Municipal Corporation Tender
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Municipal Corporation Tender
Opening Date24 Dec 2021
Closing Date4 Jan 2022
Tender Amount₹ 4,94,187 This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
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Tender Id
465317Bid Award Id
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ROC.NO.342469/2021/E2Tender Authority
Municipal Corporation ViewPurchaser Address
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gym equipment;Providing and fixing factory made uPVC white colour sliding glazed doorcomprising of uPVC multi-chambered frame with in-built roller track andsash extruded profiles duly reinforced with 1.60 ± 0.2 mm thick galvanizedmild steel section made from roll forming process of required length (shape & size according to uPVC profile), appropriate dimension uPVCextruded glazing beads, uPVC extruded interlock and uPVC extrudedInline sash adaptor (if required), EPDM gasket, wool pile, zinc alloy(white powder coated) handle with key on one side of extreme panels along with zinc plated mild steel multi point locking having transmissiongear with keeps, zinc alloy (white powder coated) cresent lock (ifrequired), stainless steel (SS 304 grade) body with adjustable doublenylon rollers (weight bearing capacity to be 120 kg), G.I fasteners 100 x 8 mm size for fixing frame to finished wall and necessary stainless steelscrews etc. Profile of frame & sash shall be mitred cut and fusion weldedat all corners, including drilling of holes for fixing hardware's and drainageof water etc. After fixing frame the gap between frame and adjacent finished wall shall be filled with weather proof silicon sealent over backerrod of required size and of approved quality, all complete as per approveddrawing & direction of Engineerin-Charge inclusive of cost of Single / double glass panes,wire mesh and silicon sealent . Note: For uPVC frame and sash extruded profiles minus 5% tolerancein dimension i.e. in depth & width of profile shall be acceptable. Variationin profile dimension in higher side shall be accepted but no extra payment on this account shall be made.Two track two panels sliding door made of (big series) frame 67 x 50 mm & sash 46 x 82 mm both having wall thicknessof 2.3 ± 0.2 mm and single glazing bead / double glazingbead of appropriate dimension. (Area of door above 2.00 sqm upto 5.00 sqm)
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gym equipment;Providing and fixing factory made uPVC white colour sliding glazedwindowupto1.50minheightdimensioncomprising of uPVC multi chambered framewith in-built roller trackand sash extruded profiles dulyreinforced with 1.60±0.2mm thick galvanized mild steel section made from roll forming process of required length (shape & sizeaccording to PVCprofile) ,appropriate dimension of uPVC extruded glazing beads anduPVC extruded interlocks, EPDMgasket, woolpile,zincalloy(white powder coated) touch locks with hook,zinc alloy body with single nylon rollers (weight bearing capacity tobe40kg) G.I fasteners100x8mmsize forfixingframe to finished wall and necessarystainless steel screwsetc. Profile offrame & sash shall be mitred cut andfusion welded atall corners, including drilling of holes forfixing hardware's and drainage ofwateretc. After fixing frame the gap Between frame and adjacent finished walls hall befilled with weather proof silicon sealentover backer rod ofrequired size and of approved quality, all complete as per approved drawing & direction of Engineer-in-Charge inclusive of cost of Single/double glasspanes, wiremesh and silicon sealent Two track two panels slidingwindow made of (smallseries)frame 52 x 44 mm &sash 32 x 60 mmboth having wall thickness of .9±0.2 mm and single glazing bead of appropriate dimension. (Area of windowupto 1.75sqm)
