Paint Tenders

Paint Tenders

Central Railway - CR Tender

Corrigendum : Closing Date Modified
Description: Scrap Condemned/abandoned Railway Quarters - 29 Nos. And Service Buildings - 10 Nos. Type Of Quarters :- K Type Qtrs - 16 Nos, Ty Type Qtrs - 09 Nos, Tyc - 1 Type Qtr - 01 Nos, Rbi Type Qtrs - 03 Nos. Total :- 29 Nos. & Service Bldg. Track Cabin/sub Cabin/sub Station/b Station Total : - 10 Nos. Grand Total = 39 Units. Consisting Of - Steel (ms Grill, Window Bar, Stair Case & Bar, Ms Angle, Roof Truss, Shutters, Steel Tank) Structural Rails, Channels, Etc.) Wooden, Mangalore Tiles, Ceramica Tiles, Gi Sheets/pipes, Ac Sheets, Flooring (pcc), Brick Masonary, Stone Masonary, Rcc/pre Cast Slab/reinforcement, Etc. Remarks - Lot Is Approachable For Quarters Pakka Road, Service Bldg - By Kachcha Road. The Delivery Will Be Made On As Is Where Is Basis And By Lot Basis. The Items Mentioned In The Description Only Will Be Delivered. Lot Number Is Exhibited/painted On The Structure. The Quantity Is Worked Out On Approximate Basis. The Delivery Will Be Made On Lot Basis, And No Part Delivery Will Be Allowed. Materials Like Electric Wires, Fittings & Cables And Other Such Kind Of Materials. Available Inside The Building/structure, Which Is Not Within The Scope Of Lot Description, Shall Be Handed Over By The Purchaser To Custodian. The Items Used In Fencing Around The Structure Such As Rail, Tie Bar, Jali, Stone, Bricks, Wooden Pillar Or Any Other Items And Similar Type Of Material Lying Nearby The Structure/lot Will Not Be Delivered. Dismantling& Cutting Is Allowed For Easy Loading Purpose At The Risk & Cost Of The Purchaser. Dismantling Is Permitted Upto Ground Level Only. The Purchaser Should Ensure That During Dismantling & Cutting Operation No Nearby Structure/building Should Be Affected And Take Necessary Care/safety Precautions To Avoid Any Mishap As Well As Damage To Railway Property. The Purchaser Will Be Fully Responsible If Any Accident/unusual Incident Occurs At Worksite/place During Dismantling. Extra Precaution To Be Taken If There Are Trees Near The Structure Or Its Branches Are Spread Over The Same. Purchaser Has To Ensure That Train Operations And Other Railway Work Should Not Be Disturbed/affected During Dismantling/cutting Of Materials. After Complete Removal Of Pcc/bricks/rubble Masonry And Rubbish From The Site, Delivery Of Other Items Will Be Permitted, And The Land Should Be Cleared Of All Debris Before Completion Of Delivery. The List & Location Of Quarters Are Available With Stockholder. Since The Service Buildings Are In Ghat Section Purchaser Has To Take Care Of Labours From Wild Animals/snakes Etc. Materials Which Cannot Taken By Road Of Service Buildings In Ghat Section Purchaser Will Request The Stockholder For Arranging Materials Train To Shift To The Nearest Loading Point. Stockholder Has To Arrange Materials Train For Shifting The Materials During Block Period Only. Purchaser Has To Arrange Labours For Loading The Materials In Material Van During Block Period. Fencing At Km 120/500-600 Upper Bhor Ghat Outside The Service Building Not In Lot And Not To Be Dismantled. Service Bldg. At Km 129/900 & 112/800 To Be Dismantled During Block Period Only Or As Suggested By Stockholder. Purchaser Should Personally Visit The Site And The See The Lot In Regard To Loading/lifting Since The Service Buildings Are In Karjat - Khandala Ghat Section. No Claim Will Be Entertained After Sale Of Lot. Note - Free Delivery Period Up To 80 Days. Location - Quarters - Aagwali Chawl, Swaraj Nagar, Pf-3 Booking Office Side & Service Buildings - Km 104/1, Km 106/900, Km 107/400, Km 109/600, Km 112/800, Km 112/900, Km 120/0, Km 120/400, Km 124/400, Km 129/900. Qty - 01 By Lot. (39 Units) Stock Holder - Sse (wks) Lnl.
Closing Date20 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

