Tender Results of Medical Education And Drugs Department
Tender Results of Medical Education And Drugs Department
Select Contract Period
2024 onwards
2022 onwards
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Medical Education And Drugs Department Tender Result
Housekeeping Services
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
Jalgaon, Maharashtra
Cleaning, Sanitation And Disinfection Service - Outcome Based - Healthcare; Open Area General Clean
Contract DateNA
Contract Amount₹ 1.9 Cr
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Medical Education And Drugs Department Tender Result
Healthcare and Medicine
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Jalgaon, Maharashtra
CATEGORY: Microdebrider High End , HD Camera with Recording system
High End , ENT Operating microscope , Advanced surgical
suture arm , Adanced surgical suture leg , Laparoscopy
system Medium end , Skin Grift meshar High end
Contract DateNA
Contract Amount₹ 2 Cr
Medical Education And Drugs Department Tender Result
Healthcare and Medicine
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Jalgaon, Maharashtra
Crp Xl System Pack,ldh Xl System Pack,ck-mb Xl System Pack,ferritin Xl System Pack,urea Xl System P CATEGORY: CRP XL System Pack (Q3) , LDH XL System Pack (Q3) , CK-
MB XL System Pack (Q3) , Ferritin XL System Pack (Q3) ,
Urea XL System Pack (Q3) , Creatinine XL System Pack (Q3)
, SGOT XL System Pack (Q3) , SGPT XL System Pack (Q3) ,
Total Bilirubin (Q3) , Direct Bilirubin (Q3) , Totral protein
(Q3) , Albumin (Q3) , Esylyte electrolyte pack (Q3) , Glucose
XL system pack (Q3) , maintenance kit XL 640 (Q3) ,
Calcium XL system pack , Amylase XL system pack , lipase
XL system pack , Cholinesterase , Microprotein CSF XL
system pack , Cholesterol XL system pack , triglyceride XL
system pack , Uric acid XL system pack , XL multical , Erba
norm , Erba path , Phosphorus xl system pack , magnesium
XL system pack , direct hdl cholestrol xl system pack ,
alkaline phosphatease xl system pack , farritin I chroma
cards , procalcitonin I chrma cards , interleukin I chroma
cards , troponin I I chroma cards , CK MB I chroma cards ,
CRP I Chrmoa cards , xl 640autowash , xl 640acid alkali
wash , HbA1c , urea ki berthelts methoes , creatinine
manual jaffes method kit , SGPT Manual kit , Cholesterol
manual kit , Glucose manual GOD POD Kit , Sample cup xl
640 , Eppendorf tube , Rapid H and E stain Bolab , Rapid
PAP stain Biolab , methylene Blue Ratic Stain , leishman
stain , Fields SlfIl A and B , BenediA Qualitati ve Reagent
500ML , Blood Group Antisera A B D , UPT Kit , Urislick
Sugar Proteine , H360 Lyse , H360 Diluent , H360 Cleaner ,
Mindray BC205 3 Part lyse , Mindray BC5 130 3 Part Lyse ,
Mindray BC205 3 Part Diluent , Mindray DC5 130 5 Part
Diluent , Erba Protiine LS 10 ml , Sodium Nitroproside
100GM , Ammonia Solution 500ML , Ammonia Sulphate
500GM , Acitone 1L , Formaline - ltr , Absolute Alchohole -
500ML , Xyline 500GM - , Methynol 500ML , Sulpliosolicylic
Acid , Sodiuin Metabisulphale 100GM , Semen Diluting Fluid
, Seliwanoff Reagent 100ml , MGG Stain , PAST Stain , MPO
Stain , Sodiuin Bicarbonate , Eosine-Nigrosin Solution , Glass
Slide 500x1box , Coverslip 22X30 , Coverslip 22X40 ,
Coverslip 22x50 , Coverslip 22x60 , Coverslip 22X22 , Petri
Dish , Wide Open Mouth Container Plastic , Plastic Droper
PACKET , Pasture Pippette , Staining Stand AlulTtinium ,
Staining Rod Stainless Steel , Coplin Jar , SWdeTray