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gym equipment;supply, delivery and arranging of Multi Gym 4 Station comprising (1)Bench press-75Kg, (2) Lat Pulley-75Kg, (3) Arm Pulley-50Kg, (4) Shoulder Press- 60kg of total Size L- 8 feet W-9feet H-7feet using the Materials of Pipes (1) 4? x 2? CRCA Square Pipe Gauge-12 (2) 2? x 2? CRCA Square Pipe Gauge-14 (3) Ø2? C R.C A Square pipe Gauge ?14 (4) Ø1? C R.C A Square Pipe Gauge ?14 Rods Ø18mm. Bright Bar M.S. Bar For Plates Stack Guide Rod & Centre Rod of Ø1? Pata 100mmx50mmx5mm Thick, Hardware fixed with ¼, 5/16, 3/8, ½, Bolt & Nuts of Standard Company makes, Weight Stack is 5 Kg. each plate, Colour Work of High Quality Powder Coating, Seat Work with 18mm Plywood (ISI Mark) P.U - FOAM of 2? Thick. High Density, Rexine make Standard Company Quality, all parts are of High Quality Nickel Chrome Work and the Bearing is 6201 ZZ-Use in Pulley etc. the total Weight of Stack is 260Kg. with all necessary accessories Including all cost, conveyance and alltaxes etc. complete of Reputed Standard Make
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gym equipment;Supply, deliver and arranging of Cable Cross Over of Size L-96 inches W-36 inches H-84 inches using the Materials of Pipes (1)4?x2?CRCA Square Pipe Gauge - 12 (2) 2? x 2? CRC. A Square Pipe Gauge-14 (3) Ø1? C R.C A Square Pipe Gauge ?14, Rods of Ø18mm. Bright Bar M.S. Bar For Plates Stack Guide Rod & Centre Rod of Ø1? Pata size 100mm x 50mm x 5mm Thick. Hardware fixed with ¼, 5/16, 3/8, ½, Bolt & Nut ?Standard Company makes, Weight of Stack is 5 Kg. each plate, Colour Work done of High Quality Powder Coating the Chrome Work of High Quality Nickel Chrome Work with Bearing:- 6201 ZZ-Use in Pulley with all necessary accessories including all cost conveyance and all taxes etc. complete of Reputed Standard Make,complete as directed by the Departmental Authorities.
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gym equipment;Supply, delivery and arranging of Peck Fly of Size L-32 inches, W-65 inches, H-62 inches using the materials of Pipes (1)4?x2?CRCASquare Pipe Gauge-12, (2) 2? x 2? C R C. A Square Pipe Gauge -14, (3) Ø1? C R.C A Square Pipe Gauge ?14, Rods Ø18mm. Bright Bar M.S. Bar For Plates, Stack Guide Rod & Centre Rod of Ø1?, the Pata is 100mmx50mmx5mm Thick, the Hardware fixed ¼, 5/16, 3/8, ½, Bolt & Nut ?Standard Company make, the Weight Stack is 5 Kg. each plate, and the Colour Work of HighQuality Powder Coating , the Seat Work with 18mm Plywood (ISI Mark), P.U - FOAM ? 2? Thick. High Density, Rexine ? Standard Company Or Equal Quality, the Chrome Work of High Quality Nickel Chrome, Weight Stack is 75kg with all necessary accessories including all cost, conveyance and all taxes etc. complete of Reputed Standard Make,complete as directed by the Departmental Authorities.
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gym equipment;Supply, delivery and arranging of Flat Bench of Size L-48 inches, W-18 inches, H-20 inches using Pipe: 4? x 2? CRCA pipe, 12 Gauge, and the Colour Work of High Quality Powder Coating, the Seat Work with 18mm Plywood (ISI Mark), P.U - FOAM ? 2? Th High Density with all necessary accessories including all cost, conveyance and all taxes etc. complete of Reputed Standard Make complete as directed by the Departmental Authorities.
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gym equipment;Supply, delivery and arranging of Flat Bench with Support Olympic of Size L-48 inches, W-60 inches, H-42 inches, using the Pipes of 4? x 2? CRCA pipe, 12 Gauge, the Colour Work of High Quality Powder Coating and the Seat Work with 18mm Plywood (ISI Mark), P.U - FOAM ? 2? Th High Density with all necessary accessories including all cost, conveyance and all taxes etc. complete of Reputed Standard Make complete as directed by the Departmental Authorities.
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gym equipment;Supply, delivery and arranging of Incline Bench (Olympic) of Size L-48 inches, W-54 inches, H-42 inches using the Pipe 4? x 2? CRCA pipe, 12 Gauge, the Colour Work of High Quality Powder Coating and the Seat Work with 18mm Plywood (ISI Mark), P.U - FOAM ? 2? Th High Density with all necessary accessories including all cost, conveyance and all taxes etc. complete of Reputed Standard Make,complete as directed by the Departmental Authorities.