Border Roads Organisation - BRO Tender

Machinery and Tools
Champawat, Uttarakhand
Description: CATEGORY: FIP Test Bench , Pneumatic Tools , Electric Welding System , Coolant Flushing Machine , Paint Spray Gen , Brake Flush , Hydraulic Pallet , Lathe Machine , Crane , BAGH 1818 TIPPER 6 pt 5 CUM 1 , BAGH 1818 TIPPER 6 pt 5 CUM 2 , BAGH 1818 TIPPER 6 pt 5 CUM 3 , BAGH 1818 TIPPER 6 pt 5 CUM 4 , BAGH 1818 TIPPER 6 pt 5 CUM 5 , BAGH 1818 TIPPER 6 pt 5 CUM 6 , BAGH 1818 TIPPER 6 pt 5 CUM 7 , BAGH 1818 TIPPER 6 pt 5 CUM 8 , BAGH 1818 TIPPER 6 pt 5 CUM 9 , BAGH 1818 TIPPER 6 pt 5 CUM 10 , BAGH 1818 TIPPER 6 pt 5 CUM 11 , BAGH 1818 TIPPER 6 pt 5 CUM 12 , BAGH 1818 TIPPER 6 pt 5 CUM 13 , BAGH 1818 TIPPER 6 pt 5 CUM 14 , BAGH 1818 TIPPER 6 pt 5 CUM 15 , BAGH 1818 TIPPER 6 pt 5 CUM 16 , BAGH 1818 TIPPER 6 pt 5 CUM 17 , BAGH 1818 TIPPER 6 pt 5 CUM 18 , TATA 1212 TIPPER 1 , TATA 1212 TIPPER 2 , TATA 1212 TIPPER 3 , TATA 1212 TIPPER 4 , TATA 1212 TIPPER 5 , TATA 1212 TIPPER 6 , TATA 1212 TIPPER 7 , TATA 1212 TIPPER 8 , TATA 1212 TIPPER 9 , TATA 1212 TIPPER 10 , TATA 1212 TIPPER 11 , TATA 1212 TIPPER 12 , TATA 1212 TIPPER 13 , TATA 1212 TIPPER 14 , TATA 1212 TIPPER 15 , TATA 1212 TIPPER 16 , TATA 1212 TIPPER 17 , TATA 1212 TIPPER 18 , TATA 1212 TIPPER 19 , TATA 1212 TIPPER 20 , TATA 1212 TIPPER 21 , HYD EXCV CUM LOADER JCB 3DX PLUS 1 , HYD EXCV CUM LOADER JCB 3DX PLUS 2 , HYD EXCV CUM LOADER JCB 3DX PLUS 3 , HYD EXCV CUM LOADER JCB 3DX PLUS 4 , HYD EXCV CUM LOADER JCB 3DX PLUS 5 , HYD EXCV CUM LOADER JCB 3DX PLUS 6 , HYD EXCV CUM LOADER JCB 3DX PLUS 7 , HYD EXCV CUM LOADER JCB 3DX PLUS 8 , HYD EXCV CUM LOADER JCB 3DX PLUS 9 , HYD EXCV CUM LOADER JCB 3DX PLUS 10 , TATA HITACHI EXCAVOUTOR , BEML DOZER BD 50 and BD 80 1 , BEML DOZER BD 50 and BD 80 2 , BEML DOZER BD 50 and BD 80 3 , BEML DOZER BD 50 and BD 80 4 , BEML DOZER BD 50 and BD 80 5 , BEML DOZER BD 50 and BD 80 6 , BEML DOZER BD 50 and BD 80 7 , BEML DOZER BD 50 and BD 80 8 , BEML DOZER BD 50 and BD 80 9 , BEML DOZER BD 50 and BD 80 10 , BEML DOZER BD 50 and BD 80 11 , BEML DOZER BD 50 and BD 80 12 , BEML DOZER BD 50 and BD 80 13 , BEML DOZER BD 50 and BD 80 14 , BEML DOZER BD 50 and BD 80 15 , BEML DOZER BD 50 and BD 80 16 , BEML DOZER BD 50 and BD 80 17 , BEML DOZER BD 50 and BD 80 18 , BEML DOZER BD 50 and BD 80 19 , BEML DOZER BD 50 and BD 80 20 , BEML DOZER BD 50 and BD 80 21 , BEML DOZER BD 50 and BD 80 22 , BEML DOZER BD 50 and BD 80 23 , BEML DOZER BD 50 and BD 80 24 , HD 85 TVRR 1 , HD 85 TVRR 2 , HD 85 TVRR 3 , HD 85 TVRR 4 , HD 85 TVRR 5 , HD 85 TVRR 6 , HD 85 TVRR 7 , HD 85 TVRR 8 , HD 85 TVRR 9 , HD 85 TVRR 10 , PICS 20 TPH STONE CRUSHER 1 , PICS 20 TPH STONE CRUSHER 2 , PICS 20 TPH STONE CRUSHER 3 , PICS 20 TPH STONE CRUSHER 4 , PICS 20 TPH STONE CRUSHER 5 , PICS 20 TPH STONE CRUSHER 6 , PICS 20 TPH STONE CRUSHER 7 , PICS 20 TPH STONE CRUSHER 8 , PICS 20 TPH STONE CRUSHER 9 , PICS 20 TPH STONE CRUSHER 10 , PICS 20 TPH STONE CRUSHER 11 , MIS SPECIAL TOOL 1 , MIS SPECIAL TOOL 2 , MIS SPECIAL TOOL 3 , SPM ROCK DRILL 1 , SPM ROCK DRILL 2 , SPM ROCK DRILL 3 , SPM ROCK DRILL 4 , SPM ROCK DRILL 5
Closing Date15 Feb 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

