Bihar Tenders
Bihar Tenders
With BidAssist, you can search for multiple business options for RWD Bihar tenders, RCD Bihar tenders, and any other e tender Bihar government is inviting bids for. Such Bihar tenders are posted on the eprocurement Bihar website, and on this page, you will get consolidated lists of Bihar tenders that can be sorted based on authority, department, city, and more.
East Central Railway - ECR Tender
Chemical Products
Patna, Bihar
Sodium Bicarbonate 34 Mg+phenol 0.034 Ml + Glycerin 0.34 Ml (packing Unit-5 Ml Phail)
Closing Date12 Feb 2025
Tender Amount₹ 5 Lac
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Eastern Railway - ER Tender
Chemical Products
Munger, Bihar
CATEGORY: Naphthalene (V2) as per IS 539 (Q4)
Closing Date8 Feb 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Eastern Railway - ER Tender
Chemical Products
Munger, Bihar
CATEGORY: Stable Bleaching Powder (V2) for Treatment of Water
Intended for Drinking conforming to IS 1065 (Part 2) (Q3)
Closing Date14 Feb 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Indian Oil Corporation Limited - IOCL Tender
Chemical Products
Begusarai, Bihar
Closing Date26 Feb 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Bhartiya Rail Bijlee Company Limited Tender
Chemical Products
Corrigendum : Closing Date Modified
Aurangabad Br, Bihar
Gas Chromatography
Closing Date24 Feb 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Indian Council Of Agricultural Research - ICAR Tender
Chemical Products
Muzaffarpur, Bihar
CATEGORY: 2 Propanol isopropanol 1 lit , Sodium Hydroxide 1 kg ,
Sodium dodecyl sulfate SDS 500 gm , Trisbase 500 gm ,
Glacial Acidic Acid 500 ml , Ethidium Bromide 10 ml ,
Diethyl pyrocarbonate DEPC H2O 100 ml , Ethanol 99 point
9 percent 1 lit , Folin Ciocalteau reagent FCR 500 ml ,
Sodium carbonate anhydrous Hi AR Na2CO3 500 gm ,
Catechol 500 gm , D minus plus Glucose monohydrate Hi AR
500 gm , D minus plus Glucose anhydrous 1 kg , Alpha
Nepthol Reagent 1 kg , Sulfuric acid H2SO4 2 point 5 lit ,
Agrose Powder 500 gm , 50X TAE Tris acetate EDTA 500 ml
, Tris Hydrochloric acid HCL 500 gm , Polyvinylpyrrolidone
PVP 500 gm , sodium carbonate Na2CO3 500 gm ,
Potassium dihydrogen phosphate anhydrous KH PO 500 gm
, Potassium hydroxide pellets 500 gm , Potassium
phosphate dibasic anhydrous K HPO 500 gm , sodium
hydroxide NaOH 500 gm , copper sulphate CuSO4 point
5H2O 500 gm , potassium sodium tartarate 500 gm ,
Bovine albumin fraction BSA 100 mg , Acrylamide 500 ml ,
Bis Acrylamide 500 ml , Bromophenol blue 25 gm ,
Ammonium persulfate APS 1 kg , N N N N tetramethyl
ethylene diamine TEMED 100 ml , Methanol 99 point 8
prencatege 500 ml , Acetic Acid 500 ml , Beta Mercapto
ethanol 250 ml , Cetyl trimethly ammonium brom ide CTAB
500 gm , Phenol Solution Equilibrated with 10 mM TrisHCl
pH 8 point 0 with 1 mM EDTA 500 gm , Isoamyl 500 gm ,
Trizol Reagent 100 ml , Sodium acetate anhydrous 500 gm ,
Chloroform 500 gm , Phenol Chloroform Isoamyl alcohol
mixture 500 gm , Dimethyl sulfoxide DMSO 250 ml ,
Acetone 2 point 5 lit , Potassium phosphate dibasic
anhydrous K2HPO4 500 gm , Potassium phosphate
monobasic anhydrous KH2PO4 500 gm , Methionine 100 gm
, Riboflavin 100 gm , 1 M Ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid
EDTA pH 8 point 0 100 gm , Nitroblue tetrazolium NBT 250
mg , Hydrogen peroxide H2O2 500 ml , 5 Sulphosalicylic
acid dihydrate 1000 gm , Ninhydrin 25 mg , Phosphoric acid
250 ml , Toluene 2 point 5 lit , L Amino acids kit 1 kt ,
Thiobarbituricacid TBA 100 gm , Trichloroacetic acid 500 gm
, Tricarboxylic acid TCA 25 gm , Sodium hydroxide NaOH
500 gm , Hydrochloric acid HCl 2 point 5 lit , 3 5
Dinitrosalicylic acid DNS Reagent 100 gm , Methanol HPLC 2
point 5 lit , 2 2 diphenyl 1 picrylhydrazil dpph 1gm , Gallic
acid 500 gm , Anthrone Reagent 100 gm , n Hexene 2500
ml , Perchloric Acid 500 ml , Glycerol 1 lit , Glycine 100 gm ,
Sucrose 500 gm , Glucose oxidase kit 1kit , B Nicotinamide
adenine dinucleotide NADH 500 mg , 2 6 Dichlorophenol
Indophenol DCIP 25 gm , Thiazolyl Blue Tetrazolium Bromide
MTT 5 gm , Pyrogallol 500 gm , Linoleic acide 25 ml ,
Nicotinamide adenine Dinucleotide NAD plus 5 gm , Malate
100 gm , Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate
disodium salt NADP plus 1 gm , L Proline 25 gm ,
Oxaloacetic acid 25 gm , Ammonium sulfate 500gm , 5 5
Dithiobis 2 Nitro Benzoic Acid DTNB 10 gm , Magnesium
chloride MgCl2 AR 500 gm , Acetyle CoA 10 gm , Boric acid
H3BO3 500 gm , linseed oil 1lit , potassium sodium tartrate
500 gm , Copper II sulfate pentahydrate 100 gm , L Malic
acid 50 gm , Ascorbic acid 25gm , Lecithin granules 250gm
, Cellulose 500gm , Brewers yeast 150gm , myo inositol
25gm , choline chloride 500gm , flaxseed oil 1lit , phytagel
100gm , Vitamin fortification mixture for insects 100gm
Closing Date3 Mar 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Eastern Railway - ER Tender
Chemical Products
Munger, Bihar
Indisoul 100/ Hexane
Closing Date10 Feb 2025
Tender Amount₹ 5 Lac
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Urban Development And Housing Department - UDHD Tender
Chemical Products
Bhagalpur, Bihar
Supply Of Ferric Alum Grade 4 In Water Work, Bhagalpur Municipal Corporation For Water Purification Work.
Closing Date6 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Central Railway - CR Tender
Chemical Products
Munger, Bihar
Alcohal Based Hand Sanitizer (packing Unit -5 Litre/jar)
Closing Date16 Jan 2025
Tender Amount₹ 5 Lac
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
21-30 of 160 archived Tenders