Aluminiumn 1 tray , plain Tube , edta tube , fluride tube ,
fuchs rosenthal chamber , whatsaman filter paper no 3 ,
Plastic tissue cassestes , slide staining jar glass vartical
copline jar lid 10 , glass slide staining jar , slide tray alumin
, Blood Collection Bag double 350 ml , Blood Collection Bag
Triple 450 ml with SAGM , HBsA Elisa Testing kit , HI V Elisa
Testing kit , HCV Elisa Testing kit , Antisera A 10 m I ,
Antisera B 10 ml , Antisera D 10 ml , Anti H Lectin 5 ml ,
Anti A1 Lectin 5 ml , Anti Human Globiilin AHG 5ml , ABO
Rho D Forward and Reverse Grouping Card with Aulocontrol
, HBsAg spot test Card hepacard , HIV TRIDOT spot Test ,
HCV S ot Test Card , Dilicel Plus Sol. for Trivitron Cell
counter , Rincell Plus Sol. for Trivilron Cell counter , lycelI
Plus Sol. for Trivitron Cell counter500ml , Small Tips White
Yeliow 200 Microlit.size pic , Big Tips Blue or White 1 ml Size
pic , Reader Paper roll - l 10mm X 1 8 Mlrs , Plastic Test
Tube EDTA Tube 4 ml , Plastic Plain Tubes 4 ml , Cotton
Bunddle 1 kg , Glass Slide Box 50Slides , Sticking Roll
Cotton , Spirit Bottle 500 ml , Tournicate , Excersize Ball ,
Haematology Capillary BTCT Tube I00X10 , Tissue Paper Roll
for Elisa testin , single use lancing devices , deionised water
5ltr jar , normal saline ns 500ml
Contract DateNA
Contract Amount₹ 2.3 Cr
Medical Education And Drugs Department Tender Result
Chemical Products...+1Healthcare and Medicine
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
Dhule, Maharashtra
Inj. Ads 10000 Iu,inj. A.s.v.s 10 Ml,inj.pneumococ...
Contract DateNA
Contract Amount₹ 2.5 Cr
Medical Education And Drugs Department Tender Result
Healthcare and Medicine
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Mumbai, Maharashtra
Absorbent Gauze Cloth As Per Schedule Fii 90 Cm X 18 Mtr Per Than,adhesive Paper Tape 1 Inces X 5 M
Contract DateNA
Contract Amount₹ 2.5 Cr
Medical Education And Drugs Department Tender Result
Software and IT Solutions
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
Beed, Maharashtra
All In One Pc
Contract DateNA
Contract Amount₹ 2.8 Cr
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Medical Education And Drugs Department Tender Result
Manpower Supply
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
Mumbai, Maharashtra
Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum Wage - Semi-skilled; Others; Sweeper,manpower Outsourcing S
Contract DateNA
Contract Amount₹ 3 Cr
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Medical Education And Drugs Department Tender Result
Security and Emergency Services
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
Ratnagiri, Maharashtra
Custom Bid For Services - Security Guard,custom Bid For Services - Daptari,custom Bid For Services CATEGORY: Custom Bid for Services - Security Guard , Custom Bid for
Services - Daptari , Custom Bid for Services - Peon , Custom
Bid for Services - Hamal
Contract DateNA
Contract Amount₹ 3 Cr
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Medical Education And Drugs Department Tender Result
Healthcare and Medicine
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Nagpur, Maharashtra
Ot Light Low End,laparoscopic System Medium End,electro Surgical Unit Medium End,12 Channel Ecg Mac
Contract DateNA
Contract Amount₹ 3.1 Cr
Medical Education And Drugs Department Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Mumbai, Maharashtra
Contract DateNA
Contract Amount₹ 4.6 Cr
1071-1080 of 1333 active Tender Results