Indian Army Tender

Furnitures and Fixtures
Corrigendum : Corrigendum Added
Ri Bhoi, Assam
Description: CATEGORY: Ball casters size 50 mm without plate 05 Nos in each set , Bathroom Cabinet mirror PVC L 622mm W 12mm , Bib cock brass 15mm , Bib Cock CP 15 mm , Bib Cock CP long body 15 mm , Bib Cock PVC 15mm , Bib Cock PVC long body 15mm , Block Board L 8ft W 4ft 19mm thickness , Blue tek , Brush for white Wash Boot Brush , Butt hinges MS 100mm , Cement OPC 50 Kg bag 43 grade , Connection pipe PVC size 15mm dia 450 mm long , CP Angle cock 15 mm , CP brass telephonic hand shower with tube 1500mm long , CP Handle 75 mm for table bed side MAP with machine screw , CP Health faucet with hook and 1 mtr tube15mm dia , CP Towel ring Round , CP Tubular towel rail 20mm dia and 600 mm long body , CPVC Brass elbow 20 to 15mm , CPVC end cap 20mm , CPVC FTA Brass 20mm , CPVC FTA Plastic 20mm , CPVC MTA Brass 15mm , CPVC MTA Brass 20mm , CPVC pipe 15mm , CPVC Pipe 20mm , CPVC pipe clip 20mm , CPVC plain elbow 15mm , CPVC Plain Elbow 20mm , CPVC Plain Tee 20mm , CPVC Socket brass 15mm , CPVC Socket brass 20mm , CPVC Socket plain 20mm , CPVC Solvent cement 100ml , CPVC Union Plain Socket 20mm , Curtain bracket alu 15mm , Curtain bracket aluminium silver 20mm dia , Curtain bracket steel 15mm , Curtain rod Aluminium silver 20mm dia 20 guage , Curtain rod holder Lattu 20mm silver CP , Curtain rod redge steel 15 mm dia , Dendrite 1 Ltrs pack , Distemper oil bound White 1 Kg in pack , Door Stoper Alumunium double , Fevicol SH 1 Kgs pack , Float valve PVC 20 mm dia , Float valve PVC 25 mm dia , Flushing cistern PVC low level 10 Ltr capacity complete , French Polish , Full thread star screw 25 mm dia in 100 Nos pack , GI Elbow 15 mm dia ISI mark , GI Plug 15 mm dia , GI Plug 20 mm dia , GI Reducer socket 25mm dia to 20mm dia ISI marked , GI Socket 15 mm ISI mark , GI Socket 20 mm ISI mark , GI Tee 15 mm ISI mark , GI Tubing Med Gde 15 mm IS 1239 , Grating CP 100 mm with hole , Jet spray 1 point 5m tube 15mm CP , Kitchen rack S S L 24 inch W 30inch D 10inch , Kitchen rack SS superior quality size L 36 inch W 36 inch D 10 inch , Knob for side board dressing table writing table etc , Masonary star screw full thread 20mm guage 8mm in 100 Nos pack , Melamine high glossy , Mirror for dressing table Ladies L 48 inch W 18 inch , Mirror Looking L 20 inch W 16 inch with PVC frame , MS Screw Wood 35 mm 8 gauge 100 Nos in Pack , Nipple GI 15 mm dia 2inch long , Nipple GI 15 mm dia 4inch long , Oil putty for glazing , Particle board Prelaminated L 2400mm W1200 mm thickness 12mm , Pegs alluminium 100 mm , Pillar cock fancy type 15 mm CP , Ply teak face L 8 ft W 4 ft thickness 4 mm , Ply wood Commercial L 8 W 4 thickness 8mm BWR , Ply wood Commercial L 8 ft W 4 ft thickness 12mm BWR , Plywood L 8 ft W 4 ft thickness19mm BWR , Plywood commercial L 7 ft W 3ft thickness 12 mm BWR , PVC Angle cock 15 mm , PVC Elbow 40mm , PVC Flush bend 40 mm , PVC Waste coupling 50 mm for Stainless steel Kitchen sink , Red oxide Primer 1 Ltr in pack , Seat Cover plastic for EWC White Colour , Shower rose CP 15 mm , Spirit denatured 5 Ltr Pack , Stop cock Brass 15 mm External Thread , Teflon tape white , Thinner , Touch wood in 1 Ltrs pack , Tower bolt alu 150mm 13mm barrel dia , Wall mixer 3 in 1 with L Bend 15 mm , Waste pipe PVC 32 mm , White cement 1 kg pack , Wire mesh GI 0 point 56 mm nominal dia of wire and average width of aperature 1 point 18mm , Enamel, Synthetic, Exterior (A) Under Coating (B) Finishing Paint (V3) Confirming to IS 2932 (Q3)
Closing Date1 Jan 2025
Tender Amount₹ 14.8 Lac 
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.

Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Limited - MDL Tender

Mumbai, Maharashtra
Details: Case For Using Chem Samples Make Dewalt Y 12651 , box For Storage Of Chemical Samples Dewa Y 12651 , ear Defenders 3m Peltor X Series Over Y 12651 , paint Spraying Equipment 230v Model Pilo Y 12651 , heavy Duty Hot Wire Cfm Thermo Anemomete Y 12651 , Sight Flow Funnel Indicator Dia 32mm Y 12651 , sight Flow Funnel Indicator Dia 65mm Y 12651 , sight Flow Funnel Indicator Dia 20mm Y 12651 , portable Digital Multimeter Fluke 179 Y 12651 , Pen drives Sandisk 2tb Extreme Pro Ssd P Y 12651 , induction Heater Linmast Part No Lbh4 Y 12651 , helmet With Torch Helmet With Head Lamp Y 12651 , optic Fiber Optical Repair Kit Proskit Y 12651 , oscilloscope Metrix Tetronix Tbs1052c Y 12651 , boiler Disinfection Bajaj Auto Ketiles C Y 12651 , high Voltage Class B Elastomer Insulat Y 12651 , portable Welding Machine Yeswelder Ar Y 12651 , arc Sensitive Welding Helmet Roebll Au Y 12651 , table For Pc S Y 12651 , Floor Cleaning Detergent 5 ltr Jerry Can Y 12651 , Mop Handle Holder Andpads make Upyog Spin Y 12651 , Set Of Tools For Milling machine For Ste Y 12651 , Inspection Lamp Facom Model 779 Eye Y 12651 , Sets Of Drilling Bits For Drilling mach Y 12651 , See Thru Gauges For Use In Tank Level in Y 12651 , Recordable Dvd Verbatim Y 12651 , various Chemicals For Lab Potassium Dic Y 12651 , silver Rods For Brazing Y 12651 , Recordable Cd verbatim Cap 4 7 Gb Y 12651 , Infrared Camera Fluke 726 Precision Mul Y 12651 , Photo Luminiscent sticker Strip With Bla Y 12651 , Mild Steel Phoenix platform Scales Mode Y 12651 , Lan Tester Fluke network Tester Msr Ttk Y 12651 , Ethernet Connection with Cap Rj45 Shiel Y 12651 , Hot Air Gun With temperature Control Exc Y 12651 , Kent Supreme plus 2020 11112 Zero Wa Y 12651 , Facom Chipping hammer Set V 321ah Pneu Y 12651 , Floor Cleaning machine Eureka E51 Pr Y 12651 , Fluke 381 Clamp meter With Iflex Tong Y 12651 , S Wrap Polymer sticks Sealing Compound Y 12651 , S Wrap Polymer general Purpose Y 12651 , Industrial Laser Cleaning machine Mapis Y 12651 , Sonic Industrial Imager To detect Gas Le Y 12651 , Valve Refacer Machine pathak Industries Y 12651 , Frequency Generator fluke 789 Y 12651 , Laptop Hp Victus Intel Core I7 13th Gen Y 12651 , Refrigerant Analyser Cosmos Xp 704 Ill R Y 12651 , Electric Tricylce Mahindra Treo Zor 10hp Y 12651
Closing Date3 Mar 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

