Electrical Cable Tender Results
Electrical Cable Tender Results
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2024 onwards
2022 onwards
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Tripura State Electricity Corporation Limited - TSECL Tender Result
Civil And Construction...+5Electrical Cables And Wires, Electrical Works, Electrical and Electronics, Pipe Line Project, Water Storage And Supply
North Tripura, Tripura
Contract DateNA
Contract Amount₹ 13 Lac This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Description: Electrical
Roads And Buildings Department Tender Result
Hyderabad, Telangana
Contract DateNA
Contract Amount₹ 13.2 Lac
Description: cables, Telephone cables and Networking cables etc., in Corridor in 9th floor of BRKR Bhavan, Hyderabad
National Security Guard - NSG Tender Result
Electrical Goods and Equipments...+1Electrical and Electronics
Gurugram, Haryana
Contract DateNA
Contract Amount₹ 13.3 Lac
CATEGORY: 3 pieces 5 feet long each and telecopic type and highly
insulated FRP HT Discharge Rod , Panel mounteable LED
phase indicating LED lamps Red , Panel mounteable LED
phase indicating LED lamps Yellow , Panel mounteable LED
phase indicating LED lamps Blue , Panel mounteable LED
phase indicating LED lamps Green , Die-cast stainless steel
Panel door Locks , 150watt LED Flood Light , Harrison Locks
65 mm , 300 mm sweep and 1400 RPM heavy-duty and
single phase and metallic exhaust fan , CRC 2-26 electrical
contact Cleaner , Pidilite WD 40 mechinical contact cleaner ,
Digital Multimeter , Digital Clamp on meter , Measuring
Tape , 12V lead acid Battery Hydrometer , Stainless Steel
Measuring Wire , Hand driven and Metallic analog insulation
tester , Synthetic Enamel paint , Aluminium Paint , Red
Oxide Metal Primer , Thinner , Tarpin oil , Paint Brush 2inch
, Paint Brush 3inch , Paint Brush 4 inches , 100 Amps MCCB
three Pole and 25KA , 125 Amps MCCB three Pole 25KA ,
200 Amps MCCB three Pole 25KA , 100 Amps MCCB Four
Pole 25KA , 125 Amps MCCB Four Pole 25KA , 160 Amps
MCCB Four Pole 25KA. , 200 Amps MCCB Four Pole 25KA ,
250 Amps MCCB Four pole 25KA , 400 Amps MCCB Four
Pole 36KA , First Aid Kit , Fire retardant ELECTRICAL
INSULATION RUBBER MATS , Digital Testers , Allenkey Set 9
Pcs , Oil can , Two in one screw driver , Wire stripping plier
150 mm length , Utility knife Tapaia UK-3 , Measuring Tape
and Length of the Tape is 30M , Metal body Multi-Functional
Emergency Rechargeable LED , 3M Self bonding electrical
tape , Self bonding electrical insulation Kachi Rubber tape ,
Edgeless Ultra-slim Monitor Display size 60 point 45cms and
FHD 1920 x 1080 quality , Long nose plier 165mm , Plier
type hand operated Heavy Duty Mechanical crimping tool ,
2000W input power handheld hot airgun , 100 W highbay
LED luminaire , 250 Gram quantity of Crystal Silica Gel
Breather in transparent PVC container , 500 Gram quantity
of Crystal Silica Gel , 1000 Gram quantity of Crystal Silica
Gel , PVC Electrical insulation Tapes , 900 mm BEE 5 Star
Celing Fan BLDC , On load changeover Switch 400 A and 4
pole , On Load Changeover Switches 415V 315 Amp and 4
pole , IP66, 205 mm x 255 mm x 112 mm, weather proof
outdoor type cable junction box , 10 Pc Metal Drill Bits Set ,
5 Pcs Drill Bit set , Angle grinder Cut Off Wheel , PTFE
Thread Seal Tape 4 mtr
National Security Guard - NSG Tender Result
Machinery and Tools
Gurugram, Haryana
Contract DateNA
Contract Amount₹ 13.5 Lac
CATEGORY: 40 A, 25KA, TP MCCB , 80 A, 25KA, TP MCCB , 100 A, 25KA,
TP MCCB , 125 A, 25KA, TP MCCB , 160 A, 25KA, TP MCCB ,
125 A, 35 KA, TP MCCB , 160 A, 35KA, TP MCCB , 200 A,
35KA, TP MCCB , 250 A, 35KA, TP MCCB , 250 A, 36 KA, FP
MCCB , 16 sq mm Aluminium Flat thimble , 25 Sq mm.
Aluminium Flat thimble , 35 Sq mm. Aluminium Flat thimble
, 50 Sq mm. Aluminium Flat thimble , 70 Sq mm. Aluminium
Flat thimble , 95 Sq mm. Aluminium Flat thimble , 120 sq
mm. Aluminium Flat thimble , 150 Sqmm. Aluminium Flat
thimble , 185 Sq mm. Aluminium Flat thimble , 240 Sq mm.
