Andhra Pradesh Rajiv Swagruha Corporation Limited Tender

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Andhra Pradesh Rajiv Swagruha Corporation Limited - APRSCL Tender

Civil And Construction
Opening Date2 Jun 2023
Closing Date19 Jun 2023
Tender Amount₹ 5,87,32,079 



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Providing and applying tack coat with bitumen Emulsion (Medium settting) (Bulk) using Emulsion pressure distributor at the rate of 0.20 kgs per sqm on the prepared bituminous/granular surface cleaned with mechanical broom for finished item of work as per MoRT&H Specification 503 (4th revision) and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. including overhead charges & Contractors profit ,But excluding VAT. MORT & H specification. Sr. NO.5.2 503




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Providing, laying and rolling of close-graded premix surfacing material of 20 mm thickness composed 13.2 mm to 0.09 mm (Type-b) aggregates using penetration grade bitumen (60/70) to the required line, grade and level to serve as wearing course on a previously prepared base, including mixing in a suitable plant, laying and rolling with a Smooth wheeled roller 8-10 tonne capacity, and finishing to required level and grade. .including overhead charges & Contractors profit ,But excluding VAT. MORT & H specification. Sr. NO.5.11 512




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Brick Masonry in C.M.(1:6) Prop. with Fly Ash cement/lime solid blocks in size 290x150x140 mm of IS-12894-1990 class-7.5manufacturing with compressive strength of 75 Kg/Sq.Cm. using fly ash, cement, gypsum and stone dust including cost and conveyance of all materials and water to work site, scaffolding and all labour charges, curing etc., complete for Road Meridian




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Plastering 08 mm thick in Single coat with base coat of 8mm thick in CM (1:6) including cost and conveyance of all materials like cement, sand, water etc., to site, including seigniorage charges, sales & other taxes on all materials, and all operational, incidental charges on materials and including cost of all labour charges for mixing mortar, finishing, scaffolding, lift charges, curing, as directed by Engineer - in - charge etc., complete for finished item of work for Internal walls, External walls (SS 901,903 & 904). For Road Meridian




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Traffic Signs - Retro-reflectorised Traffic Signs -Providing and fixing of retro-reflectorised cautionary, mandatory and informatory sign as per IRC:67 made of encapsulated lens type reflective sheeting vide Clause 1701.2.3 MORD / 801.3 MORTH fixed over aluminum sheeting, 1.5 mm thick supported on a mild steel angle iron pron post 75 mm x 75 mm x 6 mm firmly fixed to the ground by means of properly designed foundation with M15 grade cement concrete 450 mm x 450 mm x 600 mm, 600 mm below ground level as per drawings and Technical Specification Clause 801 MORTH / 1701 MORD.




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Printing New Letters and Figures of any Shade Printing new letter and figures of any shade with synthetic enamel paint black or any other approved colour to give an even shade as per drawings and Technical Specification Clause 1701 MORD / 801 MORTH




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Reinforced Cement Concrete Crash Barrier-Provision of an Reinforced cement concrete crash barrier at the edges of the road, approaches to bridge structures and medians, constructed with M-20 grade concrete with HYSD reinforcement conforming to IRC:21 and dowel bars 25 mm dia, 450 mm long at expansion joints filled with pre-moulded asphalt filler board, keyed to the structure on which it is built and installed as per design given in the enclosure to MOST circular No. RW/NH - 33022/1/94-DO III dated 24 June 1994 as per dimensions in the approved drawing and at locations directed by the Engineer, all as specified 809 MORTH




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Supply, transport, Erection ,Fabrication and placing of Mild Steel Gate grade A Corten confirming to IS-432 part 1& 2 of SAIL/ VSP/ TISCON or any approved TMT of different diameters straightening, cutting & bending to required sizes & shapes placing in position & size tieing firmly and welding , grinding, lighting, ventilation for forming grills(using angles, square bars, tees and channel grills, grating frames, gates and tree guards of any size and design etc) for reinforcement work as per approved design & drawings to be supplied at the time of executing the work including Concrete ,cost & conveyance of steel and all materials and all wastages such as overlaps, couplings, welded joints, angles , plates, Hollow bars, and all operational, incidential, labour charges such as cutting, bending, placing, welding in position, tieing etc., complete for finished item of work as directed by the Deptt. for Entrance gate




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Clearing light jungle including uprooting vegetation and small trees of grith including grubbing the roots and burning the trumps etc. complete as per standered specifications, including overhead charges & Contractors profit.




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Excavation in soil with hydraulic excavator of 0.9 cum bucket capacity including cutting and loading in tippers, trimming bottom and side slopes, in accordance with requirements of lines, grades and cross sections, and transporting to the embankment location within all lifts and lead upto 1000m (in sdr soils)




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Excavation in Ordinary Rock using Hydraulic Excavator CK-90 and Tippers with Disposal upto 1000 metres. For ( HDR & F&F PROFILES) . Excavation in ordinary rock with hydraulic excavator of 0.9 cum bucket capacity including cutting and loading in tippers, transporting to embankment site within all lifts and lead upto 1000 m, trimming bottom and side slopes in accordance with requirements of lines, grades and cross sections.




