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BOQ Items
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Earth work in EXCAVATION below ground level for all kinds of works in SOFT ROCK as classified in specification for a depth upto 1.5m including removal of vegetation, shrubs and debris, cutting and dressing of sides in slopes, levelling, grading and ramming of bottoms, dewatering of accumulated water from any source and keeping the surface dry for subsequent works and disposal or stacking of excavated material within a lead of 100m, as directed including providing temporary supports to existing service lines like water pipes, sewage pipes, electric overhead and underground cables etc. all complete, but excluding shoring and strutting.
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For depth beyond 1.5m and upto & inclusive of 3.0m.
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Providing and installing approved type of "SHORING AND STRUTTING" by open timbering method for all depths to retain earth including dismantling and removal of the same etc. from site after completion of work etc. all complete as directed.
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Providing and installing approved type of "SHORING AND STRUTTING" by close timbering method for all depths to retain earth including dismantling and removal of the same etc. from site after completion of work etc. all complete as directed.
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Backfilling after execution of the WORK to proper grade and level with selected materials from available excavated soil from spoil heaps with in a LEAD OF 100M including re-excavating the deposited soil excavated earlier, breaking clods, laying at all depths and heights in layers of thickness not exceeding 15 Cms. watering, rolling and ramming by manual methods/ mechanical compactors to achieve 90% laboratory maximum dry density, dressing, trimming etc. in foundations, plinths, trenches, pits etc. all complete.
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BACKFILLING after execution of the WORK to proper grade and level with selected materials from available excavated soil from spoil heaps beyond a LEAD of 100M AND UPTO & INCLUSIVE OF 500M, including re- excavating the deposited soil excavated earlier, breaking clods, laying at all depths and heights in layers of thickness not exceeding 15 Cms. watering, rolling and ramming by manual methods/ mechanical compactors to achieve 90% laboratory maximum dry density, dressing, trimming etc. in foundations, plinths, trenches, pits etc. all complete.
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BACKFILLING after execution of the WORK to proper grade and level by excavating the suitable approved quality of soil from BORROW AREAS arranged by CONTRACTOR for all leads, transporting the earth from borrow area including cleaning & stripping the earth at borrow areas, breaking clods, loading, unloading and laying at all depths and heights in layers of thickness not exceeding 15 cms., watering, rolling and ramming by manual methods/mechanical compactors to achieve 90% of the maximum laboratory dry density, dressing, trimming, levelling the top surface etc. in foundations, plinths, trenches etc. all complete.
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BACKFILLING after execution of the WORK to proper grade and level by excavating the suitable approved quality of Murrum from BORROW AREAS arranged by CONTRACTOR for all leads, transporting the murrum from borrow area including cleaning & stripping the earth at borrow areas, breaking clods, loading, unloading and laying at all depths and heights in layers of thickness not exceeding 15 cms., watering, rolling and ramming by manual methods/mechanical compactors to achieve 90% of the maximum laboratory dry density, dressing, trimming, levelling the top surface etc. in foundations, plinths, trenches etc. all complete.
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Transporting and disposing the SURPLUS EARTH AND DEBRIS including shrubs and vegetations from construction areas to areas anywhere with in the PLANT BOUNDARY including re-excavating the deposited soil excavated earlier, transportation, loading, unloading, laying at all depths and heights, stacking, levelling and dressing both the area (viz. from where the earth is transported and where it is deposited) to required levels and slopes complete with all lifts as directed. For carting on the basis of truck measurements (volume of truck reduced by 30% for voids)
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Transporting and disposing the SURPLUS EARTH AND DEBRIS including shrubs and vegetations from construction area to areas ANYWHERE OUTSIDE THE PLANT BOUNDARY including re-excavating the deposited soil excavated earlier, transportation, loading, unloading, laying at all depths and heights, stacking, levelling and dressing both the area (viz. from where the earth is transported and where it is deposited) to required levels and slopes complete with all lifts as directed. For carting on the basis of truck measurements (volume of truck reduced by 30% for voids) DISPOSAL AREA S OUTSIDE PLANT BOUNDARY TO BE ARRANGED BY THE CONTRACTOR .Royalty as applicable for disposal outside plant limits to be borne by the contractor.
