Public Works Building And NH Department Tender
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Public Works Building And NH Department Tender
Civil And Construction
Opening Date11 Jan 2019
Closing Date1 Feb 2019
Tender Amount₹ 1,10,04,585 This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
₹ 22,01,000Document Cost
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Scription for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user
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2019_PWBNH_11044_1Bid Award Id
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SMC- UMG-01 Dima Hasao UmrangshuTender Authority
Public Works Building And NH Department ViewPurchaser Address
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BOQ Items
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Providing and laying plain/reinforced cement croncrete works using cement, coarse sand & 20mm down graded stone aggregate with cost of necessary form work including dewatering if necessary, and curing for reinforced cement concrete work complete as directed (Reinforcement will be measured and paid separately)
I) Using mixture machine
(A) In sub - structure up to plinth level
Foundation, footing, columns with base tie and plinth beam, pile cap, base slab, retaining walls, walls of septic tank, inspection pit and the like and other works not less than 100mm thick up to plinth level.
N) Without using admixture, plasticiser
(c) M25 grade concrete
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Providing and laying plain/reinforced cement croncrete works using cement, coarse sand & 20mm down graded stone aggregate with cost of necessary form work including dewatering if necessary, and curing for reinforced cement concrete work complete as directed (Reinforcement will be measured and paid separately)
I) Using mixture machine
B) In super structure up to 1st floor level
i) Vertical members like column, pillars, post, struts etc
N) Without using admixture, plasticiser
(c) M25 grade concrete
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Providing and laying plain/reinforced cement croncrete works using cement, coarse sand & 20mm down graded stone aggregate with cost of necessary form work including dewatering if necessary, and curing for reinforced cement concrete work complete as directed (Reinforcement will be measured and paid separately)
(II) Using Batching Plant/ RMC/ Truck mounted batching plant including Transit Mixer and Concrete Pump
B) In super structure up to 1st floor level
ii) Horizontal members like beam, lintel, girder bressumer etc.
N) Without using admixture, plasticiser
(c) M25 grade concrete
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Providing and laying plain/reinforced cement croncrete works using cement, coarse sand & 20mm down graded stone aggregate with cost of necessary form work including dewatering if necessary, and curing for reinforced cement concrete work complete as directed (Reinforcement will be measured and paid separately)
I) Using mixture machine
B) In super structure up to 1st floor level
iii) Suspended floor (Slab, balcony, staircase etc)
N) Without using admixture, plasticiser
(c) M25 grade concrete
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Brick work in cement morter with 1st class brick including racking out joints and curing complete as directed.
(I) In Sub-structure upto plinth level including dewatering if necessary
(b). In proportion 1:4.(1 cement:4 sand)
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112 mm thick reinforced brick wall in prop 1:5 reinforced with two lines of M.S rod/ Tor steel as specified embeded in 38 mm thick concrete course in prop.1:2:4 with coarse agg. 12mm down at every fourth courses embeded with protruding rod in column including curing etc.complete as directed ( M.S rod/Tor steel shall be measured and paid separately) in super structure above plinth up to 1st floor level.
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Supplying, fitting and fixing in position reinforcement bars conforming to relevant I.S. Code for R.C.C. work/ R.B. walling including straightening, cleaning, cutting and bending to proper shapes and length as per details, supplying and binding with 20G annealed black wire and placing in position with proper blocks, supports, chairs, spacers etc. complete.
(No extra measurement for lap, hook, chair, anchor etc. will be entertained in the measurement as they are included in the rate) (Upto
1st floor level)
b) Other ISI approved TMT reinforcement bar (SAI/BISCON/THERMAX) (For Assam Type Bldg., drain works,,retaining wall&boundary wall etc. .
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15 mm thick Cement plaster in single coat on single or half brick wall for interior plastering up to 1st floor level including arises, internal rounded angles, not exceeding 80mm girth and finished even and smooth including curing complete as
A) On rough side
b) In cement mortar 1:4
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20 mm thick Cement plaster in two coats on single or half brick walls for interior plastering up to 1st floor level including arises, internal rounded angles,chamfers and / or rounded angles not exceeding 80mm in girth and finished even and
smooth including curing complete as directed.