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Excavation in hard rock with controlled blasting by drilling, blasting and breaking, trimming of bottom and side slopes in accordance with requirements of lines, grades and cross sections, loading and disposal of cut road with in all lifts and leads upto 1000 metres




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Re-filling with useful available excavated earth in trenches, sides of Foundations upto ground level with standard specifications in layers not exceeding 15 Cm. thick consolidating each deposited layer by watering and ramming including cost and conveyance of water to work site and all operational, incidental, labour charges, hire charges of T&P etc., complete for finished item of work (APSS No.309 & 310).




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Dozing levelling and Compacting of the disposal soil by machinery to required profile in the existing valley or low level areas in layers of 25 to 30 cm before compaction including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, all operations such as watering, compacting to density control of not less than 95 percent or as stipulated using 8T roller etc., complete with initial lead upto 1 km and all lifts. of the project including all charges




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Earth work excavation and depositing on bank with an initial lead of 10mts and lift of 2mts in sand or loose soils, wet Sand not under water, silt in canals, channels and drains etc., and incluidng all operational, incidental, labour charges, shuch as shoring, sheeting, planking, strutting and dewatering charges etc., complete for for finished item of work for pipe lines, including overhead charges & Contractors profit




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Manufacture ,Supply and Delivery of 160mm Dia. (S.20) unplasticized Non-pressure Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC-U) Pipes of dark (any shade of Brown) for use in Underground Drainage & Sewerage System conforming to IS.15328/2003) with Solvent Cement Jointing as per specification including transportation charges to work site , loading, unloading, excise duty, cess & vat etc and testing of pipes as per the directions of the department, including overhead charges & Contractors profit.




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Manufacture ,Supply and Delivery of 200mm Dia. (S.20) unplasticized Non-pressure Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC-U) Pipes of dark (any shade of Brown) for use in Underground Drainage & Sewerage System conforming to IS.15328/2003) with Solvent Cement Jointing as per specification including transportation charges to work site , loading, unloading, excise duty, cess & vat etc and testing of pipes as per the directions of the department, including overhead charges & Contractors profit.




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Lowering, laying, jointing and testing to hydralic test pressure including cost of water with minimum water lead of 500m for PVC-U pressure pipes in ready made trenches true to alignment and gradient including all sundries but excluding cost & conveyance of pipes from source of supply and jointing materials as per BIS No. 7634 - Part III - 1975 for 160 mm dia, including overhead charges & Contractors profit.




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Lowering, laying, jointing and testing to hydralic test pressure including cost of water with minimum water lead of 500m for PVC-U pressure pipes in ready made trenches true to alignment and gradient including all sundries but excluding cost & conveyance of pipes from source of supply and jointing materials as per BIS No. 7634 - Part III - 1975 for 200 mm dia, including overhead charges & Contractors profit.




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Construction of 3'-0" dia.(1524mm)Solid block masonry INSPECTION CHAMBER as per IS.4111, Part-I-1986 with CM(1:6)Prop. Fly-Ash blocks of 225mm thick from approved source having a minium crushing strength of 50 Kg/Sq.Cm.including plastering with CM(1:3)Prop., 12mm thick both inside and outside and fitted with 20" Dia. RCC Manhole Covers and Frames including excavating pits upto a depth of 5'-0" (1524mm) in all sorts of soils (excluding rock) and laying CC(1:4:8) Prop. 150mm thick using 40mm HBG metal and PCC(1:2:4)Prop. benching and channel 100mm thick as per standard specification and including cost and conveyance of all materials like cement, sand, bricks, water etc., to site of work, seignorage on all materials and all operational, incidental, labour charges like mixing cement mortar, construcing masonry, lift charges, curing etc., complete for finished item of work as per standard specification, including overhead charges & Contractors profit




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Construction of 3'-0" dia.(904mm)Solid block masonry INSPECTION CHAMBER as per IS.4111, Part-I-1986 with CM(1:6)Prop. Fly-Ash blocks of 225mm thick from approved source having a minium crushing strength of 50 Kg/Sq.Cm.including plastering with CM(1:3)Prop., 12mm thick both inside and outside and fitted with 20" Dia. RCC Manhole Covers and Frames including excavating pits upto a depth of 3'-0" (904mm) in all sorts of soils (excluding rock) and laying CC(1:4:8) Prop. 150mm thick using 40mm HBG metal and PCC(1:2:4)Prop. benching and channel 100mm thick as per standard specification and including cost and conveyance of all materials like cement, sand, bricks, water etc., to site of work, seignorage on all materials and all operational, incidental, labour charges like mixing cement mortar, construcing masonry, lift charges, curing etc., complete for finished item of work as per standard specification.including overhead charges & Contractors profit.