Northern Railway - NR Tender

Electrical Goods and Equipments...+1Electrical and Electronics
Budgam, Jammu & Kashmir
Details: Description:- Design,supply,installation(withsupportstructure/foundation),testingand commissioningofcubicletype14swgltpanel(indoortype)with4000ampssectionalized electrolyticcopperbusbarasperspecification.ltpanelboardshouldconfirmtois-8263or latest,acb's And Mccb's Should Be Confirming To Is-2516 Or Latest.the Digital Type Mfm Meter With cts Of Suitable Capacity With R.s.485 Port For Incoming Supply And Digital Type Mfm Meter With Cts Of suitable Capacity With R.s.485 Port For Each Out Going Feeders Including With All Other Connected accessories, Indicating Lamp Etc. Incoming: 2 X 3200 Amps 50 Ka 4 Pole Acb Microprocessor Based edo Type With Microprocessor Released Type With Over Current, Short Circuit, Earth Fault Protection. (both Theacbs Are Interlocked Mechanically And Electrically) Change Over: 1 X 800 Amps 4pole On load Change Over Switch 1 X 800 Amps 4 Pole Double Break Contact Acb (for Dg Set) Out Goings: 6x800 Amps 4 Pole 36 Ka Acb Edo Type 4x 630 Amps 4 Pole 36 Ka Mccb 4x 400 Amps 4 Pole 36 Ka mccb 4 X 250 Amps 4 Pole 36 Ka Mccb 2 X 100 Amps 4 Pole 36 Ka Mccb 2 X 63 Amps 4 Pole 36 Ka mccb The Panel Should Made From 14swg Crca Sheet Powder Coated Painting And Ip-55 Class Of insulation Having Hinged Door And Locking Arrangement Neoprene Gasket, Extensible From Both Sides, suitable For 3 Phase Four Wire 500 Volts 50 Hz, In All Respect And Confirming To Latest Relevant Is.
Closing Date10 Feb 2025
Tender Amount₹ 5.1 Cr 

Indian Army Tender

Electronics Equipment...+1Electrical and Electronics
Delhi, Delhi
Description: CATEGORY: Heat sink paste 200gm , ACR JCOs and Hav , ACR NK , Antivirus Total Securtiy 10 User 1Yr , Binder Clip Large , Binder Clip Medium , Binder Clip Small , Black Pen Uniball , Blue Pen Uniball , Board Marker all type , Brown Paper laminationed , Brown Tape , Brown Tape 2 inch , Calculator , Camlin CD DVD marker black blue red green 10X each , Carbon Paper , Cartridge 88A , Cartridge HP 12A , Cartridge HP 505A , CD Marker Black , Cello Tape Multicolour , Cello Tape Transparent 2 inch , Cello Tape Transparent Med , Cello Tape Transparent Small , Chalk all colour , Chart Paper All Colour , Clip board , Color Ink Epson 003 B , Color Ink Epson 003 B Y M C , Colour Flag , Colour Pencil all colour , Cutter Blade medium , Cutter medium , Dak folder Blue Red , Damper sponge cup , Double side tape , Drawing pin , Drawing roll white , Envelope A4 , Envelope L , Envelope Small , Epson Black Ink 774 , Eraser , Fabric colour , Fevicol bottle 1 2 ltrs , Fiber castle marker pen black blue red green 10X each , File Binder , Flex Quick , Gift Wrap Paper , Glass marking pencil black white blue red green 05X each , Glue Stick , Green Pen Uniball , Green Ribbon , Highlighter all type , Ivory sheet , Ivory sheet A4 , JK Bond Paper ACR , Lamination sheet , Medium size Stapler , Note Pad , Oddy A4 size fluorescent paper orange yellow green pink blue 02X each , OHP permanent marker , OHP soluble marker , Packing Tape Large , Painting brush 1inch 2inch 3 inch 03X each , Paper Flag colour , Paper Pin , Paper pin , Paper Weight , Pen Reynold Blue , Pen V7 Black , Pen V7 Blue , Pen V7 Red , Pencil , Permanent marker Bold , Plain File Cover any colour , Poker , Poster colour , Pull Flower , Red Pen Uniball , Red Ribbon , Red tape 1 2 inch , Rengoli all colour , Scale Steel , Scale steel 2 feet , Scissor , Sharpner , Sketch Pen Black and Blue , Sketch Pen All type , Sky Blue Ribbon , Slide Sheet , Small Stapler , Spiral sheet A4 blue , Spiral sheet A4 white , Spiral sheet legal blue , Spiral sheet legal white , Stamp Pad ink , Stamp Pad Small size , Stapler no10 , Stapler pin NO 10 , Stapler pin 23 and 08 , Stapler pin 23 and 10 , Stapler pin 23 AND 13 , Stapler pin 23 and 17 , Stapler pin 23 and 24 H , Stapler pin 24 and 06 , Stapler Pin Large , Stapler Pin Small , Steadler triplus fineliner all colour , Sticky Pad Large , Sticky Pad Small , Synthetic glue , Tag , Tape black 1 inch , Tape Black 1 2 inch , Tape blue 1 inch , Tape blue 1 2 inch , Tape dispenser , Tape Green 1 inch , Tape Green 1 2 inch , Tape orange 1 inch , Tape Orange 1 2 inch , Tape red 1 inch , Tape sky blue 1 inch , Tape sky blue 1 2 inch , Tape yellow 1inch , Tape yellow 1 2 inch , Texo tape all colour , Thermocol , Thump pin multi colour , Transparent tape1 inch , Transparent tape1 2 inch , Transparent tape2 inch , VIP Folder , White File Cover A4 With blue border UN Crest , White File Cover Legal Size with blue border UN Crest , Whitener , Yellow Ribbon , Disposable Spoon , Paper Napkin , Toilet Cleaner , Phenol Floor Cleaner , Toilet Cleaner brush , Napthalene Ball , Bathroom Freshner bar , Room Freshnar Spray , Phool Jadu , Wiper , Glass Cleaner Liquid , Mop Stick Long with rechangeable head , Mop head for mop stick , Dish wash soap , Scrubber Steel , Scrubber Sponge
Closing Date28 Feb 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

