Central Railway Tender
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CR-DRMWBB-2024-30-09Tender Authority
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BOQ Items
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"Shoring for the protection against slope failure as per site condition with sufficiently 2 rigid frame of structural steel i.e. MS angles, channels, pipes, sheets/ battens etc. with suitable anchoring arrangements /fixing as and when required as per the instructions ofEngineer-in-charge. (Prev LAR No. BB.W.PNVL-Roha/RUB 23-24/E/WR dtd 15.01.2019) 3
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"Soiling 200mm thick with contractors boulder in foundation.
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"Removal debris/ muck/ excavated earth/ released muck from shallow/deep screening etc. including excavation wherever required and taking the same out of Rly's land limit with 4 contractors own Trucks / vehicles. The rate is inclusive of all labour, T&P lead, lifts, crossing of tracks, loading, unloading, levelling etc complete Payment shall be made after taking initial & final levels as specified in the item of deep screening, Note: - 1. Photograph's prior and after muck removal will be taken with land marks by supervisor concerned at contractor's own cost. Otherwise 100% test check shall be done by concerned ADEN.
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"Dismantling coffer dam consisting of bags with impervious material (Item no 13704 of SOR-2002) Ref USSOR 2011 Item No 274040."
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"Cutting in hard rock by diamond cutter for making box outside profile for pushing 6 precast RCC box segment in existing embankment portion including all machineries, tools plants , diesel, labour, dewatering, loading, unloading, and removal of rock pieces from site upto 300 meter. NS/1 of Sch 03 part A 1 Letter No: MUMBAI-CST-DIVISION-ENGG / CR- DRMWBB-2024-06-06 / 00889870102043 Dated 29.04.2024"
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"Preparation of detail drawing for construction of minor bridge &RUB's with RCC Box of any size including drawing of foundation, sub structure, wing wall/ returnwall /face wall, with specification & term of reference as per Rlys standard RDSO standard designshall be referred for structural & reinforcement details of RCC boxes & other component. The rate includes conducting engineering survey for collection of field data and Lsection of Road for RUB. The bore log detail with classification of soil and SBC shall be indicated. (soil investigation will be paid separately) payment 7 schedule is as under : i) On submission of detailed scheme, design calculation & drawing in 3 sets & approved by HQ office Mumbai....50% (This item should be completed within 2 months) ii) On approval of scheme, design, drawing incorporating charges/corrections as suggested by Rly's (from time to time till its final approval).... 40% (This item should be completed within 1 months) iii) After execution ofwork....05% iv) On submission of completion drawing on linen tracing ....05% Note: The girders will be of RDSO standard span. Modification required for final bridges width will have to be designed in this item."" Note :Unit may be read as One Job.LAR NO. NS/4 .CR-DRMWBB- 2023@45"45@05 / 00897800099568 Dated: 13/03/2024
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Filling contractor's moorun/good quality granular material as specified in Railway specification without stacking directly in plinths and floors, etc. complete including watering and ramming (Item No 01505 of SOR -2002)
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Excavation in Tunnel by micro tunnel boring machine for installing 1600mm dia RCC with steel color. sleeve/carier pipe for sewer line/storm water drain to correct grade and alignment using slurry or mixes shields across and under the under the Railway track anytype of strata including marshy land, soft clay, murum, soft/hard and / r boulder of anystrenght and hardness, dewatering, etc. but excluding muck disposal from shaft site complete as perspecifications and as directed by the engineer.
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Approved 1600mm dia RCC pipe with steel colar 10mm X250 mm, pipe overall length 11 2.5 m, wall thickness 180 mm and pipe outer dia 1960 mm confirming to pipe standard like JSWS AS A.6 ASTMC-76 , SS 183 or AS - 1342 but not less than NP-4 class under IS -458, and with M45 grade concrete, supplied , jointed and installed to correct level, gradient and alignment . The grade of pipe will be NP-4 or greater as per railway design/drawing for 40 MT
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"Transportation of RH girder/CC crib/ any other railway material required to be transportation including loading, leading , lifting ,hoisting , lowering with all equipments, T&P, labour,cranes etc complete.(1 No. X 40 Tonne) for 500 Km.