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Filling Sand for Culvert foundations with initial lead in layers not exceeding 15 Cm. thick consolidating each deposited layer by watering and ramming including cost and conveyance of water to work site and all operational, incidental, labour charges, hire charges of T&P etc., complete for finished item of work, including overhead charges & Contractors profit




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Construction of 914.4 mm x 457.2 mm (3'0"x1'6") Brick masonry INSPECTION CHAMBER with 9" thick brick masonry work in C.M (1:6)prop. with necessary carbelling as per ISI standard upto a depth of 3'-0" over a bed of 4" thick CC(1:5:10) prop. including plastering in CM(1:3)Prop. 1/2" thick to Inside, Outside & Top surfaces with fine rendering in neat cement and making necessary C.C channelling with CC (1:2:4) prop. with smooth neat cement finishing, earth work excavation in all soils (except rock required blastering) etc., and refilling with excavated soils as per SS and fixing with 3'-0"x1'-6" C.I frame and cover of 40 Kg including cost and conveyance of all materials to site of work and labour charges, curing etc., complete for finished item of work, including overhead charges & Contractors profit.




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Construction of circular manholes with a slope of 30mm to 50mm in the channel along with sewer lines as per the approved departmental drawings including cutting of earth work excavation and laying of P C.C M10 bed with 40mm metal, brick work with C.M. (1:3) for Manhole using 2nd class best quality having a compressive strenght of 50 Kg/Sq Cm.The rate includes plastering with C.M(1:3) 20mm thick both inside and out side and smooth finishing of Sewer channel, providing top coping 150mm thick with R.C.C M20 Design Mix using 350Kgs of Cement/Cum including supply and fixing of 35 H.D Manhole cover as per BIS:12592 (Part 1&2) with frame and encapsulated plastic steps including cost and conveyance of all materials, including cost and fabrication of steel used in R.C.C coping as per S.S. including benching, channeling, finishing and refilling with excavated earth and conveyance of surplus earth etc., complete as per S.S and as directed by the departmental authorities for finished item of work. (APDSS NO.1325). upto 6'0" depth




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Construction of circular manholes with a slope of 30mm to 50mm in the channel along with sewer lines as per the approved departmental drawings including cutting of earth work excavation and laying of P C.C M10 bed with 40mm metal, brick work with C.M. (1:3) for Manhole using 2nd class best quality having a compressive strenght of 50 Kg/Sq Cm.The rate includes plastering with C.M(1:3) 20mm thick both inside and out side and smooth finishing of Sewer channel, providing top coping 150mm thick with R.C.C M20 Design Mix using 350Kgs of Cement/Cum including supply and fixing of 35 H.D Manhole cover as per BIS:12592 (Part 1&2) with frame and encapsulated plastic steps including cost and conveyance of all materials, including cost and fabrication of steel used in R.C.C coping as per S.S. including benching, channeling, finishing and refilling with excavated earth and conveyance of surplus earth etc., complete as per S.S and as directed by the departmental authorities for finished item of work. (APDSS NO.1325). upto 7'0" depth




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Construction of circular manholes with a slope of 30mm to 50mm in the channel along with sewer lines as per the approved departmental drawings including cutting of earth work excavation and laying of P C.C M10 bed with 40mm metal, brick work with C.M. (1:3) for Manhole using 2nd class best quality having a compressive strenght of 50 Kg/Sq Cm.The rate includes plastering with C.M(1:3) 20mm thick both inside and out side and smooth finishing of Sewer channel, providing top coping 150mm thick with R.C.C M20 Design Mix using 350Kgs of Cement/Cum including supply and fixing of 35 H.D Manhole cover as per BIS:12592 (Part 1&2) with frame and encapsulated plastic steps including cost and conveyance of all materials, including cost and fabrication of steel used in R.C.C coping as per S.S. including benching, channeling, finishing and refilling with excavated earth and conveyance of surplus earth etc., complete as per S.S and as directed by the departmental authorities for finished item of work. (APDSS NO.1325)upto 8'0" depth




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Construction of circular manholes with a slope of 30mm to 50mm in the channel along with sewer lines as per the approved departmental drawings including cutting of earth work excavation and laying of P C.C M10 bed with 40mm metal, brick work with C.M. (1:3) for Manhole using 2nd class best quality having a compressive strenght of 50 Kg/Sq Cm.The rate includes plastering with C.M(1:3) 20mm thick both inside and out side and smooth finishing of Sewer channel, providing top coping 150mm thick with R.C.C M20 Design Mix using 350Kgs of Cement/Cum including supply and fixing of 35 H.D Manhole cover as per BIS:12592 (Part 1&2) with frame and encapsulated plastic steps including cost and conveyance of all materials, including cost and fabrication of steel used in R.C.C coping as per S.S. including benching, channeling, finishing and refilling with excavated earth and conveyance of surplus earth etc., complete as per S.S and as directed by the departmental authorities for finished item of work. (APDSS NO.1325) upto 9'0" depth




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Earth work excavation for foundations and depositing on bank for all lifts and with an initial lead of 10m including all operational, incidental, labour charges such as shoring ,sheeting, planking, strutting, etc. complete for finished item of work including seigniorage excluding dewatering charges etc as per SS - 20 B (APSS 308). for Pipe lines Ordinary soils-Mechcanical Means-Upto 3 m depth for Water Supply Lines




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Manufacture, Supplying and delivery of OD 110 mm Dia. HDPE Pipe (P.E. - 100 Grade) of Pressure 6.00 Kg./Sq.Cm. conforming to IS.4984-2016 including transportation charges to work site and including cost and conveyance of all materials to work site and loading,unloading , forwarding charges, labour charges etc., but excluding Excise duty, Sale Tax and speicals etc., complete for finished item of work. (above 90mm dia. straight length in 6mts.)