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PLAIN & REINFORCED CEMENT CONCRETE (refer specification no. C-SPC-104)
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Providing and laying PLAIN CEMENT CONCRETE for all depths below and upto plinth level in foundations,drains, fillings, non-suspended floors, pavements & ramps or any other works etc. including shuttering, tamping, ramming, vibrating, curing etc. all as specified in any shape, position, thickness and finishing the top surface rough or smooth as specified and directed all complete for concrete of nominal mix 1:5:10 by mass (1 Cement: 5 Coarse Sand: 10 Crushed Stone Aggregates/Gravels) with 40mm and down size graded crushed stone aggaregates/Gravels.(ALL MATERIALS INCLUDING CEMENT SUPPLIED BY CONTRACTOR AT THEIR COST)
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Providing and laying REINFORCED CEMENT CONCRETE OF M-30 GRADE with 20mm and down size graded crushed stone aggregates/gravel in SUB-STRUCTURE of all types e.g. foundations, footings, raft, beams, slabs, pile caps, retaining walls, jambs, counterforts, buttresses, trenches, manholes,pipe encasement, catchpits, drains, RCC pits, equipment/machine foundations, pedestals, pipe sleepers, columns, plinth beams, suspended floors, beams, staircases, landings, steps, brackets etc. (including single pour concreting upto 250m3), including cost of admixtures if used,providing pockets, openings, recesses, chamfering etc., wherever required, vibrating, tamping, curing and rendering if required to give a smooth and even surface etc. all complete (excluding the Cost of Reinforcement and Shuttering) for all depths below and upto plinth level in any shape, position and thickness etc. all complete as specified, shown and directed. (ALL MATERIALS INCLUDING CEMENT SUPPLIED BY CONTRACTOR AT THEIR COST)
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Providing and laying REINFORCED CEMENT CONCRETE OF M-30 GRADE with 20mm and down size graded crushed stone aggregates/gravel in SUPER STRUCTURE in suspended floors, slabs, beams, columns, walls including counterforts, staircases, landings, steps, facias, fins, mouldings, gutters, shelves, windowsills, canopies, lintels, girders, ducts, brackets, chajjas with drip moulds, pedestals, posts, struts, equipment/machine foundations, ramps etc. (including single pour concreting upto 250m3) including cost of admixtures if used providing pockets, openings, recesses, chamfering wherever required, vibrating, tamping, curing and rendering if required to give a smooth and even surface etc. all complete (excluding the Cost of Reinforcement and Shuttering) for all heights above plinth level in any shape, position, thickness etc. all complete as specified, shown and directed. (ALL MATERIALS INCLUDING CEMENT SUPPLIED BY CONTRACTOR AT THEIR COST)
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CENTERING AND SHUTTERING (refer specification no. C-SPC-104)
Providing and fixing CENTERING AND SHUTTERING in foundations, footings, raft beams, slabs, pile caps, retaining walls, jambs, counter-forts, buttresses, trenches, equipment/machine foundations, pedestals, abutments, pipe sleepers, columns, plinth beams, lintels, suspended slabs, beams, staircases, landings, steps, non-circular tunnels/bunkers/silos/ shafts/ hoppers/liquid storage structures etc. including shuttering for single pour concreting, strutting, bracing, propping etc., keeping the same in position during concreting and removal of the same after specified period etc. for Straight/ Inclined Shuttering, keeping necessary provision for inserts, projecting dowels, anchor bolts or any other fixture etc. all complete and as specified and directed.
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i) For all depths below and upto & inclusive of plinth level.
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ii) For all heights above plinth level.
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HYD Bars/MS Bars (refer specification no. C-SPC-102)
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Supplying and placing in position HIGH YIELD STRENGTH DEFORMED STEEL BARS REINFORCEMENT of grade Fe500 (D) (TMT) (conforming to IS:1786, for R.C.C. work including transporting the Steel, straightening, cleaning, decoiling, cutting, bending to required shapes and lengths as per details, bending to required shapes and lengths as per details ,binding with contractor's own 16 SWG black soft annealed binding wire at every intersection, supplying and placing with proper cover blocks, supports, chairs, overlaps, welding, spacers, fanhooks etc. for all heights and depths etc. all complete as directed.(SUPPLY OF ALL MATERIAL IN CONTRACTOR'S SCOPE).
