition of eight lots of machinery and tools for training, material recovery and machining activities carried out at the ADIF Track Technology Center. Lot 4 – training - power tool
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountRefer Documents 

Administrador De Infraestructuras Ferroviarias Spainish Railway Infrastructure Administrator ADIF Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Lot 2. Civil liability insurance for administrators and management personnel of Adif and Adif Alta Velocity, in excess of €10,000,000.00 of LOT I, with a compensation limit of up to €10,000,000.00.
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountRefer Documents 
1931-1940 of 1941 active Tender Results