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"Insertion/Removal of RH girder with the help of contractor's road crane at desired location Including all preparatory work during traffic block/power block with all contractor's labour, plants, tools, Equipments, etc. complete. The weight of reliving girder for pament purpose shall Include welght of girder proper, rails bracings & associated fitting like cleats, bolts etc. only. The unloading operation is done seprately in advance other than main block. The rate of Item Includeds:- (a) For insertion:- all preparatory works connected with insertion of RH girder like removal of track panel for required lenght by contractor's road crane removal ballast and stacking it at nominated location, excavation of bank to required depth as per Railway's approved drawing C. Rly Drg. No. GM (W) BB/1176 & DRG No. GM (W) 6400 preparation of base for RH girder and linking of track on RH girder & its approaches Including one round packing to satisfaction of Engineer-In-charge for making 13 track fit for 20 KMPH speed. The bolts & clamps for RH girder assembly will however supplied by the Railway (b) For removal:- all works connected with removal of RH girder and keeping It at nominated place, removal of CC cribs & wooden blocks filling up the bank over box with Rly's excavated earth duly compacting the same, preading of ballast and packing to make track fit for 20 kmph speed. (u of coarse ground material sand/Quarry dust/munum ir do desired by Rallway Engineer In case of excavated material belng clayey soil/BC soll etc. will be paid extra by operating separate Item for supply. Note:- i) Insertion and removal of THE gliders will be treated as a separate fob & will be pald accordingly. ii) Transportation of RH girder to and from work s including unloading at site will be paid separately under relevant transportation tems. iii) The capacity of crane and its operation schedule should be such so as to cause least Interference to traffic. iv) The unloading of RH girder from BFR when undertaken In block other than main block, It will be pald through USSOR Item No. 211180, otherwise it will be deemed to be Included In the main Item.
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USSOR Items 2021 Part-B
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DSR Items Part-B1
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"Cutting in hard rock by diamond cutter for making box outside profile for pushing precast RCC box segment in existing embankment portion including all machineries, tools plants , diesel, labour, dewatering, loading, unloading, and removal of rock pieces from site upto 300 meter.
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"Extra for admixing polydenate, blolar, migratory, integral, non nitrite base concrete penetrating corrosion Inhibiting admixture (POLYALK CP 293 - Sunanda make or Equivalent) mixing at 2 the time of RMC plant In the concrete as per manufacturers spedfication, Inhibitor should conform toRDSO BS 88 specifications including suitable rusticide compatible with admixure and concrete with all contractor's labour, tools & plants, Machinery etc. complete with all lead & lift. Note: Inhibitor solution should confirm to the following advanced properties: 1. Blend of migratory, long chain, multifunctional corrosion Inhibitors that work on advanced chelating mechanism to form a polydentate bonds with steel 2. Bipolar protection to steel bath on cathodic as well anodic site. 3. Non-nitrite based. 4. No adverse effect on concrete properties. 5. Rustidde is a single component sulphate and chloride free rust remover liquid. On application over steel surface by brush or cotton swab or spray it forms a stable complex of phosphate and chromate as pcr appacation confirming to IS 9077, 1979.
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"Shoring for the protection against slope failure as per site condition with sufficiently rigid frame of structural steel i.e. MS angles, channels, pipes, sheets/ battens etc. with suitable anchoring arrangements /fixing as and when required as per the instructions ofEngineer-in-charge. 4
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Soiling 200mm thick with contractors boulder in foundation.
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"Pushing RCC Box of size (6.0x 4.5 m) making all necessary arragements of sufficient number of jacks and its consumable like hydraulic oll etc. arragements for electricity, generator mininum 30 KVA, arrangement for smooth pushing work, If any together with all labour and material. The rate Includes the cost of operating of jacks, protection of track, for any variation In the track 5 geometry stabalizing the earth using bentonite or other protectios, necessary arrangements like gunny bags filled with sand shall be made to deal with any unexpected requirements. The contractor has to utilise the thrust bed prepared for the purpose of pushing as per the direction of engineer In charge. No additional payment shall be made for skill or unskilled labours used In the Item. The rate Included designing cost of thrust bed. The payment for construction of thrust bed & RCC box shall be made under relevant SOR Items, the design of thrust bed shall be finalised only after the approval of engineer In charge.