B) On fair side (backing coat 10 mm and finishing coat 10mm thick)
b) In cement mortar 1:4
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Rough cast plaster upto 10 m height above ground level with a mixture of sand and gravel or crushed stone from 6 mm to 10 mm nominal size, dashed over and including the fresh plaster in two layers, under layer 12 mm cement plaster 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) and top layer 10 mm cement plaster 1:3 (1 cement : 3 fine sand) mixed with 10% finely grounded hydrated lime by volume of cement.
DSR 13.19.1 Ordinary cement finish using ordinary cement
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(a) White washing with lime on wall surfaces (two coats) to give an even shade including throughly brooming the surface to remove all dirt, dust,mortar drops and other foreign matter.
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Finishing old / new wall with water proofing weather coat smooth anti-fungal exterior painting of approved make of Berger paint of required shade after cleaning and clearing the surface etc. including scaffolding complete as directed at all levels (two coats)
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Supplying , fitting and fixing galvanised barbed wire fencing with seven strands of barbed wire 12 S. W. G .x 2plies x 4 points at 75mm apart with angle iron intermediate fencing posts not more than 1800mm apart and straining and end post etc. as necessary to be fitted with straining eye bolts and staples etc.complete as directed, specification of the angle iron post as given below.
a) Intermediate post 35mm x35mm x5mm x1800mm long bottom torched and duly slotted.
b) Straining post 65mm x 65mm x 6mm x 1820mm long with 2 stays of 35mmx35mmx1520mm long and 3 base plates 200mm x 200mm x 5mm, duly slotted to take eye bolts etc.
c) Corner posts 65mm x 65mm x 6mm x1820mm long with 2 stays of 35mm x 35mm x 5mm x 1 670 mm and 3 base plates 200mm x 200mm x 5mm,duly slotted to take eye bolts etc.
d) Straining or end posts 65mmx 65mm x 6mmx 1820mm long with 1 stays of 35mm x 35mm x 5mmx 1820 mm long with base plates 200mmx 200mm x 5mm, duly slotted to take eye bolts etc.
(All the angle iron posts to be embeded 600mm in C.C.pillars of size 300mmx300mmx600mm in prop.1: 3: 6 and one coat of anticorrosive ready mixed painting to all iron works) including excavation of foundation trenches for C.C. blocks and refilling and removal of surplus soil after completion of works.
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Spilt bamboo diagonally woven wall tied with necessary bamboo kamis on both sides @300mm apart tied with galvanised wire/cane slit etc complete as directed.
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Supplying inculuding installation, testing and commissioning of Solar Street light as per following specification and as directed by the Department. 15 W LED SOLAR STREET LIGHT (Confirming RDSO Specification No:RDSO/PE/SPEC/PS/0093-2008 (Rev 0)) SYSTEM SPECIFICATION 15W LED basued luminaries/fixture (1500 lumens - typical).LED Type: White High Powered LED's 5500-6500 K temperature. Automatic Dusk to Dowen Operate ion. independent standalone Solar Street Lighting system.Powered by a 12v,80 Wp Solar PV Module confirming RDSO Part-1 Approval & IEC:61215 Certification. (Model: TBP 128/ 1280m ).(make: TATA BP SOLAR or equivalent) 12V,75 Ah @ C10 ' Tubular Plate Load Acid Low Maintenance Battery with PP Container (make: TATA BP SOLAR or equivalent). Battery Box made of M.S fabricated with corrosion resistance point. Manufacturers criteria: Must have ISO : 9001 & ISO: 14001 Certification. (As per Annexure A Clause no: b,Page 10) Must have integrated production capacity of Solar PV Cell & Module. (As pe Annexure A: Clause no:d,Page:10) SUGGESTED UNIT PRICE Unit Cust without lnstallation & Commissioning)
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Installation & Commissioning Charges
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Chequered Terrazo tiles of 22 mm thickness with marble chips of sizes up to 6 mm fixed on wall with 10 mm thick bed of cement plaster in proportion 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) jointed with neat white cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shades of tiles including rubbing and polishing complete with tiles of any approved shade/shades.