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Manufacture, Supplying and delivery of OD 110 mm Dia. HDPE Pipe (P.E. - 100 Grade) of Pressure 8.00 Kg./Sq.Cm. conforming to IS.4984-2016 including transportation charges to work site and including cost and conveyance of all materials to work site and loading,unloading , forwarding charges, labour charges etc., but excluding Excise duty, Sale Tax and speicals etc., complete for finished item of work. (above 90mm dia. straight length in 6mts.)




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Manufacture, Supplying and delivery of OD 160mm Dia. HDPE Pipe (P.E. - 100 Grade) of Pressure 8.00 Kg./Sq.Cm. conforming to IS.4984-2016 including transportation charges to work site and including cost and conveyance of all materials to work site and loading,unloading , forwarding charges, labour charges etc., but excluding Excise duty, Sale Tax and speicals etc., complete for finished item of work. (above 90mm dia. straight length in 6mts.) SUMP TO OHSR PUMPING MAIN




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Manufacture, Supplying and delivery of OD 110 mm Dia. HDPE BENDS conforming to IS.4984-2016 including transportation charges to work site and including cost and conveyance of all materials to work site and loading,unloading , forwarding charges, labour charges etc., but excluding Excise duty, Sale Tax and speicals etc., complete for finished item of work.




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Manufacture, Supplying and delivery of OD 160mm Dia. HDPE BENDS conforming to IS.4984-2016 including transportation charges to work site and including cost and conveyance of all materials to work site and loading,unloading , forwarding charges, labour charges etc., but excluding Excise duty, Sale Tax and speicals etc., complete for finished item of work.




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Manufacture, Supplying and delivery of OD 110 mm Dia. HDPE TEEs conforming to IS.4984-2016 including transportation charges to work site and including cost and conveyance of all materials to work site and loading,unloading , forwarding charges, labour charges etc., but excluding Excise duty, Sale Tax and speicals etc., complete for finished item of work.




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Manufacture, Supplying and delivery of OD 160mm Dia. HDPE TEEs conforming to IS.4984-2016 including transportation charges to work site and including cost and conveyance of all materials to work site and loading,unloading , forwarding charges, labour charges etc., but excluding Excise duty, Sale Tax and speicals etc., complete for finished item of work.




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Manufacture, Supplying and delivery of OD 160mm Dia. to 110 mm HDPE reducers conforming to IS.4984-2016 including transportation charges to work site and including cost and conveyance of all materials to work site and loading,unloading , forwarding charges, labour charges etc., but excluding Excise duty, Sale Tax and speicals etc., complete for finished item of work.




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Manufacture, Supplying and delivery of OD 160mm ,160mm , 110 mmDia. HDPE TEEs conforming to IS.4984-2016 including transportation charges to work site and including cost and conveyance of all materials to work site and loading,unloading , forwarding charges, labour charges etc., but excluding Excise duty, Sale Tax and speicals etc., complete for finished item of work.




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Manufacture, Supplying and delivery of OD 160mm ,110mm , 110 mmDia. HDPE TEEs conforming to IS.4984-2016 including transportation charges to work site and including cost and conveyance of all materials to work site and loading,unloading , forwarding charges, labour charges etc., but excluding Excise duty, Sale Tax and speicals etc., complete for finished item of work.




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Manufacture, Supplying and delivery of OD 110mm Dia. HDPE 4 Way TEEs conforming to IS.4984-2016 including transportation charges to work site and including cost and conveyance of all materials to work site and loading,unloading , forwarding charges, labour charges etc., but excluding Excise duty, Sale Tax and speicals etc., complete for finished item of work.




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Manufacture, Supplying and delivery of OD 160mm Dia. HDPE 4 Way TEEs conforming to IS.4984-2016 including transportation charges to work site and including cost and conveyance of all materials to work site and loading,unloading , forwarding charges, labour charges etc., but excluding Excise duty, Sale Tax and speicals etc., complete for finished item of work.




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Manufacture, Supplying and delivery of 110 mm Dia. M.S. Flanges conforming to IS.4984-2016 including transportation charges to work site and including cost and conveyance of all materials to work site and loading,unloading, forwarding charges, labour charges etc., but excluding Excise duty, Sale Tax and speicals etc., complete for finished item of work.




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Manufacture, Supplying and delivery of 160 mm Dia. M.S. Flanges conforming to IS.4984-2016 including transportation charges to work site and including cost and conveyance of all materials to work site and loading,unloading, forwarding charges, labour charges etc., but excluding Excise duty, Sale Tax and speicals etc., complete for finished item of work.