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gym equipment;Supply, delivery and arranging of Decline Bench (Olympic) of Size L-48 inches, W-54 inches, H-42 inches, using Pipes (1) 4? x 2? CRCA pipe, 12 Gauge, (2) 2? x 2? CRCA Square Pipe Gauge-14, the Colour Work: High Quality Powder Coating and the Seat Work with 18mm Plywood (ISI Mark), P.U - FOAM ? 2? Th High Density with all necessary accessories including all cost, conveyance and all taxes etc. complete of Reputed Standard Make,complete as directed by the Departmental Authorities.
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gym equipment;Supply, delivery and arranging of MULTI ADJUSTABLE BENCH of Size L-44 inches, W-24 inches, H-30 inches, using Pipe 4? x 2? CRCA pipe, 12 Gauge, the Colour Work of High Quality Powder Coating and the Seat Work with 18mm Plywood (ISI Mark), P.U - FOAM ? 2? Th High Density with all necessary accessories including all cost, conveyance and all taxes etc. complete of Reputed Standard Make,complete as directed by the Departmental Authorities.
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gym equipment;Supply, delivery and arranging of Plate Stand Olympic of Size: L-24 inches W-24 inches, H-36 inches, using Pipe 4? x 2? CRCA pipe, 12 Gauge, Ø2? CRCA Pipe Gauge-14 the Colour Work of High Quality Powder Coating and the Seat Work with 18mm Plywood (ISI Mark), P.U - FOAM ? 2? Th High Density with all necessary accessories including all cost, conveyance and all taxes etc. complete of Reputed Standard Make,complete as directed by the Departmental Authorities.
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gym equipment;Supply, delivery and arranging of Abdominal Board with Stand with Size L 84 inches W-21 inches H-36 inches using the Material of Pipes (1) 2? x 2? C R C A Square Pipe Gauge ? 14, (2) Ø1? C R C A Pipe Gauge ? 12 , Pata 200mm X 50mm X 5mm Thick, the Hardware fixing with ¼, 5/16, 3/8, ½, Bolt & Nut - Standard Company make, the Colour Work of High Quality Powder Coating and the Seat Work with 18mm Plywood (ISI Mark), P.U - FOAM ? 2? Thick. High Density, Rexene ? Standard Company make with all necessary accessories including all cost, conveyance and all taxes etc. complete of Reputed Standard Make,complete as directed by the Departmental Authorities.
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gym equipment;Supply, delivery and arranging of Twister 2 in 1 Commercial of Size L-48 inches W-24inches H-54 inches, using Material of Pipes (1) 4? x 2? C R C A Square Pipe Gauge ? 12, (2) 2? x 2? C R C A Square Pipe Gauge ? 14, (3)Ø1? & 2? C R C A Pipe Gauge ? 12, Pata 200mm X 50mm X 5mm Thick, Hardware fixing with ¼, 5/16, 3/8, ½, Bolt & Nut - Standard Company make, the Colour Work of High Quality Powder Coating and the Seat Work with 18mm Plywood (ISI Mark), P.U - FOAM ? 2? Thick High Density, Rexene ? Standard Company Or Equal Quality with all necessary accessories including all cost, conveyance and all taxes etc. complete of Reputed Standard Make,complete as directed by the Departmental Authorities.
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gym equipment;Supply, delivery and arranging of Dumbbells Stand of 5 ft - 3 Rack of Size L 48 inches, W-24 inches, H-30 inches, using the Material of Pipes (1) 2?x 2? CRCA Square Pipe Gauge-14, (2) 80x40 CRCA Square Pipe Gauge-14 , Pata 200mmx50mmx5mm Thick and the Colour Work of High Quality Powder Coating with all necessary accessories including all cost, conveyance and all taxes etc. complete of Reputed Standard Make,complete as directed by the Departmental Authorities.