Department Of Defence Production Tender

Healthcare and Medicine
Corrigendum : Closing Date Modified
Alwar, Rajasthan
Description: BOQ ITEMS: Inj Lignocaine HCl 2% without adrenaline vial of 30 ml, Lignocaine Hcl Inj 2 percentage Solution With Adrenaline 1 80000 In 2ml Cartridge Pkt Of 50, Electrolyte Solution bott of 05 litre for Disinfectant Generating System, Dycal calcium hydroxide pkt of two tubes, Antiseptic mouth wash containing Sodium Fluoride and Triclosan Bottle of 100 ML, Gel for root canal preparation containing water soluble lubricant EDTA, Urea, Hydrogen peroxide tube of 3.5 gm, Clove Oil bottle of 50 Ml, Desensitizing Paste (Stannous Fluoride /Potassium Nitrate / Sodium Mono fluorophosphates)tube of 50 gm, Chlorohexidine Mouth wash 0.2% bott of 100 ML, Post Extraction Dressing (alveogyl), Pulp Devitalizer non arsenic (CAUSTINERF FORTE), Triamcinolone acetonide 0.1% for oral use tube of 5 gm, Periodontal pack (non eugenol) two paste system, Sodium hypochlorite 5% bott of 500 ml, Sterillium bott of 500 ml, Cetrimide & Chlorhexidine gluconate bott of 01 ltr, Spirit (Alcohol) bott of 500 ml for spirit lamp, Hydrogen peroxide solution bott of 500 ml, Paraformaldehyde Tab pkt of 100, Povidone iodine 5% bott of 100 Ml, Dextrose Monohydrate for oral use pack of 100 gm, Gelatin sponge, Disposable Gown, Shoe cover disposable pkt of 100, Sugical gloves size 8, Knife BP handle No 10 Pkt of 6, Knife BP handle No 11 Pkt of 6, Knife BP handle No 12 Pkt of 6, Knife BP handle No 15 pkt of 6, Syringe disposable 2 ml pkt of 100, Syringe disposable 5 ml pkt of 100, Syringe disposable 10 ml pkt of 100, Diamond bur round for airotor pkt of 05, Diamond bur inverted cone for airotor pkt of 05, Diamond bur straight for airotor pkt of 05, Antiseptic pain relieving gel for dental tube of 15 gm/m, Cloth glass polishing (Bleached Calico cotton white) 1X1/2 metres, Denture adhesive powder bottle of 10-15gm, Bite registeration paste silicone based set of two cart of 48-50ml each, Lubricant spray bott of 300 ml, Cloth Napkin absorbant dental disposable 15x15cm pkt of 500, Plaster of Paris special Dental-Grade 1pkt of 01 kg, Articulating paper, Patient bib plastic, Sintered Diamond burs for grinding metal for SHP assorted, Suction cleaning solution bott of 1 ltr, MTA based root canal sealer pack of 2-3gm, Cold mould seal bott of 500 ml, Crown and bridge polishing compound for NP alloys 200gm cake, Crown and bridge polishing emery for NP alloys grain size 120microns 50m roll, Disc, abrasive rubber wheel for polishing metal, pkt of 100, Dental stone pkt of 01 kg, Pumice powder superfine bag of 1 kg, Self-cure acrylic powder pink shade bott of 110gm with rapid repair liquid 110ml, Self-cure acrylic powder clear shade bott of 110gm with rapid repair liquid 110ml, Wheel wool polishing, Oral surgical bur straight for SHP, Spray anaesthetic surface bott of 100ml, Syringe hypodermic cartridge type needle 22mm long presterilized disposable pkt of 100 for, Syringe hypodermic cartridge type needle 35 mm long presterlised disposable pkt of 100, Polishing cup rubber, mounted soft for RAHP pkt of 12, Impression alginate material pkt of 450 gms, Paste Impression pkt of two tubes containing ZnO Base125-165 gm & catalyst, Die stone pkt of 100 gm, Crown preparation Kit containing 14-16 points, Elastomeric impression material pkt of light body, Broach nerve canal barbed assorted size pkt of 12, Dental nano composite restorative kit photo cure complete, Flowable light-cure Composite kit, GP Point 2% 15 To 40, GP Point 4% 15 To 40, Hand Niti File assorted length 21 mm, Light cure Calcium hydroxide, De-soft denture relining material, Medicament root canal formocresol-bott of 5ml, Sodium hypochlorite 2%, Matrix retainer SS (Ivory pattern) Band for, pkt of 12, Outfit Matrix SS (Siqveland) bands narrow for, Paper Point assorted 15 To 40, Root canal sealer paste for obturation containing two tubes/preloaded syringes, Self-Etching Bonding system, Mineral trioxide aggregate MTA) pkt of 1 gm, Rotary NiTi file assorted size Sx F3 length 21 mm, Rotary NiTi file assorted size Sx F3 length 25 mm, Endodontic access burs-set of 06, K files stainless steel size No 8 length 25 mm set of 6, K files stainless steel size No.10 length 25 mm set of 6, K files stainless steel length 25 mm size no 15-40, K files stainless steel length 25 mm size no 45-80 set of 6, H file stainless steel Size No 15-40 , length 21 mm set of 06, H file stainless steel Size No 45-80, length 21 mm set of 06, GP solvent-bott of 10 ml, Gauze Ribbon Absorbant Folded 2.5 Cm X 100 Meters, Pad abdominal swab 40x25cm, Pad, cotton wool, dental box of 100, Wool cotton rolls absorbent size dental pkt of 100, Nitrile gloves size small pkt of 50 pair, Nitrile gloves size medium pkt of 50 pair, Nitrile gloves size large pkt of 50 pair, Bioresorbable demineralized bone graft substitute 0.5-1cc freeze-dried bone 0.20-0.25gm x 2 vial (Dental bone graft), Dentin replacement material consisting of calcium silicate based powder & calcium chloride liquid in box of 5 capsules & 5 liquid tubes (Biodentine), Interdental Brush Pkt of 05, Dental Floss, Zirconomer restorative material, Gum Paint
Closing Date10 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

