Tenders of Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited
Tenders of Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited
Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited - UPPCL Tender
Manpower Supply
Closing DateCancelled
Tender AmountINR 860.4 K (USD 10.2 K)
CATEGORY: Manpower Outsourcing Services - Fixed Remuneration -
Admin; Computer Operator; Diploma , Manpower
Outsourcing Services - Fixed Remuneration - Admin; Office
Helper; enclosed
Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited - UPPCL Tender
Manpower Supply
Closing DateCancelled
Tender AmountINR 17.4 Million (USD 209 K)
CATEGORY: Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage -
Unskilled; Others; Office Peon , Manpower Outsourcing
Services - Minimum wage - Semi-skilled; Others; Office Peon
Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited - UPPCL Tender
Manpower Supply
Closing DateCancelled
Tender AmountINR 838.2 K (USD 10 K)
CATEGORY: Manpower Outsourcing Services - Fixed Remuneration -
Admin; Clerk; Graduate , Manpower Outsourcing Services -
Fixed Remuneration - Admin; Computer Operator; Diploma ,
Manpower Outsourcing Services - Fixed Remuneration -
Admin; Office Helper; As per Scope of work in Bid Document
Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited - UPPCL Tender
Manpower Supply
Closing DateCancelled
Tender AmountINR 1.3 Million (USD 16 K)
CATEGORY: Manpower Outsourcing Services - Fixed Remuneration -
Admin; Computer Operator; Diploma , Manpower
Outsourcing Services - Fixed Remuneration - Admin; Office
Helper; High School
1401-1410 of 1712 archived Tenders