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gym equipment;Supply, delivery and arranging of Dumbbells Hexagonal (5Kg x 2 No (10KG)) with Rods M.S ? 28 to 140 mm the Chrome Work of High Quality Nickel Chrome Plating, Machining : Super Machining with Knurling, etc. including all cost, conveyance and all taxes etc. complete of Reputed Standard Make,complete as directed by the Departmental Authorities.
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gym equipment;Supply, delivery and arranging of Dumbbells Hexagonal (7.5Kg x 4 No (30KG)) with Rods M.S ? 28 to 140 mm the Chrome Work of High Quality Nickel Chrome Plating, Machining : Super Machining with Knurling, etc. including all cost, conveyance and all taxes etc. complete of Reputed Standard Make,complete as directed by the Departmental Authorities.
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gym equipment;Supply, delivery and arranging of Dumbbells Hexagonal (10Kg x 4 No (40KG)) with Rods M.S ? 28 to 140 mm the Chrome Work of High Quality Nickel Chrome Plating, Machining : Super Machining with Knurling, etc. including all cost, conveyance and all taxes etc. complete of Reputed Standard Make,complete as directed by the Departmental Authorities.
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gym equipment;Supply, delivery and arranging of Dumbbells Hexagonal (15Kg x 2 No (30KG)) with Rods M.S ? 28 to 140 mm the Chrome Work of High Quality Nickel Chrome Plating, Machining : Super Machining with Knurling, etc. including all cost, conveyance and all taxes etc. complete of Reputed Standard Make,complete as directed by the Departmental Authorities.
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gym equipment;Supply, delivery and arranging of Dumbbells Hexagonal (20Kg x 2 No (40KG)) with Rods M.S ? 28 to 140 mm the Chrome Work of High Quality Nickel Chrome Plating, Machining : Super Machining with Knurling, etc. including all cost, conveyance and all taxes etc. complete of Reputed Standard Make,complete as directed by the Departmental Authorities.
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gym equipment;Supply, delivery and arranging of Dumbbells Hexagonal (25Kg x 2 No (50KG)) with Rods M.S ? 28 to 140 mm the Chrome Work of High Quality Nickel Chrome Plating, Machining : Super Machining with Knurling, etc. including all cost, conveyance and all taxes etc. complete of Reputed Standard Make,complete as directed by the Departmental Authorities.
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gym equipment;Supply, delivery and arranging of Rubber Plates (Imp-52mm) 2.50kg x 10No (25KG) including all cost, conveyance and all taxes etc. complete of Reputed Standard Make,complete as directed by the Departmental Authorities.
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gym equipment;Supply, delivery and arranging of Rubber Plates (Imp-52mm) 5kg x 10No (50KG) including all cost, conveyance and all taxes etc. complete of Reputed Standard Make,complete as directed by the Departmental Authorities.
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gym equipment;Supply, delivery and arranging of Rubber Plates (Imp-52mm) 7.5kg x 10No (75KG) including all cost, conveyance and all taxes etc. complete of Reputed Standard Make,complete as directed by the Departmental Authorities.
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gym equipment;Supply, delivery and arranging of Rubber Plates (Imp-52mm) 10kg x 10No (100KG) including all cost, conveyance and all taxes etc. complete of Reputed Standard Make,complete as directed by the Departmental Authorities.
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gym equipment;Supply, delivery and arranging of E-Z Bar Olympic 4ft with all necessary accessories including all cost, conveyance and all taxes etc. complete of Reputed Standard Make,complete as directed by the Departmental Authorities.
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gym equipment;Supply, delivery and arranging of Gym Rod (50mm) Olympic 4ft with all necessary accessories including all cost, conveyance and all taxes etc. complete of Reputed Standard Make,complete as directed by the Departmental Authorities.
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gym equipment;Supply, delivery and arranging of Gym Rod (50mm) Olympic 5ft with all necessary accessories including all cost, conveyance and all taxes etc. complete of Reputed Standard Make,complete as directed by the Departmental Authorities.
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gym equipment;Supply, delivery and arranging of Gym Rod (50mm) Olympic 6.5ft with all necessary accessories including all cost, conveyance and all taxes etc. complete of Reputed Standard Make,complete as directed by the Departmental Authorities.
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