Electrostatic Tender Results
Electrostatic Tender Results
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2024 onwards
2022 onwards
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Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan - KVS Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Kalahandi, Odisha
Description: Electricity Kit,Electrostatic Kit,Magnetic Kit,Heat and Thermometer Kit,Sound and tone kit,Ray opti
Contract Date15 Feb 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract Amount₹ 45.9 K
Directorate Of Training And Employment Tender Result
Machinery and Tools
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Fatehpur, Uttar Pradesh
CATEGORY: Welding helmet fiber , Welding hand shield fiber , Chipping
hammer , Chisel cold 19 mm x 150 mm , Centre punch 9
mm x 127 mm , Dividers 200 mm , Stainless steel rule
300mm , Scriber 150 mm double point , Flat Tongs 350mm
long , Hack saw frame fixed 300 mm , File half round
bastard 300 mm , File flat 350 mm bastard , Hammer ball
pane 1 kg with handle , Tip Cleaner , Try square 6INCH ,
Spindle key , Hammer sledge , H.P. Welding torch , Metal
rack 182 cm x 152 cm x 45 cm , Steel lockers with 8 Pigeon
holes , Steel Almirah 1980 x 910 x 490 , GMAW welding
machine 400A capacity with air cooled torch , Spark lighter ,
Instructor s table and Chair Steel , Instructor s laptop Core
i5 12 genration 512ssd 8gb ram 15.6 inch display , LCD
projector with screen. , Steel measuring tape 3 meters ,
Magneto spanner set 8 Spanners , Tubular box spanner Set
- 6 - 32 mm , Magnifying lenses 75 mm , Continuity tester ,
Scissors 200mm , Hand Drill Machine Electric 13MM ,
Battery Charger 0 - 6 - 9 - 12 - 24 15 Amps , Clamp meter 0 -
10 A , Digital Tester , Analog IC Tester , Desktop Computer
Core I5 12 Genration 512 ssd 20.5 Inch display 8gb ram ,
Laptops Core i5 13 Genration 512 ssd 15.6 Inch Display 8gb
ram , Laser jet Printer , UPS 1 kva , Washing machine ,
Vacuum cleaner , Microwave oven 20 liters , Mixer cum
grinder , Electric rice cooker , Water purifier , Immersion
Heater 2 KVA , DTH with accessories , Co- Axial cable cutter
, LED TV 32inch , Home theatre system , Instructo s table 6
x 3 , Instructor s chair , Metal Rack 100cm x 150cm x 45cm
, Lockers with 16 drawers , Rule steel 600mm , Drawing
Board , Hack Saw with Frame 300mm , Jack Plane 50mm ,
Drill Bits 3 mm 5mm 8mm 10mm 12mm , Paint Tin Opener ,
Scraper Knife , Paint Burner Acetylene Gas , Bench Vice
125mm , Infra red lamp , Digital DFT meter , Hacksaw frame
300 mm , flat file- smooth finish 12inch , Circular cut file
12inch , Raft cut 12inch , Pipe die set metric and Inches ,
Gun Spray with Gravity Feed Cup with Complete accessories
0.5ltr , Conventional Spray Gun , Electric spray gun , Digital
Weight Machine 5kg , Electrostatic spray Gun unit , Airless
Spray Gun unit , Metal Shelving Rack Open Type 1800 x 900
x 500 mm with 4 Adjustable Shelves , Steel Locker s with 8
Drawer s , Green Glass Board 6 x 4 fit , Cupboard 1980 x
910 x 490 , Instructor table 4 x 2.5 , Instructor chair ,
Computers Desktop Core I5 12 Genration 512 SSD 20.5inch
DISPLAY , Computer Table 2 x 3 , Printer Leger , Camera
Contract Date14 Feb 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract Amount₹ 26.2 Lac
Directorate Of Training And Employment Tender Result
Machinery and Tools
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Jalaun, Uttar Pradesh
CATEGORY: Measuring Steel Tape , Combination Plier Insulated , Screw
Driver Insulated , Electrician screw driver thin stem
insulated handle , Heavy Duty Screw Driver insulated ,
Electrician Screw Driver thin stem insulated handle , Punch
Centre , Knife Double Bladed Electrician , Neon Tester ,
Steel Rule Graduated both in Metric and English Unit ,
Hammer cross peen with handle , Plier side cuttting , Safety
Belt , Chisel firmer with wooden Handle , DE metric Spanner
Double Ended , Digital Wattmeter , AC Energy Meter ,
Digital Energy Meter , Power Factor Meter Digital ,
Frequency Meter , Magnetic Flux Meter , Wheat Stone
Bridge with galvanometer and battery , Single Phase
Variable Auto Transformer , Temperature controlled
Soldering Iron , Discrete Component Trainer , Solar panel ,
Instructors table , Instructors chair , Lockers with 8 cabinate
, Black board or white board , Electrician Helmet , 110 V
