Tenders of Warsaw Polytechnic

Tenders of Warsaw Polytechnic

Warsaw Polytechnic Tender

"Ovoya Zawarcie Umowy Dostawa Sprzęgacza"
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 

Warsaw Polytechnic Tender

"Poniku Postępowanie Usługi „transportów w Zerówka Meilxwz w dnia 19.09.2022-25.2022 Na Trasie Warszawa- Piecki -warszawa" Department of Mechanical Energy of the Warsaw University of Technology.2022.2022.2022.2022 Na Trasie Warszawa-Pecki - Piecki -warszawa
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 

Warsaw Polytechnic Tender

"Operation of Robotic Construction" (in Polish) by Robót Remontowych Dachu part of Niska Budynku Hali Sportowa Filii Pw Płocku Przy Ulicy 7 Czerownik 1991 R. No. 3 – Ii Etap" (in Polish)
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 

Warsaw Polytechnic Tender

"Operation of Dostawa 5 Szt. Oscyloskopów Doe, Pw".
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 

Warsaw Polytechnic Tender

As a result of the Progress of the Usługi of Drukowanie I Dostarczenie Kalendarzy Na Rok Akademicki 2022/2023 For Students of the Warsaw University of Technology
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 

Warsaw Polytechnic Tender

The announcement of the Progress of Dostawa's successes of the Dostawa Odzieży Robocz, Fartuchów I Akcesoriów Protection For the Technology of the Warsaw University of Philadelphia. In Płock
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 

Warsaw Polytechnic Tender

"O Zmianie Ogłoszenia Dostawa Materiałów Laboratoryjnych I Drobnego Sprzętu Laboratoryjnego Srzętu Laboratoryjnego Laboratoryjnego I Srzętu Laboratory of the Laboratory of the Laboratory of the Laboratory of the Laboratory of the Laboratory of the Laboratory of the Laboratory of the Laboratory of the Laboratory of the Laboratory of the Laboratory of the Laboratory of the Laboratory of the Laboratory of the Laboratory of the Laboratory of the Laboratory of the Laboratory of the Laboratory of the Laboratory of the Laboratory of the Laboratory of the Laboratory of Laboratory of the I Drobny Laboratory of the Laboratory of the Laboratory of the Laboratory of the Laboratory of the Laboratory of the Laboratory of the Laboratory of Laboratory of the Laboratory of the Laboratory of the Laboratory of the Laboratory of the Laboratory
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 

Warsaw Polytechnic Tender

"Operation of the Office of the Public Services of the Warsaw University of Technology".
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 

Warsaw Polytechnic Tender

As a result of the Progressive Dostawa Art
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 

Warsaw Polytechnic Tender

As a result of O Wyniku Proępowanie Usługi Przygotowanie I Dostarczania Posiłków Profileaktyczno-regeneracji dla Pracowników Sekcja Terenów Krajów Zielony I Transportu Warszawskieji Uniwersytetu Warszawskieji Narodowej
Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 
41-50 of 53 active Tenders