Municipal Corporation Tender
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Municipal Corporation Tender
Electrical and Electronics
Electrical Works
Opening Date2 Sep 2022
Closing Date17 Sep 2022
Tender Amount₹ 6,35,041
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Tender Id
540924Bid Award Id
ViewTender No
253/MCR/General/2022-23Tender Authority
Municipal Corporation ViewPurchaser Address
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BOQ Items
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NA;Fabrication, Transportation and supply of hot-dip galvanized Octogonal Pole with BSEN - 10025 grade S 355 JO steel plate for shaft, IS 2062 for base plate with Hinged door opening arrangement, including the supply of suitable boards with bakelite sheet as per IS specification suitable to withstand the wind speed of 180 KMPH for 9 Mtrs height Pole having dimensions Bottom 155 mm,Top 70mm with 3mm thick, base plate 260 x 260 x 16mm and 4 Nos of M24 x 750 long 'J' bolts along with template Makes: Bajaj/ Valmont/ Laasma / Transrail / Utkarsh/ Skipper /Consoul brands including cost of all materials and conveyance to work spot etc complete and ss as directed by the departmental authorities.
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NA;Foundation and erection charges with special T&P, for 9.00Mtrs / 10Mtrs long Octagonal / Conical pole duly erecting on base plate duly providing 4 Nos foundation bolts with nuts with providing of 0.60Mtr x 0.60Mtrs x 1.40 Mtr size M20 cc work vibrated concreting mixing with necessary steel (15kgs) reinforcement and curing for 7 days as directed by the field engineers during execution including excavation of Earth/BT all labour charges and cost and conveyance of materials etc.complete and ss as directed by the departmental authorities
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NA;Fabrication, Transportation and supply of of 1.5mtrs sword type or any decorative double arm bracket with dooms either sides complete with all accessories with MS galvanized 40mm / 50mm dia Pipe Makes: Bajaj / Valmont/Laasma//Transrail/Utkarsh/ Skipper/Consoul including cost of all materials and conveyance to work spot etc complete and ss as directed by the departmental authorities.
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NA;Supply and transportation of 120W LED Street light Luminaire made of pressure diecast alluminium body with powder coated, having protective toughned glass, Supply Input voltage 120 - 270 V AC, P.F > 0.90, high power LED's System efficacy >110 lm/W and junction temprature < 70°C, with Ingrees protection IP66, Luminaire performance complies to IS 10322 (Part 5 / Sec-3), Driver surge protection 4KV, In house additional Surge protection 10 KV with optics distribution,THD<10% at 110 Volts AC, driver efficiency >90%, CCT: 3000K - 5700K, minimum CRI>70, etc., complete.Makes:a) Luminaire Make Philips (Greenline Extra)/ Crompton ( Hawk series) / Bajaj (Edge) b) LED MAKE :PHILIPS LUMILEDS / CREE / OSRAM. including cost of all materials and conveyance to work spot etc complete and ss as directed by the departmental authorities.
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NA;Supply and delivery of of 3 core 2.5 Sqmm.PVC insulated and sheathed FRLS copper round cable for voltage up to 1100V as per IS 694/1990 Makes: Finolex / RR kabel / Havells / KEI /Polycab/Gloster/Goldmedal /GM including cost of all materials and conveyance to work spot etc complete and ss as directed by the departmental authorities.
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NA;Cutting open BT road surface (as well as asphalt concrete upto 75mm thick) including water bound mecadam including stacking of excavated materials for pipe line trench work with all labour charges etc. complete as per SS and as directed by the site engineer.
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NA;PCC grade M20 (MORD) Providing Plain Cement Concrete Nominal Mix (1:2:4) using 20mm nominal size Graded hard stone aggregate, mechanically mixed, placed and compacted by vibration including curing for 14 days complete as per drawings and technical specifications Clause 802, 803, 1202 & 1203 MORD and 1500, 1700 & 2100 MORTH. for Approaches etc. (for Mechanical Mixer)
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NA;Manufacturing supply and delivery of 12"x10"x5" of 16 Guage CRCA Sheet pole box and 2Nos- Suitable back Clamps of size 19mm x 4mm thickness MS flat, FP Connector with necessary bolts and nuts including painting (one coat of redoxide and enamel) including cost of all materials and conveyance to work spot etc complete and ss as directed by the departmental authorities.
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NA;Supply of 6-32A SP MCB 10KA C/D Curve ISI Mark Makes: Legrand-DX3 / Schneider-A9/Hager-h3/ Siemens-5SX4/ Havells STADx /L&T-AU/Indo Asian-Opti pro/ HPL (Techno) including cost of all materials and conveyance to work spot etc complete and ss as directed by the departmental authorities.
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NA;Supply and fixing of suitable out door type feeder piller box made with 14 SWG CRCA sheet after 7 tank process including S & F 40-63A FP MCB, 6 Nos SP MCB's, din chanel, bus bars, 6 Sqmm 3 core copper cable for internal wiring, contactor, connectors and provision for energy meter etc., complete for finished item of work. complete for finished item of work.FP MCBmake :Legrand / Schnieder / L&T including cost and conveyance of all materials to work spot and all labour charges etc., complete as directed by the departmental authorities
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NA;Providing Road Augur of C.C. or B.T. Roads drilling without road damage in minor depth through loose rock including hire charges of T&P wages of labour, crew charges and fuel charges etc. complete as directed by the Site Engineer.
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NA;Labour charges for Pole painting of one coat of redoxide paint and two coats of enamel paint/ any decorative colour paint etc., including cost of material and conveyance to work spot and all operational, incidental and labour charges etc., complete as directed by the departmental authorities.
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NA;Labour charges for cable termination, fixing of luminiares, arms with connections including cable lugs with lugging and associate necessary work, 1Pole-welding charges, testing and commissoning with necessary connection to including cost of material and conveyance to work spot etc complete as directed by the departmental authorities
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