Tender Results of Ports And Transport Department
Tender Results of Ports And Transport Department
Select Contract Period
2024 onwards
2022 onwards
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Ports And Transport Department Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Mahesana, Gujarat
2778 3210 7701,2778 3240 7702,f01 301 50,f01 303 50,2073 4130 4301,p5d 001 20 CATEGORY: 2778 3210 7701 , 2778 3240 7702 , F01 301 50 , F01 303
50 , 2073 4130 4301 , P5D 001 20
Contract DateNA
Contract Amount₹ 1.3 Lac
Ports And Transport Department Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Mahesana, Gujarat
2067 4112 0116,id 320554,p45 004 51,p45 008 51,p45 024 51,p26 333 39,p26 334 39,2786 2099 9972,b87 CATEGORY: 2067 4112 0116 , ID 320554 , P45 004 51 , P45 008 51 ,
P45 024 51 , P26 333 39 , P26 334 39 , 2786 2099 9972 ,
B87 634 01 , IM 300774
Contract DateNA
Contract Amount₹ 1.5 Lac
Ports And Transport Department Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Mahesana, Gujarat
2724 2540 0168,2724 2540 0147,2754 2540 0110,2724 2540 8602,5812 2540 0102,5812 2540 0103,5812 2540 CATEGORY: 2724 2540 0168 , 2724 2540 0147 , 2754 2540 0110 , 2724
2540 8602 , 5812 2540 0102 , 5812 2540 0103 , 5812 2540
0105 , 5812 2540 8601
Contract DateNA
Contract Amount₹ 1.6 Lac
Ports And Transport Department Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Mahesana, Gujarat
F45 069 10 1,f45 069 10 2,f45 069 10 3,5506 3210 0126,2778 3210 7125,2778 3210 7126,p9f00054,p9f000 CATEGORY: F45 069 10 1 , F45 069 10 2 , F45 069 10 3 , 5506 3210
0126 , 2778 3210 7125 , 2778 3210 7126 , P9F00054 ,
Contract DateNA
Contract Amount₹ 2.2 Lac
541-550 of 676 active Tender Results