Tenders of Vitos Haina Ggmbh

Tenders of Vitos Haina Ggmbh

Vitos Haina GGmbH Tender

Civil And Construction...+1Civil Works Others
Restricted invitation to tender with public participation competition VOB/A construction work This is preliminary information with a call for competition. Sanitary/heating trade, conversion of house G8, ground floor/1st floor, sanitary: Ug/eg: 245 M PP sewage pipes DN 50 - ... More This is preliminary information with a call for competition. Sanitary / heating trade Conversion of house G8 Ground floor / 1st floor Sanitary: Ug/eg: 245 m PP wastewater pipes DN 50 - DN 100 42 pcs. sanitary objects and accessories 930 m stainless steel drinking water pipes DN 15 - DN 32 including insulation 1 pc. fresh water station with buffer tank 1 pc. fire extinguishing dry system with 1 feed point, 3 extraction points 35 m galvanized pipes DN 50 - DN 80 dismantling 110 m SML pipe, 135 m galvanized drinking water pipes 50 pcs sanitary objects Og1: 50 m PP wastewater pipes DN 50 - DN 100 15 pcs. sanitary objects and accessories 130 m stainless steel drinking water pipes DN 15 - DN 20 including insulation dismantling 80 m SML pipe, 100 m galvanized drinking water pipes 40 pieces sanitary objects Heating: Ug/eg: 19 pieces radiators (tubular radiators) 200 pieces pipes DN 15 - DN 50 including insulation 66 pieces heating fittings DN 15 - DN 32, 1 piece circulation pump Dismantling: 140 m heating pipes, 10 pieces radiators Og1: 9 pieces radiators (tubular radiators) 70 pieces pipes DN 15 - DN 20 including insulation Dismantling: 20 m heating pipes, 5 pieces radiators Companies can informally express their interest in participating in the OA tendering procedure. Documents can be requested from Mail@fm-zennern.de by January 31, 2025, stating the HAD reference number.
Closing Date24 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

Vitos Haina GGmbH Tender

Civil And Construction...+3Others, Consultancy Services, Civil And Architectural Services
Restricted invitation to tender with public participation competition Vob/a construction work This is preliminary information with a call for competition. As part of the construction project to convert house G8 in Licherstr. 106, 35394 Gießen, the demolition and shell construction work will be put out to tender first. ... More This is preliminary information with a call for competition. As part of the construction project to convert house G8 in Licherstr. 106, 35394 Gießen, the demolition and shell construction work will be put out to tender first. The work includes, among other things: - Creating door openings in existing buildings: approx. 15 pieces, from approx. 1.26 m to 1.75 m - Demolition of winter garden: approx. 45 m² - Excavations in the basement (clay soil) for the installation of individual foundations: - Individual foundations: approx. 6 pieces, from 80 × 80 × 40 cm to 280 × 140 × 40 cm - Strip foundations: approx. 8 pieces, from 70 × 40 × 150 cm to 70 × 40 × 495 cm - Erection of new interior walls (load-bearing and non-load-bearing): approx. 280 m² - Hea / Heb steel supports: approx. 5 pieces, total 18 m - Hem - beams from 120 to 160: approx. 13 M - lifting beams (160 to 240), both as intercepting beams and door lintel: approx. 160 M Companies can informally express their interest in participating in the Oa tendering procedure. Documents can be requested from Mail@fm-zennern.de by quoting the HAD reference number until January 31, 2025.
Closing Date24 Jan 2025
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Vitos Haina GGmbH Tender

Restricted invitation to tender with public participation competition VOB/A construction work This is preliminary information with a call for competition. Electrical trade Conversion of house G8 ground floor (lot 1) / 1st floor (lot 2) Lot 1 - Eg 1 central battery system 2,000 m ... More This is preliminary information with a call for competition. Electrical trade Conversion of house G8 ground floor (lot 1) / 1st floor (lot 2) Lot 1 - Eg 1 central battery system 2,000 m installation cable in various laying types 750 m electrical installation pipes/ducts/cable routes in various. Sizes 25 pieces fire protection partitions, fire protection ducts 1 piece sub-distribution board plus built-in devices 4250 m installation cables in various laying types 395 pieces installation devices 130 pieces general lighting 32 pieces safety lighting 40 pieces making breakthroughs 160 pieces making drilling holes 250 m making slots in various. Sizes 1 piece 19" data network cabinet 42he 300 pieces distribution panels, marshalling panels, patch cables, cable plugs, socket modules 1,700 m data cable duplex lot 2 - 1st floor 1,250 m electrical installation pipes/channels/cable routes in various sizes 15 pieces fire protection partitions, fire protection channels 1 piece sub-distribution board plus approx. 100 built-in devices 3,800 m installation cables in various laying methods 450 pieces installation devices 100 pieces general lighting 26 pieces safety lighting 180 m cables, various cross-sections and laying methods 26 pieces switches, boxes, construction lights 35 pieces making openings 100 pieces making holes 220 m making slots in various sizes 400 pieces distribution panels, marshalling panels, patch cables, cable plugs, socket modules 2,100 m data cable Duplex companies can informally express their interest in participating in the Oa tendering procedure. Documents can be requested from Mail@fm-zennern.de by quoting the HAD reference number until January 31, 2025.
Closing Date24 Jan 2025
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Vitos Haina GGmbH Tender

Civil And Construction...+3Others, Consultancy Services, Civil And Architectural Services
Restricted invitation to tender with public participation competition VOB/A construction work This is preliminary information with a call for competition. Ventilation trade, conversion of house G8, ground floor / 1st floor, ventilation systems: Ug/eg: 1 x supply and extract air ceiling unit with Wrg 1,200 M³/h 270 M ventilation spiral-seam duct, NW 100-NW 280; 55 m² air duct including insulation 30 air outlets 29 fire dampers, of which 6 are motorized. Dismantling: 35 m ventilation ducts, 10 small fans Og 1: 65 m ventilation spiral-seam duct Nw 100 including insulation 12 air outlets 11 fire dampers, of which 11 are motorized. Dismantling: 25 m ventilation ducts, 5 small fans Companies can informally express their interest in participating in the Oa tendering procedure. Documents can be requested from Mail@fm-zennern.de by January 31, 2025, stating the HAD reference number.
Closing Date24 Jan 2025
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Vitos Haina GGmbH Tender

Restricted tender with public participation competition VOB/A construction work This is preliminary information with a call for competition. Drywall work conversion of house G8, ground floor - plasterboard ceilings: approx. 410m² - plasterboard walls: approx. 380 m² - Promat cladding F90 A: approx. 80m² Companies can informally express their interest in participating in the OA tendering procedure. Documents can be requested from Mail@fm-zennern.de by January 31, 2025, stating the HAD reference number.
Closing Date24 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents