Dibrugarh Tenders
Dibrugarh Tenders
BidAssist is a very user-friendly website which helps in finding the specific Assam e-tender that one is looking for. For getting any information or detail about any e-tender the Assam government must have posted, BidAssist is designed in such a manner so as to provide information on all government tenders in one place without any inconvenience.
Food Corporation Of India - FCI Tender
Civil And Construction...+2Transportation and Logistics, Construction Material
Corrigendum : Corrigendum Added
Dibrugarh, Assam
CATEGORY: Handling ,Transport and Other Mining Services - Percentage
quote based - H and TC Ex Rly Siding Banipur Dibrugarh to
FSD Chaulkhowa via weighbridge including handling at Rly
Siding Banipur at the Risk and Cost of the defaulting
contractor MS Siddhivi..
Closing DateCancelled
Tender Amount₹ 3.2 Cr
951-960 of 951 archived Tenders