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"Insertion/Removal of RH girder with the help of contractor's road crane at desired location Including all preparatory work during traffic block/power block with all contractor's labour, plants, tools, Equipments, etc. complete. The weight of reliving girder for pament purpose shall Include welght of girder proper, rails bracings & associated fitting like cleats, bolts etc. only. The unloading operation is done seprately in advance other than main block. The rate of Item Includeds:- (a) For insertion:- all preparatory works connected with insertion of RH girder like removal of track panel for required lenght by contractor's road crane removal ballast and stacking it at nominated location, excavation of bank to required depth as per Railway's approved drawing C. Rly Drg. No. GM (W) BB/1176 & DRG No. GM (W) 6400 preparation of base for RH girder and linking of track on RH girder & its approaches Including one round packing to satisfaction of Engineer-In-charge for making 6 track fit for 20 KMPH speed. The bolts & clamps for RH girder assembly will however supplied by the Railway (b) For removal:- all works connected with removal of RH girder and keeping It at nominated place, removal of CC cribs & wooden blocks filling up the bank over box with Rly's excavated earth duly compacting the same, preading of ballast and packing to make track fit for 20 kmph speed. (u of coarse ground material sand/Quarry dust/munum ir do desired by Rallway Engineer In case of excavated material belng clayey soil/BC soll etc. will be paid extra by operating separate Item for supply. Note:- i) Insertion and removal of THE gliders will be treated as a separate fob & will be pald accordingly. ii) Transportation of RH girder to and from work s including unloading at site will be paid separately under relevant transportation tems. iii) The capacity of crane and its operation schedule should be such so as to cause least Interference to traffic. iv) The unloading of RH girder from BFR when undertaken In block other than main block, It will be pald through USSOR Item No. 211180, otherwise it will be deemed to be Included In the main Item.
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"Preparation of detail drawing for construction of minor bridge &RUB's with RCC Box of any size including drawing of foundation, sub structure, wing wall/ returnwall /face wall, with specification & term of reference as per Rlys standard RDSO standard designshall be referred for structural & reinforcement details of RCC boxes & other component. The rate includes conducting engineering survey for collection of field data and Lsection of Road for RUB. The bore log detail with classification of soil and SBC shall be indicated. (soil investigation will be paid separately) payment 7 schedule is as under : i) On submission of detailed scheme, design calculation & drawing in 3 sets & approved by HQ office Mumbai....50% (This item should be completed within 2 months) ii) On approval of scheme, design, drawing incorporating charges/corrections as suggested by Rly's (from time to time till its final approval).... 40% (This item should be completed within 1 months) iii) After execution ofwork....05% iv) On submission of completion drawing on linen tracing ....05% Note: The girders will be of RDSO standard span. Modification required for final bridges width will have to be designed in this item."" Note :Unit may be read as One Job.LAR NO. NS/4 .CR-DRMWBB- 2023@45"45@05 / 00897800099568 Dated: 13/03/2024
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Dismantling coffer dam consisting of bags with impervious material (Item no 13704 of SOR-2002)
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Manufacturing, providing and fixing concrete convas i.e concrete impregnated fabric CC-5 or similar with 5 mm thickness for lining for earthen drain. The concrete convas i.e concrete impregnated fabric CC 5 as per specification must be laid in proper way with all required fixtures and 9 fastenings as complete job as instruction and satisfaction of Engineer-in- charge with contractors own materials, labour, tools, lead, lift, T&P Jetc. The cost includes cost of materials, transportation, installation, fixing pegging, curing, preinstallation, preparation works, supervision, petty works Involved, taxes, GST etc. as a complete job. Nothing will be paid extra. NOTE: Overlapping of 100 mm will be provided between two consecutive CC patches. The overlap quantity will be taken for measurement.
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Supply and Installation of TMC Garbage Resistance System with Cover, Fire Retardant, Acid proof, Shock Proof, Theft Free, Height- 25mm, Centre to Centre Distance between two sections- 80mm, Top Flange-15 mm, Cross Rod-150 mm.
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"Removal debris/ muck/ excavated earth/ released muck from shallow/deep screening etc. including excavation wherever required and taking the same out of Rly's land limit with 11 contractors own Trucks / vehicles. The rate is inclusive of all labour, T&P lead, lifts, crossing of tracks, loading, unloading, levelling etc complete Payment shall be made after taking initial & final levels as specified in the item of deep screening, Note: - 1. Photograph's prior and after muck removal will be taken with land marks by supervisor concerned at contractor's own cost. Otherwise 100% test check shall be done by concerned ADEN.
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