Water Resources Department Tender

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Water Resources Department - WRD Tender

Civil And Construction
Irrigation Work
Opening Date17 Jan 2025
Closing Date27 Jan 2025
Tender Amount₹ 2,71,41,911.33 



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Excavation in all type of soil in canal bed and side slopes for lining, sleepers, coping and under drainage arrangement including dressing to the profile, removal of spoil bank form with excavated material, removing the rubbish, separation of usefull and unusefull soil and usefull soil used for construction and unusefull soil disposal to the required places including dressing, wet excavation,Dewatering and pumping of the working area including all connected operations of laying of pipe line, removal of all seepage and other operations required for maintaining cleanliness for construction work etc. complete in all respect with all lead and lift and cost of all material as per drawing, specification and as directed by Engineer_in_ charge.




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Boring holes 200 mm dia piles with auger for under reamed pile to a depth of 3.5 m in any soil below sub-soil water level, if any, including reaming 2.5 times the dia of piles (one bulb only) etc. complete in all respect with all lead and lift including cost of all materials and as per drawing, design, specification and as directed by Engineer- in- Charge




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Providing and placing in position cement concrete 1:2:4 with 40mm graded stone ballast for in-situ sleepers for lining in canal bed and canal side slopes including mechanical mixing, form work, vibration, finishing, curing, cleaning etc. complete in all respect with all lead and lift including cost of all materials and as per drawing, design, specification and as directed by Engineer- in- Charge




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Tamping in canal bed and sides including saturation up to 30cm depth for preparation of earthen sub-grade before laying in-situ cement concrete lining etc. complete in all respect with all lead and lift including cost of all materials and as per drawing, design, specification and as directed by Engineer- in- Charge




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Providing and fixing in position LDPE film of 150 Micron (0.15mm) ISI Mark 2508 (Grade 231), including heat-sealed joints at ends as per IS:9698 etc. complete in all respect with all lead and lift including cost of all materials and as per drawing, design, specification and as directed by Engineer- in- Charge




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Providing & placing in position cement concrete of M-15 grade (1:2:4 with 20mm graded stone ballast ) for insitu lining in canal Bed and Canal side slopes and curvature including form work for laying in panels, screeding the surface of sides slopes with winche operated slip form, finishing, vibration, curing for 28 days, by constructing brick masonary drain with weep holes or perforated pipes on the coping at the top of lining or sprinklers, cleaning etc. complete in all respect with all lead and lift including cost of all materials and as per drawing, design, specification and as directed by Engineer- in- Charge




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Providing and placing in position cement concrete 1:2:4 with 40mm graded stone ballast for safety ladder IS:3873 including mechanical mixing, form work, vibration, finishing making 10mm wide grooves, curing, cleaning etc. complete in all respect with all lead and lift including cost of all materials and as per drawing, design, specification and as directed by Engineer- in- Charge




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Providing & Filling contraction joints (grooves) Groove of 27 mm depth as per IS:3873 with hot applied sealing compound IS:5256 including cleaning and washing grooves, painting its inner surfaces with primer IS:3384 at the rate of 1 litre per 4 sqm etc.complete in all respect with all lead and lift including cost of all materials and as per drawing, design, specification and as directed by Engineer- in- Charge




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Providing and laying approved cohesive non swelling (C.N.S.) soil in canal bed and slops including dressing breaking of clods, laying in layers of 15 cm thick horizontally,pride cutting and finish, including watering and compaction of C.N.S. at optimum moisture content to dry density not below 90% by light rollers i.e. non-powered rollers or sheep foot earth masters or hand rammers complete in all respect with all lead and lift including cost of all materials and as per drawing, design, specification and as directed by Engineer- in- Charge




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Providing and placing Painting top of sleepers with two layers of sealing compound, ISI Mark 5256, fist layer at the rate of 1 liter per 2 sqm and second layer at the rate of 1 liter per 4 sqm etc. .complete in all respect with all lead and lifts and cost of all materials as per drawing, design, specification and as directed by Engineer- in- charge.




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Providing and placing Plum cement concrete 1:3:6 with 75% graded metal of maximum size 40mm and 25% plums of 150mm size for building floor including cleaning of materials, mixing, laying, handling, ramming, machanical vibration, proper curing finishing etc. complete in all respect with all lead and lifts and cost of all materials as per drawing, design, specification and as directed by Engineer- in- charge.




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Providing and placing of cement concrete 1:2:4 with graded metal of maximum size 40mm for foundation of structure including cleaning of materials, mixing, laying, handling, ramming, machanical vibration, proper curing finishing i/c erection and removal of form work & shuttering with steel plate etc. complete in all respect with all lead and lift including cost of all materials and as per drawing, design, specification and as directed by Engineer- in- Charge




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Providing and placing in postion RCC M-20 for Footing, column, beam, lintel, slab, chajja, prtection wall & protection key with graded metal of maximum size 20mm including mechanical mixing, vibration, finishing, curing, cleaning, formwork, shuttering (excluding cost of reinforcement) etc.complete in all respect with all lead and lifts and cost of all materials as per drawing, design, specification and as directed by Engineer- in- charge




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Providing supply and fixing Mild steel bars conforming to Grade-1 of IS : 432 (part-I ) For RCC including cleaning straightening,cutting, bending, all handling, placing in position and binding with 0.90mm. annealed binding wire confirming to IS:280-1978 (including cost of binding wire) etc.complete in all respect with all lead and lifts and cost of all materials as per drawing, design, specification and as directed by Engineer- in- charge.