battery charger , Lathe SS and SC All geared head stock
With DRO Z and Y Axis , White Board , Tailor square , French
Curve , Leg shaper , Thread cutter , Pattern Notcher , Seam
Ripper , Display Board Covered with glass or Acrylic Sheet ,
Interative board , Pinking Shears , Scissors , Green Board ,
Electrostatic spray Gun unit , Electric spray gun , Air
Compressor , Printer , Step Ladder , Powder Coating set up ,
Suction feed spray gun , Instructor table , Instructor chair ,
Aerograph , Gun Spray with Gravity Feed Cup
Contract Date9 Feb 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract Amount₹ 26.9 Lac
Vocational Education And Skill Development Department Tender Result
Machinery and Tools
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
CATEGORY: Sewing Machine-Single Needle Lock stitch Industrial model ,
Dummy , Garment Hangers , Mannequins , Over Lock
Machine , Scissors , Rule steel , Rule wooden -Consumable ,
Brush Round Short Hair-Consumable , Brush Flat Short Hair -
Consumable , Varnish Brush soft hair- Consumable , Colour
Pallet for water colour Consumable , Stencil or Paper Cutter
Consumable , T Square , Easel a Type stand , Square Blade ,
Scriber , Wing Compass , Hand saw , Tendon Saw , Hack
Saw with Frame , Smoothing Plane , Jack Plane , Mallet
Round , Hammer-Crass Pin , Hammer-Claw , Portable
Electric Hand Drill Machine , Drill Bits-Consumable , Chisel
Knife , Palate Knife Set , Diamond Glazier Knife , Paint Tin
Opener , Scraper Knife , Shave Huck Knife , Glider Knife ,
Paint Burner-Acetylene Gas , Blow Lamp , Step Ladder-
Aluminum , Scaffolding -Movable , Weight Per Litter Cup ,
Ford Cop for Viscosity Measurement with stand , Mild Steel
Panels , Sink-Stainless steel , Suction feed spray gun with
accessories , Gloss Meter , Infra red lamp , Digital DFT
meter , Orbital Sander Machine with dust collector ,
Aerograph-Air Brush or Pen Gun , Pneumatic Polishing
Machine with Pads , Goggles-Consumable , Gloves-Rubber-
Consumable , Pipe vice , Hacksaw , Pipe wrench , flat file-
smooth finish , Circular cut file , Raft cut , Pipe die set
metric and Inches , Conventional Spray Gun For Pressure
Feed , Electric spray gun , Comb Gauge , Pencil Hardness
Tester , Electrostatic spray Gun unit , Airless Spray Gun unit
, Sealer Drum Press Pump with Sealer Gun Assembly ,
Powder Coating set up with Gun booth and Oven
Contract Date9 Feb 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract Amount₹ 40.7 Lac
Haryana Power Generation Corporation Limited - HPGCL Tender Result
Electrical Works...+1Electrical and Electronics
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Panipat, Haryana
Description: Overhauling Of Electrostatic Precipitators Of Boiler Of 210 Mw, Unit-6, Ptps, Panipat
Contract Date9 Feb 2024
Contract Amount₹ 12.6 Lac
Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Limited - BESCOM Tender Result
Electrical Works...+1Electrical and Electronics
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Bengaluru, Karnataka
Description: Electromechanical Meters by DLMS complaint LT AC single phase 2 wire 5-30A and LTAC three phase 4 Wire 5-30A Electrostatic
Contract Date9 Feb 2024
Contract Amount₹ 88.6 Cr
Technical Education And Manpower Planning Department Tender Result
Education And Training Services
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh
CATEGORY: Digital Trainer Kit , Customized Power supply for PLC
Controlled System-Power Supply Panel 24VPS , Soft PLC
Panels-Soft-PLC with all signals AND Ports wired of Breakout
Panels , IO Signals and Ports Analog Inputs , Experiment
Breakout Panels Designed with Toggle switches Push
buttons Rotary switches LED Indicators Buzzer Power
Supply , Filtered AC socket with colored patch cords AC
sockets for Laptop and Test Instrument with Colored Patch
cords 4mm stackable Banana Plugs connecting cords for
easy connectivity , Electrostatic Discharge work Table ESD
safe Work Table with lockable storage drawers
Contract Date8 Feb 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract Amount₹ 5 Lac
Directorate Of Training And Employment Tender Result
Textile, Apparel and Footwear
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Amroha, Uttar Pradesh
CATEGORY: Pinking shears , Screw driver set , Pressing table , Pattern