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Supply, Delivery of D.I double flanged short/Long body or Wafer Type pattern Butterfly Valves for the following dia. conforming to IS 13095 (with up to date amendments, if any) manually operated having Body, Disc with D.I; Shaft,Seating ring, internal fastenings with Stainless steel (IS: 6603); External bolting with Carbon steel; Seat with Nitrile or EPDM rubber; excluding transportation and all taxes, complete. 100 MM SLUICE VALVES PN 2.5 (MPa) (Rate/Each




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Supply, Delivery of D.I double flanged short/Long body or Wafer Type pattern Butterfly Valves for the following dia. conforming to IS 13095 (with up to date amendments, if any) manually operated having Body, Disc with D.I; Shaft,Seating ring, internal fastenings with Stainless steel (IS: 6603); External bolting with Carbon steel; Seat with Nitrile or EPDM rubber; excluding transportation and all taxes, complete. 150 MM SLUICE VALVES PN 2.5 (MPa)




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Supply, Delivery of D.I Double Flanged Swing Check type Reflux valves (Non Return Valves) of following dia. conforming to IS- 5312 (Pts-1&2) (with amendments up to date, if any) having Body, Cover, Door, Bearing holder with D.I; Hinge pin, Door pin, Door suspension pin with Stainless Steel (IS 6603); Body seat ring , Door face ring, Bearing bushes, Plugs for hinge pin with Leaded Tin Bronze ( IS 318 ); Bolts, Nuts with Carbon steel; Gaskets with Rubber; Hinges with Cast steel; excluding transportation and all taxes complete. 150 mm dia PN 1.6 (MPa)




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Supply, Delivery of D.I double flanged SCOUR Valves for the following dia. conforming to IS 13095 (with up to date amendments, if any) manually operated having Body, Disc with D.I; Shaft,Seating ring, internal fastenings with Stainless steel (IS: 6603); External bolting with Carbon steel; Seat with Nitrile or EPDM rubber; excluding transportation and all taxes, complete. 100 MM SCOUR VALVES (Rate/Each




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Supply & Delivery of Tamper Proof DI Flanged Single Chamber Air Release Valves with body & cover made of Ductile Iron Grade GGG-40/SG-400/15 or GGG-50/SG-500/7 or Equivalent as per IS1865, IS:3896-2 with Food Grade Epoxy Powder Coating(EP-P) (Min:250 Micron) inside and Outside of Color Blue RAL 5005. All internal parts such as Float, shell, Cove Bolts etc. made of Austenitic alloy steel of SS AISI 304/316 and DN 50 float of and other components with ABS/PTFE/EPDM/NBR and generally conforming to DIN/BIS/AWWA standards (or) combination Flange drilling as per IS - 1538 and exclusive of all taxes and transportation. 150 mm Dia PN 2.5 MPa




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Lowering, Laying and Jointing of 160mm Dia. HDPE Pipes by but fusion welding as per IS.7634-Part-II/1975 as amended from time to time to the alignment and gradient and testing the pipe line to the required pressure including cost and conveyance of all materials to work site and all operational, incidential and all labour charges etc., complete for finished item of work.




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Lowering, Laying and Jointing of 110mm Dia. HDPE Pipes by but fusion welding as per IS.7634-Part-II/1975 as amended from time to time to the alignment and gradient and testing the pipe line to the required pressure including cost and conveyance of all materials to work site and all operational, incidential and all labour charges etc., complete for finished item of work.




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Lowering and keeping in position of 150 mm Dia. AIR Valve including conveyance of all materials to work site and nuts and bolts,rubber packing and shallock and all other charges etc., complete as per the direction of the department for finihsed item of work. complete for finished item of work.




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Lowering and keeping in position of 150 mm Dia. Sluice valve including conveyance of all materials to work site and nuts and bolts,rubber packing and shallock and all other charges etc., complete as per the direction of the department for finihsed item of work .. complete for finished item of work.




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Lowering and keeping in position of 100 mm Dia. Sluice valve including conveyance of all materials to work site and nuts and bolts,rubber packing and shallock and all other charges etc., complete as per the direction of the department for finihsed item of work .. complete for finished item of work.




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Lowering and keeping in position of 100 mm Dia. Scour valve including conveyance of all materials to work site and nuts and bolts,rubber packing and shallock and all other charges etc., complete as per the direction of the department for finihsed item of work .. complete for finished item of work.




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Labour charges for jointing D.I. Pipes and Valves with Double flanged ends including cost of jointing materials such as bolts, nuts rubber insertion, white lead including filling with water with lead upto 500 Mts. and testing to required pressure including cost and conveyance of all materials etc.,complete for 150mm Dia. Sluice Valve.




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Labour charges for jointing D.I. Pipes and Valves with Double flanged ends including cost of jointing materials such as bolts, nuts rubber insertion, white lead including filling with water with lead upto 500 Mts. and testing to required pressure including cost and conveyance of all materials etc.,complete for 100mm Dia. Sluice Valve.




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Labour charges for jointing D.I. Pipes and Valves with Double flanged ends including cost of jointing materials such as bolts, nuts rubber insertion, white lead including filling with water with lead upto 500 Mts. and testing to required pressure including cost and conveyance of all materials etc.,complete for 100mm Dia. ScourValve.




