Electrical Cable Tender Results
Electrical Cable Tender Results
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Indian Army Tender Result
Electrical Goods and Equipments...+1Electrical and Electronics
Result Stage: Potential AOC Released
Gurdaspur, Punjab
CATEGORY: Molded Case Circuit Breakers (MCCB) as per IS / IEC 60947
(Q3) , MCB - Miniature Circuit - Breakers for A.C. Operation
as per IS / IEC 60898 (Part 1) (Q2) , LED Batten (Q2) , Self
Ballasted LED Lamps for General Lighting Services (V2)
Conforming to IS 16102 (Q2) , Piano Type Non Modular
Domestic Electrical sockets - IS 1293 (Q3) , Non - Modular
Piano Type Domestic Electrical Switches as per IS 3854 (Q3)
, Electrical Plugs (V2) ISI Marked to IS 1293 (Q2) , Piano
Type Non Modular Domestic Fan Regulator as per IS 11037
(Q3) , Elecric Bells and Accessories as per IS 2268 (Q3) ,
Ceiling rose - IS 371 (Q3) , PVC Insulated Copper Cable
Single and Multi - Core Circular Sheathed Cable with Flexible
Conductor (V2) as per IS 694 (Q2) , LED Tube Light (Retrofit
Type) (Q2) , PVC Copper Cable Single Core and Multi Core
Circular Sheathed Cord with Flexible Conductor (V2) as per
IS 694 (Q2) , XLPE Cable for Working Voltages up to and
Including 1.1 KV as per IS 7098 (Part 1) (Q2)
Contract Date12 Mar 2025
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract Amount₹ 18.2 Lac
Indian Army Tender Result
Electrical Goods and Equipments...+1Electrical and Electronics
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Bengaluru, Karnataka
CATEGORY: LED Luminaire for Road and Street Lights (V2) Conforming
to IS 10322 (Part 5 / Section 3) (Q3) , LED Batten (Q2) , LED
Tube Light (Retrofit Type) (Q2) , LED Luminaire for High Bay
Lighting (Q3) , LED Garden Light (V2) (Q2) , Self Ballasted
LED Lamps for General Lighting Services (V2) Conforming to
IS 16102 (Q2) , MCB - Miniature Circuit - Breakers for A.C.
Operation as per IS / IEC 60898 (Part 1) (Q2) , Molded Case
Circuit Breakers (MCCB) as per IS / IEC 60947 (Q3) , XLPE
Cable for Working Voltages up to and Including 1.1 KV as
per IS 7098 (Part 1) (Q2) , PVC Insulated Copper Cable
Single and Multi - Core Circular Sheathed Cable with Flexible
Conductor (V2) as per IS 694 (Q2) , PVC Copper Cable
Single Core and Multi Core Circular Sheathed Cord with
Flexible Conductor (V2) as per IS 694 (Q2) , Non - Modular
Piano Type Domestic Electrical Switches as per IS 3854 (Q3)
, Piano Type Non Modular Electrical Switch Socket
Combination as per IS 3854 and IS 1293 (Q3) , Piano Type
Non Modular Domestic Electrical sockets - IS 1293 (Q3) ,
Electrical Plugs (V2) ISI Marked to IS 1293 (Q2) , Elecric Bells
and Accessories as per IS 2268 (Q3)
Contract Date12 Mar 2025
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract Amount₹ 54.9 Lac
Indian Army Tender Result
Electrical Goods and Equipments...+1Electrical and Electronics
Result Stage: Potential AOC Released
Amritsar, Punjab
CATEGORY: Molded Case Circuit Breakers (MCCB) as per IS / IEC 60947
(Q3) , MCB - Miniature Circuit - Breakers for A.C. Operation
as per IS / IEC 60898 (Part 1) (Q2) , LED Tube Light (Retrofit
Type) (Q2) , LED Luminaire for Floodlight (V2) Conforming to
IS 10322 (Part 5/Section 5) (Q3) , LED Garden Light (V2)
(Q2) , Piano Type Non Modular Electrical Switch Socket