Aluminium Flat thimble , 300 Sq mm. Aluminium Flat
thimble , 400 Sq mm. Aluminium Flat thimble , 16 Sq mm.
Aluminium Ferrule , 25 Sq mm. Aluminium Ferrule , 35 Sq
mm. Aluminium Ferrule , 50 Sq mm. Aluminium Ferrule , 70
Sq mm. Aluminium Ferrule , 95 Sq mm. Aluminium Ferrule ,
120 sq mm. Aluminium Ferrule , 150 Sq mm. Aluminium
Ferrule , 185 Sq mm. Aluminium Ferrule , 240 Sq mm.
Aluminium Ferrule , 300 Sq mm. Aluminium Ferrule , 400 Sq
mm. Aluminium Ferrule , Heat shrinkable straight through
cable jointing kit 2 X 16 sq mm , Heat shrinkable straight
through cable jointing kit 2 X 25 sq mm , Heat shrinkable
straight through cable jointing kit 3.5 X 35 sq mm , Heat
shrinkable straight through cable jointing kit 3.5 X 50 sq
mm , Heat shrinkable straight through cable jointing kit 3.5
X 70 sq mm , Heat shrinkable straight through cable jointing
kit 3.5 X 95 sq mm , Heat shrinkable straight through cable
jointing kit 3.5 X 120 sq mm , Heat shrinkable straight
through cable jointing kit 3.5 X 150 sq mm , Heat shrinkable
straight through cable jointing kit 3.5 X 240 sq mm , Heat
shrinkable straight through cable jointing kit 3.5 X 300 sq
mm , Heat shrinkable straight through cable jointing kit 3.5
X 400 sq mm , Self bonding electrical tape , Cable Junction
Boxes size 205 mm x 255 mm x 112 mm, , Insulation Tapes
, 630 A, 4 pole, 415 V, category AC 23A. On Load Change
Over Switch. , 400 A, 4 pole, 415 V, category AC 23A. On
Load Change Over Switch. , 125 A, 4 pole, 415 V, category
AC 23A. On Load Change Over Switch. , 1.5 sq mm Copper
ring terminal insulated , 4 sq mm Copper ring terminal
insulated , 1.5 sq mm Copper pin terminal insulated , 4 sq
mm Copper pin terminal insulated , 6 sq mm Copper pin
terminal insulated , Regular epoxy compound. , Pu Foam
Insulation Sealant , Class 0 Electrical safety Gloves , Class 2
Electrical safety Gloves , Hot Air Gun, 2000 W , Distilled
Water , 3.5 x 95 sq mm aluminium conductor, armoured
power cable of 1.1 kV grade , 3.5 x 400 sq mm aluminium
conductor, armoured power cable of 1.1 kV grade ,
Electrical contact Cleaner , Mechinical contact cleaner ,
Tricycle Three-wheel loading rickshaw. , Fibre Glass
Discharge Earth Rod. , Transformer Insulating Oil , Cable
and Pipe Locator with integrated GPS , Empty Sheet Steel
fuel barrels , Heat Shrink Sleeve dia 5 mm , Heat Shrink
Sleeve dia 8 mm , Heat Shrink Sleeve dia 10 mm , Heat
Shrink Sleeve dia 16 mm , Heat Shrink Sleeve dia 25 mm ,
Rubber Compound , Heat Shrinkable Busbar Insulation Tape
, Rubber Insulation Mat , Sine wave Inverter , 12 Volt,
Tubular Lead Acid storage battery
Municipal Affairs Department Tender Result
Electrical Cables And Wires...+2Electrical Works, Electrical and Electronics
North 24 Parganas, West Bengal
Contract DateNA
Contract Amount₹ 13.6 Lac This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Description: Conversion Of Cable From Underground To Catenary System And Allied Electrical Work At Belgharia Express
Uttar Pradesh Skill Development Mission - UPSDM Tender Result
Electrical and Electronics
Deoria, Uttar Pradesh
Contract DateNA
Contract Amount₹ 13.7 Lac
CATEGORY: All Pin , Antivirius , Ball Pen , Bambo Broom , Bathing Soap ,
Big Bowl , Black Head Remover , Blank CD , Blank PCB ,
Bleach Creame , Bread Board , Button Holder , Capacitor 2.5
Mfd , Capacitor 3.15 Mfd , Carboon Paper , Cassing Capping
20mm , Cat 6 LAN Cable , Ceiling Fan 1200mm , Cello Tape
1 inch , Chart Paper A3 Size , Cluttcher Small, Mediume,
Large , CMOS Battery , CO2 Hose Pipe , Coconut Broom ,
Coconut Oil , Colin , Correction Fluid Pen , CPU Fan , CPVC
Ball Valve , CPVC Pipe 20mm , CPVC Pipe Heavy Duty 38mm
, CPVC Plain Coupling 38mm , CPVC Plain Elbow 38mm ,
CPVC Plain FTA 38mm , CPVC Plain FTA Reducer 38mm ,
CPVC Plain MTA 38mm , CPVC Plain Socket 38mm , CPVC