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Providing and placing Fly ash brick C.M. 1:3 (with the use of ash cement and sand) masonry in superstructure including mixing, finishing, curing, cleaning etc. complete in all respect with all lead and lifts and cost of all materials as per drawing, design, specification and as directed by Engineer- in- charge.




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Providing and placing Fly ash brick C.M. 1:4 (with the use of ash cement and sand) masonry in superstructure including mixing, finishing, curing, cleaning etc. complete in all respect with all lead and lifts and cost of all materials as per drawing, design, specification and as directed by Engineer- in- charge.




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Providing and placing Fly ash brick C.M. 1:6 (with the use of ash cement and sand) masonry in superstructure including mixing, finishing, curing, cleaning etc. complete in all respect with all lead and lifts and cost of all materials as per drawing, design, specification and as directed by Engineer- in- charge.




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Providing and laying 1:2:4 concrete in position cement concrete with graded metal of maximum size 20mm for coping over walls, laid in alternate panels of 1.5m, including mechanical mixing, form work, tamping, vibration, finishing, curing, cleaning etc.complete in all respect with all lead and lifts and cost of all materials as per drawing, design, specification and as directed by Engineer- in- charge.




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Providing and placing Priming coat with ready mixed paint brushing Zinc chrome, priming (IS: 104- 1979) on new steel/ galvanised iron surfaces including preparing the surface & Painting two or more coats (excluding priming coat) on new surfaces with ready mixed paint of approved brand and manufacture in all shades to give an even shade etc.complete in all respect with all lead and lifts and cost of all materials as per drawing, design, specification and as directed by Engineer- in- charge.




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Providing and placing Priming coat with ready mixed paint brushing Zinc chrome, priming (IS: 104- 1979) on new steel/ galvanised iron surfaces including preparing the surface & Painting two or more coats on new surfaces with ready mixed paint of approved brand and manufacture in all shades to give an even shade etc.complete in all respect with all lead and lifts and cost of all materials as per drawing, design, specification and as directed by Engineer- in- charge.




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Providing and placing 20 mm thick cement plaster to brickwork in- C.M. 1:3 including mixing, finishing, curing, cleaning etc.complete in all respect with all lead and lifts and cost of all materials as per drawing, design, specification and as directed by Engineer- in- charge.




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Providing and placing 10 mm thick cement plaster on the brickwork in- C.M. 1:6 including mixing, finishing, curing, cleaning etc.complete in all respect with all lead and lifts and cost of all materials as per drawing, design, specification and as directed by Engineer- in- charge.




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Providing and placing 6mm thick cement plaster to ceiling in- C.M. 1:3 including mixing, finishing, curing, cleaning etc.complete in all respect with all lead and lifts and cost of all materials as per drawing, design, specification and as directed by Engineer- in- charge.




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Providing and fixing Dry flush sweeper less latrine for two or more units complete, with all accessories, water seal arrangement, 50 mm dia vent pipe, wire cowl 15 cm x 10 cm dia outlet pipe, fitted to septic tank or soak pit , inclusive of all labour, material and transport expenses etc.complete in all respect with all lead and lifts and cost of all materials as per drawing, design, specification and as directed by Engineer- in- charge.




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Providing and placing Colour washing over and including a priming coat of white washing (two coats) etc. complete in all respect with all lead and lifts and cost of all materials as per drawing, design, specification and as directed by Engineer- in- charge.




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Providing, fabricating and fixing in position M.S. grills consisting of M.S. flats, channels, angle iron, T-section, joists, plates. for window opening (or any other similar opening), wicket gate, Compound gate or over parapets, grill on Staircase etc. or works of similar nature of any pattern, any design (straight or curved) fitted and fixed in position, including all welding, riveting etc., to floors, walls, columns, etc., and repairing the same to the original condition in CM 1:3 etc. complete in all respect with all lead and lifts and cost of all materials as per drawing, design, specification and as directed by Engineer- in- charge




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Providing and fixing 1mm- thick M.S. sheet garage door with frame of 40x40x6mm angle iron and 3mm M.S. gusset plates at the junction and comers , all necessary fittings complete including applying a primary coat of approved steel primer - using M.S. angles 40 x 40 x 6 mm for diagonal braces etc. complete in all respect with all lead and lifts and cost of all materials as per drawing, design, specification and as directed by Engineer- in- charge.