punch , Pattern hanging stands , Stand for hanging dresses
, Garment Hangers , Waste bin , Pattern notcher , Pattern
hanging stand , Sewing machine , Over lock machine
3thread , ZigZagmulti purpose machine , Double needle
machine , Button sewing machine , Machine attachments ,
T Square , Easel a Type stand , Square blade , Scriber , Wing
compass set , Hand saw , Tendon saw , Hack saw frame ,
Smoothing plane , Jack plane , Mallet round , Carpenter
Hammer Ball Pin , Hammer crass pin , Hammer claw ,
Portable electric hand drill machine , DRILL Bits , Chisel
knife , Hacking Knife , Palate Knife Set , Diamond glazier
Knife , Paint tin opener , Scraper knife , Shave huck knife ,
Glider knife , Step ladder aluminum , Scaffolding movable ,
Weight per liter cup , Ford cop for viscosity measurement
with stand set , Sink stainless steel , Fire Extinguisher ,
Suction feed spray gun , Gloss meter , Aerograph air brush
pen gun , Pipe vice , Hacksaw , Pipe wrench set , Flat file
smooth finish , Circular cut file , Raft cut , Pipe die set ,
Electric spray gun , Comb gauge , Pencil hardness tester ,
Digital weight machine , Air compressor , Pressure feed
container with conventional , Electrostatic spray gun unit ,
Airless spray gun unit complete accessories , Power coating
setup , LCD Projector , Vacuum Cleaner , Drafting table ,
Leg Shaper Plastic
Contract Date8 Feb 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract Amount₹ 25.4 Lac
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan - KVS Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Katihar, Bihar
Contract Date8 Feb 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract Amount₹ 32.6 K
Directorate Of Training And Employment Tender Result
Electrical and Electronics...+1Electronics Equipment
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Shahjahanpur, Uttar Pradesh
CATEGORY: sound speakers , Application kits for Microcontrollers 6
different applications , Desoldering pump electrical heated ,
Digital and AnalogIC Tester , DOL starter , LCD TV Trainer
kit , LED lighting system , Lockers with 16 drawers standard
size , Metal Rack , Microcontroller kits 8051 along with
programming software Assembly level Programming , Op
Amp trainer , Precision set of screw drivers , Solar Training
Kit Simulator , Soldering and De soldering Station , Stools
for lab , Tweezers Bend tip , Chisel Knife , Circular cut file ,
Conventional Spray Gun For Pressure Feed , Cupboard ,
Desk with Locker , Digital DFT meter , Drawing Board ,
Easel a Type stand , Electrostatic spray Gun unit , Flat file
smooth finish , Ford Cop for Viscosity Measurement with
stand , Gloss Meter , Hack Saw with Frame , Hacksaw ,
Hand saw , Infra red lamp , Instructor table and chair ,
Mallet Round , Marking Gauge , Paint Burner Acetylene Gas ,
Pencil Hardness Tester , Pipe die set metric and Inches ,
Pipe vice , Pipe wrench , Pneumatic Polishing Machine with
Pads , Portable Electric Hand Grinder , Pressure Feed
Container with Conventional , Raft cut , Rule steel , Screw
Driver , Sealer Drum Press Pump with Sealer Gun Assembly
, Steel Lockers with 8 Drawers , Step Ladder Aluminum ,
Suction feed spray gun with accessories , T Square , Weight
Per Litter Cup , Desk , Electric PPR pipe welding machine ,
File flat rough , Hacksaw Frame adjustable , Hammer ball
peen , Hammering drilling machine , Hydraulic pressure
machine for testing leakage , Level spirit wooden , Pipe
stock and dies complete with stocks,bushing,bushing ,
Plumb bob , Scriber , Stillson pattern pipe wrenches ,
Stillson wrench , Trowel , Water meter , A F O Oscillators ,
Air conditioning, direct system , Bending spring external
type for copper tube , BLDC motor with controller , C R O
Dual trace Double beam , Hack saw tubular metal frame
adjustable , IDU Pulse Generation type motor , Refrigerant
cylinder , T Allen key set , Tong tester clamp , Water cooler
storage type , Wrench adjustable , AG 4 Grinder , Argon gas
cylinder , Chisel cold , CO2 cylinder , Flat Tongs , Hand
shearing machine capacity , Multiangle magnetic clamp set ,
Plastic welding machine with hot air gun , Power saw
machine , Spanner D E , Spot welding machine , Welding
helmet fiber
Contract Date6 Feb 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract Amount₹ 70.6 Lac
61-70 of 499 active Tender Results