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Labour charges for jointing D.I. Pipes and Valves with Double flanged ends including cost of jointing materials such as bolts, nuts rubber insertion, white lead including filling with water with lead upto 500 Mts. and testing to required pressure including cost and conveyance of all materials etc.,complete for 150mm Dia. Air Valve.




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Re-filling with useful available excavated earth (excluding rock) in trenches, sides of Foundations upto ground level with standard specifications in layers not exceeding 15 Cm. thick consolidating each deposited layer by watering and ramming including cost and conveyance of water to work site and all operational, incidental, labour charges, hire charges of T&P etc., complete for finished item of work (APSS No.309 & 310).




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Supply and delivery of Bolts & Nuts with double washers including cost and conveyance of all materials to site of work, shallok/White lead etc., for flanged joints excluding labour charges for fixing values. ( No.of Bolts for each valve 8 Nos. and total weight of Bolts 1.50 Kg./8 Nos.)




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Lowering and keeping in position of 150 mm Dia. Non Return valve including conveyance of all materials to work site and nuts and bolts,rubber packing and shallock and all other charges etc., complete as per the direction of the department for finihsed item of work .. complete for finished item of work.




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Labour charges for jointing D.I. Pipes and Valves with Double flanged ends including cost of jointing materials such as bolts, nuts rubber insertion, white lead including filling with water with lead upto 500 Mts. and testing to required pressure including cost and conveyance of all materials etc.,complete for 150mm Dia. Non Return Valve.




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Manufacture, Supplying and delivery of 110 Dia HDPE End Caps conforming to IS.4984-2016 including transportation charges to work site and including cost and conveyance of all materials to work site and loading,unloading , forwarding charges, labour charges etc., but excluding Excise duty, Sale Tax and speicals etc., complete for finished item of work.




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Manufacture, Supplying and delivery of 160 Dia HDPE End Caps conforming to IS.4984-2016 including transportation charges to work site and including cost and conveyance of all materials to work site and loading,unloading, forwarding charges, labour charges etc., but excluding Excise duty, Sale Tax and speicals etc., complete for finished item of work.




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Earth work excavation and depositing on bank with an initial lead of 10mts and lift of 2mts in sand or loose soils, wet Sand not under water, silt in canals, channels and drains etc., and incluidng all operational, incidental, labour charges, shuch as shoring, sheeting, planking, strutting and dewatering charges etc., complete for for finished item of work for Foundation of PCC Storm Water Drains.




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PCC(1:4:8) Prop.with 40mm guage graded hard broken granite machine crushed metal including cost and conveyance of all materials and water to work site and all operational, incidental, labour charges for laying, tamping, curing machine mixing, seigniorage etc., complete for Bed of Drains.




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P.C.C. work of mix (1:3:6) Prop. using 12.5mm & 20mm gauge graded hard granite machine crushed metal incluidng cost and conveyance of all materials and water to work site and all labour charges, machine mxing, laying, curing etc., complete for DRAIN bed & Side Walls.




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Supply and placing of the M20 Design Mix Concrete corresponding to IS 456 using WEIGH BATCHER / MIXER with 20mm size graded machine crushed hard granite metal (coarse aggregate) from approved quarry including cost and conveyance of all materials like cement, fine aggregate (sand) coarse aggregate, water etc., to site and including Seigniorage charges, sales & other taxes on all materials including all operational, incidental and labour charges such as weigh batching, machine mixing, laying concrete, curing etc.,complete but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges for finished item of work (APSS No. 402)with minimum cement content as per IS code from standard suppliers approved by the department including pumping, centering, shuttering, laying concrete, vibrating, curing etc. complete but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges for finished item of work. for OVER DRAIN Pre-cast Slab.




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Plastering 12mm thick in Single Coat with CM(1:5) Prop. with sponge Finishing including cost and conveyance of all materials and water to work site and all operational, incidental charges, scaffolding charges, labour charges, curing etc., complete for PCC SIDE DRAIN WALLS. for finished item of work inclusive of all taxes etc., complete.




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Providing High Yield Strenth Deformed STEEL bars / TMT ( Fe.500 Grade as per IS1786 and as amended upto date) of different of diameters including labour charges for cutting, bending to required size, shapes, placing in position with cover blocks of approved materials and size and tying firmly with M.S.Binding wire of 20 SWG forming grills for reinforcement work as per approved designs and drawings including cost and conveyance of mild steel bars, including all wastage, such as over laps, welding joints, chairs, space bars and all incidental, Operational labour charges, including sales and other taxes on all materials etc., complete for finished item of work in all floors (payment will be made on the basis of wieght of fabrication deformed bars only. No re-rolled steel shall be allowed) complete for 8mm to 40mm) FORSTORM WATER DRAINS




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Excavation in soil with hydraulic excavator of 0.9 cum bucket capacity including cutting and loading in tippers, trimming bottom and side slopes, in accordance with requirements of lines, grades and cross sections, and transporting to the embankment location within all lifts and lead upto 1000m (in sdr soils) for Retaining Wall