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Providing and fixing in position, white vitreous china (India type) 580 mm W.C. pan, IS: 2556 (Pt. II), with – “P” or “S” trap including removing the existing W.C. pan, if necessary, and making connection with other accessories such as flush pipe, outlet pipe and anti syphonic pipe fittings in cement concrete 1:4:8 in W.C. room, complete including making chases and holes in walls and floors, repairing the same in cement mortar 1:3 plastering to the original condition and painting of fittings etc. complete in all respect with all lead and lifts and cost of all materials as per drawing, design, specification and as directed by Engineer- in- charge.




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Providing and placing cement concrete 1:2:4 with graded metal of maximum size 40mm. cast in situ for abutment return/wings including providing




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Providing and fixing AC pipe of 100 mm. dia with grating for weep holes in abutment , wings walls, return wall etc.complete in all respect with all lead and lift with cost of all material and . as per drawing, design & specification and as directed by Engineer_in_charge




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Providing and filing foundation and around masonary works with materials obtained from spoils including watering and ramming etc. complete in all respect including all lead and lift with cost of all material as per drawing, design& specification and as directed by Engineer_in_charge.




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Filling foundations and around masonry works with soft soil or sand including watering and ramming etc. complete in all respect including all lead and lift with cost of all material and as per drawing, design& specification and as directed by Engineer_in_charge




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Filling foundation with 40 mm metal and hard moorum including watering and ramming etc. complete in all respect including all lead and lift with cost of all material and as per drawing, design, pecification and as directed by Engineer_in_charge




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Providing and placing of cement concrete 1:2:4 with graded metal of maximum size 20 mm including cleaning of materials, mixing, laying, handling, ramming, machanical vibration, proper curing finishing i/c erection and removal of form work & shuttering with steel plate etc. complete in all respect with all lead and lift including cost of all materials and as per drawing, design & specification and as directed by Engineer- in- Charge




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Providing and fixing in position RCC Hume pipe (Reinforced concrete, Mediam duty, Non pressure Pipes, Class: NP3) , 150mm Dia with ends of the pipes suitable for flush joints for canal structures including handling, toeing, filling the joints with filler materials and cement mortar 1:3 curing etc. complete in all respect with all lead and lift including cost of all materials and as per drawing, design & specification and as directed by Engineer- in- Charge.




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Proving and fixing earthing arrangement with 38.1 mm dia 2.5 meter long galvanized iron pipe electrode, including packing of charcoal powder and salt as per specification, watering pipe 19 mm dia G.I. connections, etc. complete with refilling the pit as required, but excluding the excavation of earth pit etc. complete in all respect with all lead and lift including cost of all materials and as per drawing, design & specification and as directed by Engineer- in- Charge.




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Providing and fixing Point wiring for fan and light point with 1.5 sq. mm PVC Insulated cable with aluminium conductor of approved make in concealed rigid. (PVC) non-metallic conduit of suitable size as required as per specifications etc. complete in all respect with all lead and lift including cost of all materials and as per drawing, design & specification and as directed by Engineer- in- Charge.




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Providing and fixing Approved make electric ceiling fan 900 mm sweep complete with standard down rod, canopy, hanging shackle blades and speed regulator suitable for operation on 2300250 volts A.C. supply etc. complete in all respect with all lead and lift including cost of all materials and as per drawing, design & specification and as directed by Engineer- in- Charge.




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Providing and fixing Approved make of fluorescent tube 2x40 watt fitting rust resistant, stove enameled, channel/rail/box type with copper wound choke, capacitor, starter, holder etc. duly wired complete, but without tube - each etc. complete in all respect with all lead and lift including cost of all materials and as per drawing, design & specification and as directed by Engineer- in- Charge.




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Supplying and fixing in position compact fluorescent lamp (C.F.L) 15 watt of approved make etc. complete in all respect with all lead and lift including cost of all materials and as per drawing, design & specification and as directed by Engineer- in- Charge




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Supplying of approved make 2 way distribution fuse boards, single pole and neutral 15/16 Amps 250 volts per way etc. complete in all respect with all lead and lift including cost of all materials and as per drawing, design & specification and as directed by Engineer- in- Charge




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Supplying and fixing as per specification 5 Amps 250 volts 3 pin ordinary socket outlets PB of approved make with necessary materials complete etc. complete in all respect with all lead and lift including cost of all materials and as per drawing, design & specification and as directed by Engineer- in- Charge




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Supplying of approved make iron clad/metal clad double pole switch fuses (conduit entry)- (l) 16 Amps 250 volts etc. complete in all respect with all lead and lift including cost of all materials and as per drawing, design & specification and as directed by Engineer- in- Charge




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Fixing of metal clad/iron clad 15/16 Amp SP/DPswitches on 25x5 mm flat iron clamps including supplying and fixing of clamps as required duly embedded in masonry including cable connection and other required materials as per specification etc. complete in all respect with all lead and lift including cost of all materials and as per drawing, design & specification and as directed by Engineer- in- Charge




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