Department Of Defence Production Tender

Healthcare and Medicine
Corrigendum : Corrigendum Added
Alwar, Rajasthan
Description: BOQ ITEMS: Inj Lignocaine HCl 2% without adrenaline vial of 30 ml, Lignocaine Hcl Inj 2 percentage Solution With Adrenaline 1 80000 In 2ml Cartridge Pkt Of 50, Electrolyte Solution bott of 05 litre for Disinfectant Generating System, Dycal calcium hydroxide pkt of two tubes, Antiseptic mouth wash containing Sodium Fluoride and Triclosan Bottle of 100 ML, Gel for root canal preparation containing water soluble lubricant EDTA, Urea, Hydrogen peroxide tube of 3.5 gm, Clove Oil bottle of 50 Ml, Desensitizing Paste (Stannous Fluoride /Potassium Nitrate / Sodium Mono fluorophosphates)tube of 50 gm, Chlorohexidine Mouth wash 0.2% bott of 100 ML, Post Extraction Dressing (alveogyl), Pulp Devitalizer non arsenic (CAUSTINERF FORTE), Triamcinolone acetonide 0.1% for oral use tube of 5 gm, Periodontal pack (non eugenol) two paste system, Sodium hypochlorite 5% bott of 500 ml, Sterillium bott of 500 ml, Cetrimide & Chlorhexidine gluconate bott of 01 ltr, Spirit (Alcohol) bott of 500 ml for spirit lamp, Hydrogen peroxide solution bott of 500 ml, Paraformaldehyde Tab pkt of 100, Povidone iodine 5% bott of 100 Ml, Dextrose Monohydrate for oral use pack of 100 gm, Gelatin sponge, Disposable Gown, Shoe cover disposable pkt of 100, Sugical gloves size 8, Knife BP handle No 10 Pkt of 6, Knife BP handle No 11 Pkt of 6, Knife BP handle No 12 Pkt of 6, Knife BP handle No 15 pkt of 6, Syringe disposable 2 ml pkt of 100, Syringe disposable 5 ml pkt of 100, Syringe disposable 10 ml pkt of 100, Diamond bur round for airotor pkt of 05, Diamond bur inverted cone for airotor pkt of 05, Diamond bur straight for airotor pkt of 05, Antiseptic pain relieving gel for dental tube of 15 gm/m, Cloth glass polishing (Bleached Calico cotton white) 1X1/2 metres, Denture adhesive powder bottle of 10-15gm, Bite registeration paste silicone based set of two cart of 48-50ml each, Lubricant spray bott of 300 ml, Cloth Napkin absorbant dental disposable 15x15cm pkt of 500, Plaster of Paris special Dental-Grade 1pkt of 01 kg, Articulating paper, Patient bib plastic, Sintered Diamond burs for grinding metal for SHP assorted, Suction cleaning solution bott of 1 ltr, MTA based root canal sealer pack of 2-3gm, Cold mould seal bott of 500 ml, Crown and bridge polishing compound for NP alloys 200gm cake, Crown and bridge polishing emery for NP alloys grain size 120microns 50m roll, Disc, abrasive rubber wheel for polishing metal, pkt of 100, Dental stone pkt of 01 kg, Pumice powder superfine bag of 1 kg, Self-cure acrylic powder pink shade bott of 110gm with rapid repair liquid 110ml, Self-cure acrylic powder clear shade bott of 110gm with rapid repair liquid 110ml, Wheel wool polishing, Oral surgical bur straight for SHP, Spray anaesthetic surface bott of 100ml, Syringe hypodermic cartridge type needle 22mm long presterilized disposable pkt of 100 for, Syringe hypodermic cartridge type needle 35 mm long presterlised disposable pkt of 100, Polishing cup rubber, mounted soft for RAHP pkt of 12, Impression alginate material pkt of 450 gms, Paste Impression pkt of two tubes containing ZnO Base125-165 gm & catalyst, Die stone pkt of 100 gm, Crown preparation Kit containing 14-16 points, Elastomeric impression material pkt of light body, Broach nerve canal barbed assorted size pkt of 12, Dental nano composite restorative kit photo cure complete, Flowable light-cure Composite kit, GP Point 2% 15 To 40, GP Point 4% 15 To 40, Hand Niti File assorted length 21 mm, Light cure Calcium hydroxide, De-soft denture relining material, Medicament root canal formocresol-bott of 5ml, Sodium hypochlorite 2%, Matrix retainer SS (Ivory pattern) Band for, pkt of 12, Outfit Matrix SS (Siqveland) bands narrow for, Paper Point assorted 15 To 40, Root canal sealer paste for obturation containing two tubes/preloaded syringes, Self-Etching Bonding system, Mineral trioxide aggregate MTA) pkt of 1 gm, Rotary NiTi file assorted size Sx F3 length 21 mm, Rotary NiTi file assorted size Sx F3 length 25 mm, Endodontic access burs-set of 06, K files stainless steel size No 8 length 25 mm set of 6, K files stainless steel size No.10 length 25 mm set of 6, K files stainless steel length 25 mm size no 15-40, K files stainless steel length 25 mm size no 45-80 set of 6, H file stainless steel Size No 15-40 , length 21 mm set of 06, H file stainless steel Size No 45-80, length 21 mm set of 06, GP solvent-bott of 10 ml, Gauze Ribbon Absorbant Folded 2.5 Cm X 100 Meters, Pad abdominal swab 40x25cm, Pad, cotton wool, dental box of 100, Wool cotton rolls absorbent size dental pkt of 100, Nitrile gloves size small pkt of 50 pair, Nitrile gloves size medium pkt of 50 pair, Nitrile gloves size large pkt of 50 pair, Bioresorbable demineralized bone graft substitute 0.5-1cc freeze-dried bone 0.20-0.25gm x 2 vial (Dental bone graft), Dentin replacement material consisting of calcium silicate based powder & calcium chloride liquid in box of 5 capsules & 5 liquid tubes (Biodentine), Interdental Brush Pkt of 05, Dental Floss, Zirconomer restorative material, Gum Paint
Closing Date5 Feb 2025
Tender Amount₹ 56 K 
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.