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Plain cement concrete work of mix (1:4:8) prop. using 40mm guage hard granite machine crushed metal including cost of machine mixing, laying, levelling, tamping, curing and conveyance of all materials and all operational, incidental and labour charges,seignorage charges etc. complete for levelling course and below footings for retaining walls. (Cum)




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P.C.C. work of mix (1:3:6) Prop. using 12.5mm & 20mm gauge graded hard granite machine crushed metal mechanically mixed with necessary reinforcement including cost and conveyance of all materials and water to work site, and all operational, incidental, labour charges, Centering charges such as Steel Scaffolding pipes, Jack props,Steel centering plates etc., mixing concrete, laying, levelling, vibrating with vibrator, curing etc., complete as per standard specification incluidng cost and conveyance of all materials and water to work site and all labour charges, machine mxing, laying, curing etc., complete for P.C.C RAFT




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P.C.C. work of mix (1:3:6) Prop. using 12.5mm & 20mm gauge graded hard granite machine crushed metal mechanically mixed with necessary reinforcement including cost and conveyance of all materials and water to work site, and all operational, incidental, labour charges, Centering charges such as Steel Scaffolding pipes, Jack props,Steel centering plates etc., mixing concrete, laying, levelling, vibrating with vibrator, curing etc., complete as per standard specification incluidng cost and conveyance of all materials and water to work site and all labour charges, machine mxing, laying, curing etc., complete for P.C.C Side Walls.




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Providing weep holes with 75 mm dia . Of required length with PVC pipe of make (Sudhakar/nandi/prince) conforming to IS 49851:2000 of 4.00 kg/sq cm pressure and bell mouth finishing at inlet including cost , all taxes and all labour charges for conveyance to site cutting into required sizes , placing in position maintaing slopes as diorected by engineer in charge etc.. inncluding metal spall backing x 30 cms size in rear complete for weep holes in all respects as per the specification and dirtection of engineer in charge for retaining walls. (RM)




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Plain cement concrete work of mix (1:4:8) prop. using 40mm guage hard granite machine crushed metal including cost of machine mixing, laying, levelling, tamping, curing and conveyance of all materials and all operational, incidental and labour charges,seignorage charges etc. complete for levelling course . (Cum) for CC Roads




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Construction of un-reinforced, dowel jointed, M30 Plain Cement Concrete Pavement over a prepared sub base with 43 grade cement @ 400 kg per cum, coarse and fine aggregate conforming to IS 383, maximum size of coarse aggregate not exceeding 25 mm, mixed in a batching and mixing plant as per approved mix design including cost and conveyance of all magerials and water to work site, transported to site, laid with a fixed form or slip form paver, spread, compacted and finished in a continuous operation including provision of contraction, expansion, construction and longitudinal joints, joint filler, separation membrane, sealant primer, joint sealant, debonding strip, dowel bar, tie rod, admixtures as approved, curing compound, finishing to lines and grades as per drawing and Technical Specification 602 MORTH. for CC Roads




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Excavation in soil with hydraulic excavator of 0.9 cum bucket capacity including cutting and loading in tippers, trimming bottom and side slopes, in accordance with requirements of lines, grades and cross sections, and transporting to the embankment location within all lifts and lead upto 1000m (in sdr soils)




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PCC work of mix (1:4:8)Prop. using 40mm nominal size hard broken granite machine crushed metal including cost and conveyance of all materials and water to work site and all operational, incidental charges, machine mixing, laying, levelling, tamping, and all labour charges, curing, etc., complete for Bed of Flooring and Foundations.




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Supply and placing of the M20 Design Mix Concrete corresponding to IS 456 using WEIGH BATCHER / MIXER with 20mm & 12 mm size graded machine crushed hard granite metal (coarse aggregate) from approved quarry including cost and conveyance of all materials like cement, fine aggregate (sand) coarse aggregate, water etc., to site and including Seigniorage charges, sales & other taxes on all materials including all operational, incidental and labour charges such as weigh batching, machine mixing, laying concrete, curing etc.,complete but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges for finished item of work (APSS No. 402)with minimum cement content as per IS code from standard suppliers approved by the department including pumping, centering, shuttering, laying concrete, vibrating, curing etc. complete but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges for finished item of work for BASE OF SEPTIC TANK




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Supply and placing of the M20 Design Mix Concrete corresponding to IS 456 using WEIGH BATCHER / MIXER with 20mm size graded machine crushed hard granite metal (coarse aggregate) from approved quarry including cost and conveyance of all materials like cement, fine aggregate (sand) coarse aggregate, water etc., to site and including Seigniorage charges, sales & other taxes on all materials including all operational, incidental and labour charges such as weigh batching, machine mixing, laying concrete, curing etc.,complete but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges for finished item of work (APSS No. 402)with minimum cement content as per IS code from standard suppliers approved by the department including pumping, centering, shuttering, laying concrete, vibrating, curing etc. complete but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges for finished item of work.(Wall thickness 0.25 M)for Septic Tank Side Walls




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Brick Masonry in C.M.(1:6) Prop. with Fly Ash cement/lime solid blocks in size 290x150x140 mm of IS-12894-1990 class-7.5manufacturing with compressive strength of 75 Kg/Sq.Cm. using fly ash, cement, gypsum and stone dust including cost and conveyance of all materials and water to work site, scaffolding and all labour charges, curing etc., complete for Soak Pit