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Providing and laying 40mm thick DAMP PROOF COURSE with plain cement concrete of nominal mix of 1:1.5:3 with 10mm & down size graded crushed stone aggregates in two layers of 20mm thick with two coats of hot bitumen (Grade A90/S90 conforming to IS:73) applied @ 1.7 Kg/sq.m. over each layer as per specifications including cleaning, watering the top surface of walls, centering, shuttering, placing, tamping, curing, sprinkling an even layer of dry & sharp sand over the hot bitumen etc. all complete as specified and directed.
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Providing and injecting approved chemical emulsions as specified for pre-constructional ANTI-TERMITE TREATMENT and creating a chemical barrier under and around column pits, wall trenches, basement excavations, top surfaces of plinth filling, junction of wall and floor, along the external perimeter of building, expansion joints, surrrounding of pipes and conduits etc. all complete as specified and directed. (Plinth area of the building at ground floor only shall be measured)
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Supplying and filling approved SAND of specified quality under floors, in foundations, plinths, tank foundations etc. for all depths and heights including cost of sand,royalties, transportation to site for all leads and lifts,including loading, unloading, spreading in layers of loose thickness not exceeding 150 mm,watering,ramming,compacting with mechanical compactors and/or other equipment to the specified levels to achive 85% relative density as per IS:2720 Part XIV,including preparation of subgrade to the required slope,providing testing apparatus and testing the degree of consolidation all complete as per drawings, specifications and direction of Engineer-in-charge.The rates shall be inclusive of the cost of all labour,material,equipments etc. all complete .
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Brick Masonary (refer specification no. C-SPC-109)
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Providing and laying BRICK MASONRY WITH BRICKS OF CLASS 5.0 in cement mortar 1:6 (1 Cement : 6 Sand) in one or more brick thickness and in any shape (excluding circular/curved brick masonry) at all depths and height including the cost of materials, labour, scaffolding/ staging, sampling & testing, soaking of bricks, cutting and laying of bricks, providing recesses, making openings of any shape & size, finishing the joints flush below ground level and raking out the joints above ground level, sealing the gap between masonry and soffit of beam/slab, embedding the fittings & fixtures, curing, etc. all complete as per specifications. ALL MATERIAL INCLUDING CEMENT SUPPLIED BY THE CONTRACTOR
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PLASTERING WORK (refer specification no. C-SPC-155)
Providing plain cement plaster in cement mortar (1 cement:4 fine sand by volume) on masonry, PCC/ RCC including preperation of base, finishing, curing etc; also including providing 20 gauge chicken wire mesh stretched tight at all RCC/ PCC and masonry meeting points in 300mm wide strips (150mm on on each surface) fixed with G.I. "U" type nails before plastering.