Indian Army Tender

Healthcare and Medicine
Corrigendum : Corrigendum Added
Panchkula, Haryana
Details: Sodium Valproate Oral Solution 200 Mg 5 Ml Bott Of 100 Ml , Sterile Water For Amp Of 10 Ml , Sulphamethoxazole 400 Mg And Trimethoprim 80 Mg Tab , Calcium Acetate 667 Mg Tab , Cyclophosphamide 50 Mg Tab , Deflazacort 6mg Tab , Tab Isosorbide Dinitrate 20 Mg Plus Hydralazine 37.5 Mg , Tab Lacosamide 100mg , Sofosbuir 400mg Plus Ledipasvir 90mg Tab , Mebeverine Hcl 135mg Tab , Tab Mebeverine 200mg , Pantoprazole 40mg Plus Itopride 150 Mg Sr Tab , Prednisolone 10 Mg Tab , Prednisolone 5 Mg Tab , Tizanidine 2mg Tab , Zonisamide 50 Mg , Tamoxifen Citrate 20 Mg Tab , Tenofovir 300 Plus Lamivudine 300mg Plusdolutegravir 50mg , Tenofovir 300 Plus Emtricitabine 200mg Plusefavirenze 600 Mg Tab , Tetrabenazine 25mg Tab , Tab Thiocolchicoside 4mg , Tolvaptan 15mg Tab , Tramadol 50 Mg Plus Paracetamol 500 Mg Tab , Tranexamic Acid 500 Mg Plus Mefanimic Acid 250 Mg , Trazodone 50 Mg Tab , E D Tropicamide Eye Solution 1 Per Bott Of 5 Ml , Trypsin With Chymotrypsin Tab , Venlafaxine 37.5mg Tab , Vildagliptin 50mg Tab , Vitamin B Complex With A Minimum Conectration Of Vit B1 5 Mg Vit B6 3 Mg And Vit B12 5 Mcg Therapeutic Tab Cap , Zolpidem 5 Mg Tab , 5 Amino Salicylic Acid 400 Mg Tab , Clotrimazole Mouth Paint 1per Bott Of 15 Ml , Thiocolchicoside 8mg Tab , Pramipexole 0.5 Mg Tab , Ursodeoxycholic Acid 300 Mg Tab , Tab Rasagilline 0.5 Mg , Cefpodoxime 200 Mg Tab , Tab Ezetimibe 10 Mg , Diclofenac 25 Mg Ml Ip 3 Ml Inj , Risperidone 4 Mg Tab , Tadalafil 20mg Tab , Tab Betahistin 16mg , Sitagliptin 50 Mg Plus Metformin 1000 Mg Tab , Sodium Bicarbonate 1000mg Tab , Ethambutol 800 Mg Tab , Lamotrigine 100 Mg Tab , Tab Sexagliptin 5mg , Levetiracetam 1 Gm Tab , Paroxetine 25 Mg Tab , Lenalidomide 10 Mg Cap , Tab Ticagrelor 60mg , Ornidazole 500mg Tab , Finasteride 5 Mg Tab , Piracetam 800mg Tab , Gliclazide 40 Mg Tab , Simvastatin 20 Mg Tab , Syp Levetiracetam 100 Mg Ml , Tab Prucalopride 1 Mg , Aceclofenac 100 Mg Tab , Clobetasol Plus Neomycin Propygenta Cream , Rizatriptan 10mg Tab , Zolpidem 10 Mg Tab , Glimepiride 1mg Plus Metformin 500mg Tab , Pramipexole Er 1.5 Mg Tab , Chlorthalidone 6.25mg Tab , Oint Tretinoin 0.025per Tube Of 15gm , Clobetasolplus Miconozoleplusgentamycin Oint , Cefixime 200mg Plus Clavulanate 125 Mg Tab , Flunarizine 5mg Tab , Tab S Adenosyl L Methionine 400mg , Tab Eplerenone 50mg , Donapezil 10mg Tab , Brimonidine 0.2perplusbrinzolamide 1per Bott Of 5ml Eye Drop , Zidovudine 300 Mg Tab , Duloxetine 30 Mg Tab , Torsemide 20mg Tab , Faropenem 300 Mg Tab , Glimepiride 2 Mg Plus Metformin 1000 Mg Sr Tab , E D Loteprednol 0.5per Plus Moxiflox 0.5per , Tab Ropinirol 2mg , Rotacap Fluticasone 100mcg Plus Salmetrol 50mcg , Forglyn Formoterol 6mcg Plus Glycopyrrolate 25mcg Respicaps
Closing Date10 Jan 2025
Tender Amount₹ 33.6 Lac 
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.