Plain Tee 38mm , CPVC Solvent 50 ml , Detergent Powder ,
Detergent Soap , Diode IN 4007 , Drawing Sheet 56x71
inchs , Drinking Glass Set of 6 pcs , Duplicate Book , Dustbin
Small , Duster Cloth 18x18 inch , Electrical wiring
connection for desktop installation , Emery Paper 80 No ,
Envelope A3 Size , Envelope Medium Size , Envelope Small
Size , Eraser , Evelvope A-4 Size , Eye Liner Lakme ,
Eyebrow Thread , Face Powder , Face Scrub , Facial Cotton
Ball , Facial Kit , Fevi-Stick , File Cover Hard , Flexible
Copper Wire 14-76 , Four Fold File , Fuse Kit Kat 15 Amp ,
Gang Box Modular 6 Model , Glue 700ml , Gulab Jal 200ml ,
Hair Colour , Hair Conditioners , Hair Shampoo , Hand Wash
200 ml , Harpic Blue , Harpic Red , HDMI Cable 1.5 Mtr ,
Heater Connector , Heater Plate 158 mm , Highligter pen ,
Himalaya Face Wash , Indicator , Kaveri Mehndi Cone ,
Keyboard Logitech Mk200 , LED Red,Green,Blue , LED Bulb
18 Watt , LED Bulb 9Watt , LED Tube Light , Lipstick Diif,
Colours , Make-Up Kit , Markin Cloth , Mini Wireless Wifi
Adapter , Mouse Dell Wired , MS Electrode 3.15mm , MS
Electrode 4mm , MS Flat 100x10mm , MS Flat 50x10mm ,
Multistand Copper Wire 1 mm , Multistand Copper Wire 1.5
mm , Multistand Copper Wire 2.5 mm , Multistand Copper
Wire 4mm , Nail Cutter , Nail File , Nail Remover Lakme , Oil
Poster Colour 12color per box , Old Dhoti , Paint Brown
,Orange,Navy Blue,Black,White , Paint Brush 0 to 12mm Set
, Paint Brush 100mm , Paint Brush 50mm , Painting Roller
Cotton Cloth Type , Paper Punch Double Hole , Paper Punch
Single Hole , Paper Tape 1 inch , Paper Tape 2 inch , Paper
Weight , Pen Drive 32 GB , Pencil 10pcs per box , Pencil Cell
, Pendrive 64 GB , Permanent Marker , Phenyl 5ltr pack ,
Photocopy Paper A4 Paper , Pilot Pen Black,Red,Blue ,
Plastic Jug , Plastic Scale 300mm , Plug Top 6 amp 3 pin ,
Ponds Cold Creame , Ponds Powder 200 Ml , Power Cord
Cable , Printer Toner 88A , Progress Card Technical , PTMT
Bib Cock 3-4 , PVC Tape , Ram 4 GB DDR3 , Ressistors
Different Type , RJ-45 Connector , Room Freshener Spray ,
Rubber Band 250 Grm , S E Wire 36 SWG , Sand paper 100
nos , Sand Paper 150 no Size Waterproof Type , Sharpener ,
Socket 6 Amp , Socket Modular 16 Amp , Soft Broom ,
Solder Flux , Solder Wire , Stamp Pad Small Size , Stapler
Big Size , Stapler Pin 10 No , Stapler pin 24-6 , Stapler Small
10no , Switch 6 Amp , Switch Modular 16 Amp , Teflon Tape
, Towel Big Size , Towel Hand , Transformer 12-0-12 ,
Transformer 6-0-6v , Transformer 9-0-9V , Transistors NPN
BC 546,BC 142, BC 556, BC639 , Varnish , VGA Cable 1.5
Mtr , Wall Mounting Stand for Projector , Wax Strip , White
Board Duster , White Board Marker Red,Blue,Black,Green ,
White Board Marker ink Red, Blue,Black,Green
Department Of Post Tender Result
Electrical Works...+1Electrical and Electronics
Nagpur, Maharashtra
Contract DateNA
Contract Amount₹ 13.8 Lac This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Description: and allied Electrical works for 9 Nos type II staff quarters in A Block at Katol Road P and T colony
Tripura State Electricity Corporation Limited - TSECL Tender Result
Civil And Construction...+3Electrical Cables And Wires, Electrical and Electronics, Water Storage And Supply
North Tripura, Tripura
Contract DateNA
Contract Amount₹ 13.9 Lac This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Description: Electrical
Land Ports Authority Of India - LPAI Tender Result
Civil And Construction...+4Construction Material, Electrical Cables And Wires, Electrical Works, Electrical and Electronics
West Tripura, Tripura
Contract DateNA
Contract Amount₹ 13.9 Lac
Description: supply and replacement of underground electrical power cables at ICP, Agartala
5351-5360 of 6071 active Tender Results
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