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Plain cement plaster with waterproofing compound conforming to IS-2645 (CICO/ approved equivalent) mixed to cement mortar @ 3% by weight, Average 13mm thick 1:4 (1 cement : 4 sand) (ALL MATERIALS INCLUDING CEMENT SUPPLIED BY CONTRACTOR AT THEIR COST)
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Plain cement plaster with waterproofing compound conforming to IS-2645 (CICO/ approved equivalent) mixed to cement mortar @ 3% by weight, Average 16mm thick 1:4 (1 cement : 4 sand) (ALL MATERIALS INCLUDING CEMENT SUPPLIED BY CONTRACTOR AT THEIR COST)
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PAINTING OF WALLS (refer specification no. C-SPC-157)
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walls:- Providing & applying 3 coats of waterproof decorative cement paint of approved make and approved shade, cleaning, including preparation of surfaces,base primer, curing etc. all complete
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PLUMBING & BUILDING DRAINAGE (refer specification no. C-SPC-015)
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Supplying and laying above ground mild steel galvanised pipes conforming to IS:1239 (heavy grade) and fittings conforming to IS:1239 (GALVANISED) and as per piping materials specification Class including supply of teflon tapes, white lead, etc. cutting the pipes to required lengths, making threads, including laying of pipes on sleeper, walls, including erecting piping on columns, etc. for pump station, overhead tanks, etc. including joining the pipes and fittings with threaded connections, hydrostatic testing of the piping including supply of necessary fittings etc & pipe supports. complete as per specifications, drawings and instructions of Engineer-in- Charge. For following:
( Nom. Dia 150 mm Pipe class - )
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Construction, supplying, installation, testing and commissioning of septic tank as per standards and IS:2470 Part-I , with all necessary accessories like inlet, outlet vent pipes, manhole covers, rungs etc. including earthwork in excavation in all type of soil except soft and hard rock, backfilling and disposal of surplus earth for all leads etc. complete as per standards, drawings, specifications and directions of Engineer-in-Charge. All material including cement supplied by contractor ( Users -10 NOS )
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SOAK PIT Construction of soak pit conforming to IS:2470 Part-I and as per Standard, masonry, filling and hand packing brick bats of size ranging between 40mm to 50, connecting with septic tank with necessary fittings, piping etc.including excavation, back filling and disposal of surplus earth for all leads, complete as per drawings, specifications and directions of Engineer- in-Charge. for following users ( Users -10 NOS )
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Construction as per standard drawing of brick masonry (brick class shall be as mentioned below) inspection chambers/manholes of 750mmx750mm internal size 1000mm deep(Max.) in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement: 4 sand) with CI frame and cover 500mm clear dia, (circular Medium duty of grade MD-10) conforming to IS:1726 fixed on RCC slab of M-30 grade, necessary excavation, supplying, fixing 4 Nos. 16mm dia M.S. rungs, M-20 grade foundation concrete 1:3 cement mortar(1 cement: 3 sand) plastering of 13mm average thickness for inside & 16mm avg. thickness for outside exposed surfaces, backfilling, disposal of surplus earth upto a lead of 100M, benching with M-20 grade cement concrete and rendering smooth with a neat coat of cement slurry, painting the C.I. frame and cover with two coats of chlorinated rubber zinc phosphate primer @ 40µ DFT per coat and finish painting consists of two coats of chlorinated rubber paint @40µ DFT per coat etc. all complete as per drawings, specifications and directions of Engineer-in- Charge.
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FLOORING (refer specification no. C-SPC-152)
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Acid Proof Tiles Lining
Providing and laying acid resistant, vitrified tiles of approved size as per manufacturer's specs. in floor/ skirting/ Dado laid over and including bitumen priming layer, 12mm thick Bitumen mastic layer and 6mm thick resin type chemical resistant mortar conforming to IS: 4443 including raking out and flush pointing of joints with resin type chemical resistant mortar, preparation of back ground surface, finishing etc. all complete.
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Providing and laying acid resistant, vitrified tiles of approved size as per manufacturer's specs. in floor/ skirting/ Dado laid over and including bitumen priming layer, 12mm thick Bitumen mastic layer and 6mm thick resin type chemical resistant mortar conforming to IS: 4443 including raking out and flush pointing of joints with resin type chemical resistant mortar, preparation of back ground surface, finishing etc. all complete.
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Providing and laying 10mm average thick vitrified tile skirting with 10 to 12 mm thick cement mortar (1:3)
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Providing and fixing of Vitrified tile dado in toilets using 250mm x 400mm size cemamic tile of Kajaria make or approved equivalent set in CM 1:4 with 10mm thick cement backing as per pattern indicated in the drawing. Quoted rate to include the cost of making cut-outs for Poweral outlet and cost of filling the joints in dado with approved grout tinted to match the dado, curing.
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SANITARY WORKS (refer specification no. C-SPC-159)
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Cost of providing and fixing cera / hindware or approved equivalent wall mounted EWC with power flush with seat cover etc, (Ivory colour) set in 1:2:4 concrete and doing necessary angles, connections.etc.,
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Cost of providing and fixing wash basin of cera/hindware or approved equivalent make (Ivory colour) fixed to existing wall using necessary angles, connections, including all SS accessories like waste coupling, bottle trap, inlet connection tube etc., complete.
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Cost of providing and fixing Health faucet CP Jaquar or approved equivalent.