Combination as per IS 3854 and IS 1293 (Q3) , LED
Luminaire for Road and Street Lights (V2) Conforming to IS
10322 (Part 5 / Section 3) (Q3) , Piano Type Non Modular
Domestic Fan Regulator as per IS 11037 (Q3) , LED Batten
(Q2) , Self Ballasted LED Lamps for General Lighting
Services (V2) Conforming to IS 16102 (Q2) , XLPE Cable for
Working Voltages up to and Including 1.1 KV as per IS 7098
(Part 1) (Q2) , Elecric Bells and Accessories as per IS 2268
(Q3) , Modular Piano Type Domestic Electrical Switches as
per IS 3854 (Q3) , PVC Copper Cable Single Core and Multi
Core Circular Sheathed Cord with Flexible Conductor (V2) as
per IS 694 (Q2)
Contract Date12 Mar 2025
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract Amount₹ 17.9 Lac
Indian Army Tender Result
Electrical Goods and Equipments...+1Electrical and Electronics
Result Stage: Potential AOC Released
Amritsar, Punjab
CATEGORY: LED Batten (Q2) , Self Ballasted LED Lamps for General
Lighting Services (V2) Conforming to IS 16102 (Q2) , MCB -
Miniature Circuit - Breakers for A.C. Operation as per IS / IEC
60898 (Part 1) (Q2) , Molded Case Circuit Breakers (MCCB)
as per IS / IEC 60947 (Q3) , Non - Modular Piano Type
Domestic Electrical Switches as per IS 3854 (Q3) , Piano
Type Non Modular Domestic Electrical sockets - IS 1293 (Q3)
, Piano Type Non Modular Domestic Fan Regulator as per IS
11037 (Q3) , Elecric Bells and Accessories as per IS 2268
(Q3) , Electrical Plugs (V2) ISI Marked to IS 1293 (Q2) , PVC
Insulated Copper Cable Single and Multi - Core Circular
Sheathed Cable with Flexible Conductor (V2) as per IS 694
(Q2) , XLPE Cable for Working Voltages up to and Including
1.1 KV as per IS 7098 (Part 1) (Q2) , PVC Copper Cable
Single Core and Multi Core Circular Sheathed Cord with
Flexible Conductor (V2) as per IS 694 (Q2)
Contract Date12 Mar 2025
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract Amount₹ 14.2 Lac
Indian Army Tender Result
Electrical Goods and Equipments...+1Electrical and Electronics
Result Stage: Potential AOC Released
Bengaluru, Karnataka
CATEGORY: LED Luminaire for Road and Street Lights (V2) Conforming
to IS 10322 (Part 5 / Section 3) (Q3) , LED Batten (Q2) ,
XLPE Cable for Working Voltages up to and Including 1.1 KV
as per IS 7098 (Part 1) (Q2) , MCB - Miniature Circuit -
Breakers for A.C. Operation as per IS / IEC 60898 (Part 1)
(Q2) , PVC Insulated Copper Cable Single and Multi - Core
Circular Sheathed Cable with Flexible Conductor (V2) as per
IS 694 (Q2) , PVC Copper Cable Single Core and Multi Core
Circular Sheathed Cord with Flexible Conductor (V2) as per
IS 694 (Q2) , Piano Type Non Modular Electrical Switch
Socket Combination as per IS 3854 and IS 1293 (Q3) , Non -
Modular Piano Type Domestic Electrical Switches as per IS
3854 (Q3) , Piano Type Non Modular Domestic Electrical
sockets - IS 1293 (Q3) , Electrical Plugs (V2) ISI Marked to IS
1293 (Q2) , Elecric Bells and Accessories as per IS 2268 (Q3)
Contract Date12 Mar 2025
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract Amount₹ 12.2 Lac
Indian Army Tender Result
Automobiles and Auto Parts
Result Stage: Potential AOC Released
Jodhpur, Rajasthan
171073 AT GE EP JODHPUR , Parts of vehicle to be replaced
, Fuel pipe Intake and return , Accelerator cable , Fuel filter
