Ladakh, known for its strategic location and growing infrastructure needs, offers multiple business opportunities through government contracts. The e tender Ladakh system facilitates procurement across various industries, including road construction, power projects, and supply contracts.

Ladakh tenders offer avenues for businesses, particularly Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), to broaden their business scope. The government emphasizes transparent and efficient procurement processes, providing opportunities through e-procurement in Ladakh.

The Administration of the Union Territory of Ladakh is taking steps to promote procurement from local MSMEs through the GeM (Government e-Marketplace) portal. These measures, initiated by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, include local filters, bid reservations, and purchase preferences for local producers.

Overview of Ladakh Tenders

The government of Ladakh releases tenders across sectors such as:

  • Infrastructure development – Roads, bridges, and buildings.
  • Energy projects – Solar and hydroelectric projects.
  • Supply contracts – Procurement of machinery, raw materials, and medical equipment.
  • Service tenders – IT services, consultancy, and maintenance contracts.

All Ladakh tenders are published on the official e tender Ladakh portal, ensuring a transparent and competitive bidding process.

Key Initiatives for Ladakh Tenders

  • Marketplace-based procurement: Buyers in Ladakh can use a local filter on the GeM portal to restrict procurement to sellers registered within Ladakh.
  • Reservation of bids for Local MSMEs: Procuring departments in Ladakh can incorporate a clause in the ATC library of GeM to reserve procurement for Micro and Small Enterprises from the state of the bid-inviting authority. To avail this benefit, bidders must be the manufacturer of the offered product (for goods) or the service provider (for services), with online validation through Udyog Aadhaar.
  • Purchase Preference for Local MSEs: A clause in the ATC Library of GeM allows procuring departments in Ladakh to give purchase preference to Micro and Small Enterprises (MSMEs) from the UT of Ladakh.
  • Department of Expenditure Measures: The Department of Expenditure has agreed to a provision of a local filter for L-1 (lowest price) purchases on the GeM portal for difficult areas for one year, subject to justification by buyers and reasonable prices from local sellers. Purchasers must obtain and upload financial concurrence for buying items at higher rates suggested by GeM.

E-Tendering Process

The bidding process is completed online through the e-Tender portal. To participate, bidders need to register with their Digital Signature Certificate (DSC).

Key Steps for e-Tendering

  1. Register on the e-Tendering system with a Class-2/Class-3 DSC issued by approved certifying authorities.
  2. Download the RFP (Request for Proposal) document from the e-Tender portal.
  3. Upload the Bid using a Digital Signature. All required documents must be uploaded electronically in PDF format, except for the Financial Proposal Submission Form (BOQ), which should be in .XLS format.
  4. Submit the demand draft for the Cost of RFP and the EMD (Earnest Money Deposit) in original (hard copy) before the technical bid opening.

Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)

A bidder shall be required to use their own Digital Signature while uploading the bid and the usage of Digital signature of other firm shall be liable for rejection of the bid.

Where to Find Tenders

  • e-Tender Portal: The official e-Tender portal for Ladakh is
  • BidAssist: BidAssist provides a platform to find the latest Ladakh tenders, linking vendors and buyers for online procurement and e-tenders.
  • Government eProcurement System: The eProcurement System allows tenderers to download tender schedules and submit bids online.

For expert guidance and tender alerts, visit BidAssist and get access to the latest Ladakh tenders in your industry.