(a) Using white cement
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Providing Antiskid Tiles of approved quality size, shape not less than 8mm on floor, skirting over a cement mortar bed 15mm thick of 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand) approved make fix with Fix-A-Tile (Choksey/Sika/Pedelite/Rouf)/ white
cement complete at all level as specified and directed.
ii)Executive range-1 (Sizes 400 mm x 400mm and above)
(a) Somany made- VC Shield (Group- 25) (406x406) mm Deluxe -VC
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Supplying, fitting and fixing in position reinforcement bars conforming to relevant I.S. Code for R.C.C. work/ R.B. walling including straightening, cleaning, cutting and bending to proper shapes and length as per details, supplying and binding with 20G annealed black wire and placing in position with proper blocks, supports, chairs, spacers etc. complete.
(No extra measurement for lap, hook, chair, anchor etc. will be entertained in the measurement as they are included in the rate) (Upto
1st floor level)
a) From Primary Producer: TATA/SAIL/Esser Steel/ Jindal steel/Shyam
(i) TMT Corrosion resistant steel (CRS) reiforcement bar
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10 mm thick Cement plaster in single coat on fair side of brick/concrete walls for interior plastering up to 1st floor level including arises or rounded angles not exceeding 80mm girth and finished even and smooth including curing complete as
A) On rough side
b) In cement mortar 1:4
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Painting one coat (excluding priming coat) on previously painted steel and other metal surface with enamel paint of approved brand and manufacture(Asian paint/ Berger paint/ ICI paint/ J & N paint/ Nerolac) to give an even shade including cleaning the surface of all dirt, dust and other foreign matter.
b). High gloss (Asian paint/ Berger paint/ ICI paint/ J & N paint/ Nerolac).
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Painting three coats (excluding priming coat) on new steel and other surface with ready mixed bituminous paint of approved brand and manufacture (Asian paint/ Berger paint/ ICI paint/ J & N paint/ Nerolac) after applying black anticorrosive paint to give an even shade including cleaning the surface of all dirt, dust and other foreign matter.
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Providing and fixing of leak proof,fire retardant and Uv resistant skylighting galzing with Lexan polycarbonate sheet fixed with specially designed Domal management system confirming to IS:737 alloy & temper 6063 - T6 with a UTS of 180 to 200 mpa and weight of 1.03 kg/mtr. approx with EPDM rubber gasket of specific gravity as per ISO 2781,age resistant as per ASTM - D573 hardness as per 2240 & tensile strength as per ASTM 412 including the silicon sealent GE Bayer Weathersil NY as per drawing and directed by the Engineer in charge.
(b) Polycarbonate Sheet (Multiwall)
(ii) 8mm thick
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Steel work welded in built up sections, framed work including cutting, hoisting and fixing in positions and applying priming coat of red-lead paint including drilling holes, supplying, fitting and fixing with bolts and nuts or welding, if necessary as directed.
b) In trusses and trussed purlins up to 25m span and 15.0m overall height.
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Providing and fixing M.S. Tube Hand Rail of approved size by welding etc. to steel ladder railing, balcony railing, staircase railing and similar works, including applying priming coat of approved steel primer complete as specified and directed by department
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Providing treatment of expansion joints by the following process as specified and directed by the department.
(a) Preparation of groove of required sizes by nosing the groove with cement sand mortar (prop.1:4) mixed with mortar modifier cum bonding agent Nitobond SBR of Fosroc Chemicals /Rheomix 141 of BASF/Dr. Sealkit Master Bond Latex (Asian Chemicals) @ 2-3Ltrs per bag of cement as specified & directed by the Department complete after proper surface preparation including cleaning/ chipping removing all sorts of loose particles and foreign materials and cleaning surface thoroughly (surface preparation including thorough cleaning of surface to be measured and
paid separately).
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(b) Providing and applying two coat of Primer 4 in both surface of the expansion joint followed by applying polysulphide sealant Thioflex 600 on vertical joint surface after proper fixing of the necessary backup materials as specified and directed by the Department complete.
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Providing and supplying cast iron garden three seater bench made up of FG-15 grade as per IS-210 1993, with necessary fixing arrangements all complete as per direction of enginerr-in-charge.
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