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Plastering with CM(1:3) Prop.12 mm thick single coat mixed with 1 Kg., of high durable cementitious acrylic based waterproofing systems per bag of cement including cost and conveyance of all materials and water to work site and all operational,incidental charges and all labour charges for mixing mortar, laying, rendering smooth ,curing, rounding off junctions of wall and slab etc., complete for finished item of work as directed by the department. for Septic Tank Side Walls




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Supply and placing of the M20 Design Mix Concrete corresponding to IS 456 using WEIGH BATCHER / MIXER with 20mm & 12 mm size graded machine crushed hard granite metal (coarse aggregate) from approved quarry including cost and conveyance of all materials like cement, fine aggregate (sand) coarse aggregate, water etc., to site and including Seigniorage charges, sales & other taxes on all materials including all operational, incidental and labour charges such as weigh batching, machine mixing, laying concrete, curing etc.,complete but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges for finished item of work (APSS No. 402)with minimum cement content as per IS code from standard suppliers approved by the department including pumping, centering, shuttering, laying concrete, vibrating, curing etc. complete but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charges for finished item of work,for PRECAST SLABS. 50 mm thick




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Supplying and fixing 4"( 101.60 mm) dia unplasticised PVC pipe of make (SUDHAKAR / NANDI / PRINCE) down take water spout pipe of 2.5 kg/sqcm pressure with air tight joints with all materials such as required clamps of suitable size and necessary nails and screws and bell mouth finishing at inlet including shoe and bend etc, complete for PVC 101.60 mm for Outlet




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Providing High Yield Strenth Deformed STEEL bars / TMT ( Fe.500 Grade as per IS1786 and as amended upto date) of different of diameters including labour charges for cutting, bending to required size, shapes, placing in position with cover blocks of approved materials and size and tying firmly with M.S.Binding wire of 20 SWG forming grills for reinforcement work as per approved designs and drawings including cost and conveyance of mild steel bars, including all wastage, such as over laps, welding joints, chairs, space bars and all incidental, Operational labour charges, including sales and other taxes on all materials etc., complete for finished item of work in all floors (payment will be made on the basis of wieght of fabrication deformed bars only. No re-rolled steel shall be allowed) complete for 8mm to 40mm) for Septic Tank (M.T)




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Drilling of Bore well by down the hole hammer drilling through a finished dia of 165 mm dia in all formations suitable for down the hole hammer drilling such as medium hardrock formation to hard rock formation, all consolidated formation etc. and drilling in over burden to dia not less than 200 mm etc and reaming the borewell to suit insertion of suitable casing pipe etc., including insertion of casing pipe with couplings, caps any other relavant materials upto required depth as directed by the department including transporatation of drilling rigs and supporting vehicle and including bore develpoment ( flushing of borewell at an average pressure of 150 PSI ) conducting yield test consumable charges, crew charges required in fixation of pipe assembling compltely done to the satisification of the department and including labour charges but excluding all taxes, the cost of casing pipe, couplings, caps etc., the entire work should be carried out as per IS -2800-Part I and II 1979 and amended from time to time. ( Drilling of bore well 165mm dia upto 110 Mtr depth)




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Manufacturing, supply & Delivery of 250mm dia. UPVC 6kg/ class -3 casing pipe as per IS 4985/2000(3rd revision). As ammended from time to time including revisions if any and confirming to technical conditions specified in the specification with ISI mark and transporation etc..and excluding all taxes and finished item of work as directed by the Dept.




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Manufacturing, supply & Delivery of 180 mm dia. UPVC 6kg/ class -3 casing pipe as per IS 4985/2000. As ammended from time totime including revisions if any and confirming to technical conditions specified in the specification with ISI mark and transporation etc..and excluding all taxes and finished item of work as directed by the Dept.




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Cost, Supply & fixing of GI B - Class Pipe 32mm dia. and connecting rods, and finished item of work as directed by the Dept.




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Supply , Delivery of ISI marked fully hot dipped galvanized deep well india mark-H hand pump assembling complete unit with 10 nos connecting rods (bright bar of 12mm dia and 100 Mts length each confirming to IS 9301/1990 and IS 14101 to 14104:1994 with their amendment / revisions but excluding all taxes and finished item of work as directed by the Dept.




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Construction of bore well platform of 1.85 Mtrs dia and 3.00 Mts length drain and foot rest of 1.00 X LOU M with CC (1:2:4:) using 20mm HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all materilas , labour charges , centering , curing , seinorage charges excluding all taxes etc., complete as per UNICEF design and finished item of work as directed by the Dept.




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Labour charges for Erection of IM-II hand pump assembling with all its accessories and with the required number of 32mm dia CI-13 GI pipes including all taxes and as per the directions of the department officers but excluding taxes.




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Perforation charges for 180 mm dia PVC pipes for finished item of work as per the directions of the department.




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Supply and fixing of 180mm PVC bore cap as drected by the department




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Geological survey charges excluding charges




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