set of two , Hose pipe set , Air filter , Engine oil ,
Transmission oil , Hydraulic pressure pipe , Fan belt ,
Exhaust Bellow Spring , Coolant , Grease , Oil Filter , Rubber
pad for Accelerator , Hub Packing kit , Shaft Seal , Gasket ,
Brake Cylinder pipe , Roof Hood , Hydraullic Oil , Brake fluid
, High pressure line for fuel injection , Maintenance and
labour work required , Brake Bleeding , Levling the
Hydrualic Oil , Welding of Exhaust Spring , Greasing of
Wheel and Hub , Repair to Hydraulic pump , Cleaning of
Lifter chain and Forks Slide , Auto electrical Wiring ,
servicing of Vehicle , Denting and Painting , Adjustment of
clutch , Fuel pump repair , Caliberation of injector Nozzle
Contract Date12 Mar 2025
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountRefer Documents
Indian Army Tender Result
Electrical Goods and Equipments...+1Electrical and Electronics
Result Stage: Potential AOC Released
Mumbai, Maharashtra
Description: LED Batten,LED Batten,LED Bulkhead Light,LED Batten,Piano Type Modular Domestic Electrical sockets
Contract Date11 Mar 2025
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract Amount₹ 23.8 Lac
Indian Army Tender Result
Electrical Cables And Wires...+1Electrical and Electronics
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Bardhaman, West Bengal
Description: Repair of High definition camera with Ni vision capability POE IP,UTP Cable CAT 6,NVR with I P and
Contract Date10 Mar 2025
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract Amount₹ 3 Lac
Indian Coast Guard - ICG Tender Result
Result Stage: Potential AOC Released
Daman, Daman & Diu
CATEGORY: Paper Napkin , Photocopier Paper 215mm x 342mm Full
Scap , Synthetic Foot Mat 3 x 2 Feet , M Seal or Equivalent ,
Abrasive Paper 230mm x 280mm , Candle Wax , Plastic can
capacity 05 Ltrs , Can Plastic 10 Ltrs Capacity , Bag Gunny
large 100 x 71 CM , Battery dry 1 point 5V Pencil Cell R6 ,
Feather Broom or Phool Jhadu , Super Mop Refills , Polish
Metal Brass , Duster Cloth , Cloth Sponge , Cleaner White
Toilet Harpic , Cloth Stocking or Mutton Cloth , Broom
Country , Pad Lock 7 Levers Brass Navtal , Ear Muffs ,
Program Cable RJ 45 , Cable Tie , Cable Electrical 3 Core 15
AMP , Soldering Iron 250V 25W , Coaxial Cable RG11 , Cable
Electrical 3 Core 6 AMP , Battery connecting Lugs , Battery
AA Alkaline 1 point 5V LR6 , Telephone Cable 4 core Flexible
, Tape Insulation 25 MM , Envelope Cloth Coated 12 x 16 ,
Envelope Cloth Coated 10 x 14 , Envelope Cloth Coated 9 x
12 , Envelope Size 10 x 14 , Tape Transparent 1 , DVD ,
Teflon Tape , Wonder Tape 2 , Antirust Spray , Tape
Transparent 2 , Pad Lock 4 Levers 2 Brass , Pad Lock 65MM
Brass , Cable Electrical 3 Core 25 AMP , Rope PP 6 MM
Contract Date10 Mar 2025
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract Amount₹ 1.9 Lac
Indian Army Tender Result
Electrical Goods and Equipments...+1Electrical and Electronics
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Hooghly, West Bengal
Description: XLPE Cable for Working Voltages up to and Including 1.1 KV as per IS 7098 (Part 1),XLPE Cable for W
Contract Date10 Mar 2025
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract Amount₹ 44.7 Lac
11-20 of 6147 active Tender Results