Tender Results of Administrador De Infraestructuras Ferroviarias Spainish Railway Infrastructure Administrator Adif

Tender Results of Administrador De Infraestructuras Ferroviarias Spainish Railway Infrastructure Administrator Adif

Administrador De Infraestructuras Ferroviarias Spainish Railway Infrastructure Administrator ADIF Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountEUR 3.2 Million (USD 3.4 Million)
Comprehensive management of civil protection facilities in the tunnels belonging to the Madrid-Barcelona-French Border High Speed Line

Administrador De Infraestructuras Ferroviarias Spainish Railway Infrastructure Administrator ADIF Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountEUR 3.3 Million (USD 3.5 Million)
Execution of the works of the embankment stabilization project at kilometer point 245+440 of the Abando-Indalecio Prieto-Casetas intermodal line 700.

Administrador De Infraestructuras Ferroviarias Spainish Railway Infrastructure Administrator ADIF Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountEUR 3.3 Million (USD 3.5 Million)
Supply and transport of track devices for the remodeling of the Montcada bifurcation station. Phase I

Administrador De Infraestructuras Ferroviarias Spainish Railway Infrastructure Administrator ADIF Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountEUR 3.4 Million (USD 3.6 Million)
Order No. 3 framework agreement for the supply and transportation of rail for existing works in different areas of the conventional network

Administrador De Infraestructuras Ferroviarias Spainish Railway Infrastructure Administrator ADIF Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountEUR 3.4 Million (USD 3.7 Million)
Order No. 2 framework agreement for the supply and transportation of rail for existing works in different areas of the conventional network

Administrador De Infraestructuras Ferroviarias Spainish Railway Infrastructure Administrator ADIF Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountEUR 3.5 Million (USD 3.8 Million)
Order No. 1 framework agreement for the supply and transportation of rail for existing works in different areas of the conventional network

Administrador De Infraestructuras Ferroviarias Spainish Railway Infrastructure Administrator ADIF Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountEUR 3.5 Million (USD 3.9 Million)
Works on the project to execute a new halt adapted to accessibility in Loiola, Donostia-San Sebastián (Gipuzkoa).

Administrador De Infraestructuras Ferroviarias Spainish Railway Infrastructure Administrator ADIF Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountEUR 3.6 Million (USD 3.8 Million)
Order No. 1 framework agreement for the supply of new rail for the needs of the railway network of general interest

Administrador De Infraestructuras Ferroviarias Spainish Railway Infrastructure Administrator ADIF Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountEUR 3.6 Million (USD 3.9 Million)
Consultancy and assistance contract for the control of the construction projects for the undergrounding of the R2 line in the vicinity of Barcelona as it passes through the urban area of Montcada and Reixac (Barcelona). Variant of Vallbona and water bifurcation, and of the hydrogeological corrective measures of the LAV Barcelona – Figueres as it passes through Vallbona (Barcelona).

Administrador De Infraestructuras Ferroviarias Spainish Railway Infrastructure Administrator ADIF Tender Result

Result Stage: Awarded  (AOC Available)
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountEUR 3.7 Million (USD 4 Million)
Supply and transportation of ballast for the track renewal of the Ontinyent-Alcoy section of line 342 Xàtiva-Alcoy
1541-1550 of 1874 active Tender Results