Indian Army Tender

Healthcare and Medicine
Pauri Garhwal, Uttarakhand
Description: BOQ ITEMS: Aceclofenac 100mg Paracetamol 325mg Serratiopeptidase 15mg tab, Acenocoumarol 1 mg Tab, Acetazolamide 0.25g Tab, Adapalene 0.1% Tube of 15 gm, Alfacalcidol Vit D3 0.25mcg Cap, Amitriptyline10 mg Tab, Amoxycillin for oral bottle of 30 ml syp, Antacid ChewableTab, Anti Haemorrhoidal no pile Of 10 Gm tube, Antiseptic Mouth Wash Containing Sodium Fluoride & Triclosan Bott of 100-150 ML, Antispasmodic tab containing Mefenamic acid 250mg & Dicylomine HCL 10 mg, Beclomethasone Dipropionate 200mcg metered dose aerosol, Beclomethasone Dipropionate 50 mcg Levosalbutamol 50 mcg per dose MDI, Bromhexine syp 5 ml containing 4 mg of Bromhexine Hcl bottle of 100ml, Budesunide 1 mg Respules, Cap Probiotic Multibacillary, Carbemazine Syp 100mg/5 ml Bottle of 100 ml, Carvedilol 3.125mg Tab, Cefaclor Syp 125mg/5ml bott of 30ml, Cefixime Syp 50mg/5ml bott of 30 ml, Cefuroxime susp 125mg/5ml bott of 30 ml, Cetrezine 5-10 mg &Paracetamol 500 mg & Pseudonephedrin 30-60 mg , Cinnarizine 25 mg Tab, Clobetasol Propionate Cream 0.05% in Tube of 10 gm, Clonazepam 2 mg tab, Cough Syrup paediatric bottle of 60 ml, Cream Silver Sulphadiazine 1 % cream W/V tube of 25 gm, Cypropheptadine HCl 2 mg/5ml bott of 100 ml syp, Deflazacort 6 mg Tab, Diacerin 50mg Cap, Diazepam 10 mg 2 ml Inj, Diazepam 5 mg Tab, Diazepam Syp 2mg/5ml Bottle Of 60 ml, Diclofenec Spray, Diethylcarbamazine 50mg Tab, Digoxin 0.25 mg Tab, Diltiazem 60 mg Tab, Diltiazem Controlled Release 90mg Tab, Disodium hydrogen phosphate bott of 100 ml syp, Ecosporin 75mg + Rosuvastatin 10 mg Tab, Enalapril 5 mg Tab, Enalapril Maleate 10 mg Tab, Enalapril Maleate 2.5 mg Tab, Etoricoxib 120 mg Tab, Fenofibrate 200 mg Tab, Fexofenadine 30 mg/ml in 60 ml bottle Syr, Framycetin sulphate cream BP 1% cream 20gms , Gabapentin 300 mg Cap, Glipizide 5mg Tab, Glucosamine 250mg & Chondroitin Sulphate 200 mg tab, Glucosamine 500 mg Tab, Glyceryl trinitrate 2.6mg tab , Gum paint bott of 15 ml, Ibuprofen Syrup 100 mg/5ml Bott of 50 ml, Indomethacin 75 mgTab, Iron Drops Paediatric Bottle of 15 ml, Iron syp bott of 100ml, Isapgol/Ispaghula husk 3.5 gm, Isosorbide Dinitrate 10 mg Tab, Isosorbide-5 Mononitrate 20mg tab, Lamotrigine 25 mg Tab, Lamotrigine 50 mg Tab, Letrozole 2.5 mg Tab, Levodopa 100 mg with Carbidopa 25 mg Tab, Levo-Salbutamol syrup 1 mg/5ml bottle of 100 ml, Lignocaine topical with ethenol Spray, Luliconazol cream, Methylprednisolone 16mg Tab, Metoclopramide 10 mg , Metoclopramide Syrup 5mg/5ml 30ml Bott, Metronidazole susp 200 mg/5ml bott of 60 ml, Minoxidile 5 % Lotion bott of 60 ml, Multivitamin drops bottle of 15 ml , Naproxen 250 Mg Tab, Nifedipine Retard 20 mg Cap/Tab, Norflox Syp 100mg/5ml bott of 30 ml, Ondansetron Syp 2 mg/5ml in bott of 30 ml, Oxcarbazepine 300 mg Tab, Paracetamol 325mg and Ibuprofen 400mg Tab, Phenytoin Sodium 100 mg Tab, Piroxicam 20 mg Tab, Povidone lodine 5% Solution, Bott of 100 ml, Povidone lodine 10% Solution, Bott of 100 ml, Prasugrel HCL 5mg Tab, Prazocin 5 mg sustained release/slow release Tab, Prednisolone 5 mg Tab, Prednisolone Syp 5mg/5ml in bott of 30 ml, Promethazine HCl 25 mg Tab, Promethazine Syp 5mg/5ml Bott of 60 ml, Ramipril 2.5mg Tab, Rizatriptan 5 mg Tab, Roxythromycin 50 mg/5ml Syp in bott of 30 ml, Salmetrol 50 mcg & Fluticasone 125mg MDI 120 doses, Serratiopeptidase 5 mg Tab, Sertraline 50 mg Tab, Sildenafil citrate 50 mg Tab, Sitagliptin 50mg & Metformin 500mg tab, Sodium Chloride 0.65% w/v nasal drops in 15ml, Sodium Valproate oral solution 200mg/5ml Bott of 100 ml, Sucralfate Suspension 1gm/5ml bott of 200 ml, Sumatriptan 50 mg Tab, Syp anti spasmodic bott of 15 ml, Syp Azithromycin 200 mg per 15 ml, Tab Sodium bicarbonate 1000 mg, Tab Acamprosate 333 mg, Tab Acebrophylline 100mg, Tab Ademetionine 400 mg , Frusemide 10mg Spironolactone 50mg Tab, Tab Lithium Corbonate 300mg, Tab Methylcobalamine 1500 mcg, Tab Naltrexone 50mg, Tab Perindopril 8mg, Tab Pramepexole 0.25 mg, Tab Sitagliptin 50 mg & Metformin 1000 mg 14 tabs per strip, Tab Telmisartan 40 mg & amlodipine 10 mg, Tab Thyroxine 12.5mg, Tab Warfarin 5mg, Tacrolimus 0.5mg Tab, Tacrolimus 1mg Tab, Telmisartan 40 mg & Amlodipine 10 mg & Hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg Tab, Telmisartan 40 mg & Hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg Tab , Thyroxine sodium 75mcg Tab, Tiotropium Bromide 9 MCG 120 Metered Dosess Inh, Topiramate 25 mg Tab, TOPIRAMATE 50 MG TAB, Torsemide 10 mg (Scored tab), Tramadol HCl 50 mg Tab, Trihexyphenidyl HCl 2 mg Tab, Trypsin and chymortypsin each tab contains 100000 AU of Trypsin and Chymotrysin, Vitamin B complex Tab, Voglibose 0.2 mg Tab, Xylometazolin Nasal drop 0.1% for Adult use, Zolpidem 10 mg Tab
Closing Date6 Feb 2025
Tender Amount₹ 9.9 Lac 
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
8881-8890 of 8895 archived Tenders