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Supplying and fixing mirror for wash basin of standard make as per standard specifications
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Pillar Cock
Cost of providing and fixing pillar cock long neck with aerator. Jaguar or approved equivalent fixed with necessary accessories.
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Angular Stop Cock
Cost of providing and fixing ½" dia Jaquar or approved equivalent angle stopcock.
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Concealed Stopcock
Cost of providing and fixing concealed stopcock Jaquar or approved equivalent
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C.P Trap
Cost of providing and fixing C.P. cockroach trap, floor drains of Chilli / equivalent make
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Nahani Trap
Supplying and fixing approved quality heavy grade cast iron Floor/Nahani Trap with CP pressed steel grating including cutting floors and making good the same, etc., making inlet and outlet connections, etc. complete for 100mm inlet and 100mm outlet as per drawings, specifications and directions of Engineer-in-Charge.
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SS jali
Cost of providing and fixing SS Jali of Jaquar /equivalent make
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Towel Rod
Supplying and fixing Towel rod of standard make as per standard specifications
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Internal Plumbing work P/f 1/2"consisting of CPVC or equivalent pipe and 50mm & 75mm dia. PVC Pipe outlet (prince or equivalent ) including G.I. & PVC assorted fittings, such as elbow,tees ,bends,& unions including applying creosote and wrapping with hessin cloth, including chasing the walls for concealing the pipe lines and making good the same. This includes providing & fixing 3/4" dia "C" class G.I. Pipe for inlet & outlet of Water Tank connection.
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Providing & fixing of external plumbing consisting of CPVC or equivalent pipes varying from dia 3" to 6" with all fittings like bend, tees, gate valves, NRV's, y's etc which Nani traps,special pieces and accessories for laying joiniting including testing & commissioning of all Pantry/toilets.
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Supply, transportation and erection of 500 liters SINTEX / Equivalent water tanks.
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Providing and applying polyether based polyurethane (PU) waterproof coating consisting of 2 components (resin + hardener) in four coats consisting of a primer adhesion coat and three sealing coats applied by brush evenly to perfect level @ min.160 gm/sq.M per coat over R.C.C. slab including sprinkling the last coat of P.U. with a layer of clean sand (300 micron) and laying min. 50mm thk. PCC (1 cement :2 coarse sand :4 aggregate) over the fully cured coating in panels of max. 1.2M x 1.2M with 24 SWG chicken wiremesh finished smooth and sealing joints between panels with Polysulphide sealant as per approved manufacturers spec. and including preparing the base surface (levelling, cleaning, filling up cracks with thin paste of Polyurethane filling compound) providing fillets of 75mm radius with PCC (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 aggregate) at junctions of horizontal and vertical surfaces, continuing the water proofing on vertical face to a minimum ht. of 150mm over finished roof surface, terminating it in continuous groove of 10mm x 20mm and filling with polyurethane sealent putty, continuing the treatment into rain water outlets by , providing 300mm x 300mm khuras at all outlets, levelled down by min. 25mm, finishing all complete.
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110mm dia O.D. Size. exposed PVC rain water pipe jointed with bonding solution of approved quality and make with pressure rating of 4kg/cm2 including clamps, connections etc. all as per approved manufacturer's details.
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STEEL& ALUMINIUM DOORS & WINDOWS WORK ((refer specification no. C-SPC-154)
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Aluminium glazed doors with cup pivots of aluminium alloy to IS designation NS-4 of IS-737 and IS designation of A-5-M of IS- 617, Heavy duty hydraulically operated, adjustable floor mounted door closer conforming to IS:6315 (single/double action), 250mm and 150mm long,10mm dia anodized. Aluminium tower bolts as per IS : 204 one each for each shutter, brass body mortice lock (6 levers, as perIS : 2209) with aluminium handle on both sides, etc. all complete for each shutter, with plain anodized aluminium sections and 5mm thk. toughened glass as per IS:5437 .
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Aluminium glazed window/ventilator with approved make sections, friction hinges, cast aluminium handle, etc. all complete.With plain anodized aluminium sections and 5mm thk. toughened glass as per IS:5437, Openable type.
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