Transport Tenders
Transport Tenders
Closing Date20 Jan 2025
Tender AmountNA
Details: Subject of the Proceeding: Front Elements For En57al Vehicles: 1) Left Spoiler (cheek) For En57al Vehicles - 4 Pcs. 2) Right Spoiler (cheek) For En57al Vehicles - 4 Pcs. Subject Requirements: 1. Desired Completion Date 30 Calendar Days. 2. Transport of Goods At The Seller's Cost And Risk, To The Ordering Party's Headquarters (polregio Sa, Rolling Stock Maintenance Section In Łuków, Ul. Kolejowa 22, 21-400 Łuków). 3. Payment Terms: 30 Days From The Date Of Invoice Delivery. In The Case Of Delivery Of The Invoice After The Order Fulfillment Deadline, The 30 Day Period Will Be Counted From The Date Of Delivery Of The Invoice To The Ordering Party, While In The Case Of Delivery Of The Invoice Before Order Fulfillment, The Period Will Be Counted From The Date Of Order Fulfillment. 4. Declaration From the Seller That the Goods Being Supplied Are Brand New And Free From Defects. 5. 12 Month Warranty From The Date Of Delivery To The Ordering Party (polregio Sa) Required. 6. 3.1 Acceptance Certificate Required. 7. Equivalent Products Are Allowed (but Such Information Must Be Provided By The Seller In The Questions/Information Tab And Together With The Quotation). 8. The Spoiler Element Must Be Made Of A Material Compliant With Fire Protection Standard No. Pn-k-02511:2000; It Must Work In The Temperature Range From -30℃ To +40℃, Laminate Thickness 6 Mm, Without Painting. Additional Provisions: 1. The Contractor Undertakes to Pay the Ordering Party (polregio Sa) a Contractual Penalty for Delay in Implementation in the Amount of 5% of the Contractor's Net Remuneration for Each Day of Delay. However, this Penalty may amount to a Maximum of 50% of the Order Value. 2. The Ordering Party (polregio Sa) reserves the right to: A) End the Proceedings Before the Elapse of Time, With or Without a Choice Made and Without Giving a Reason, and to Invalidate the Proceedings; B) Change the Terms of the Conducted Proceedings Before the Deadline for Submitting Price Information; C) After Completion of the Inquiry (rfi), End the Proceedings or Commence Subsequent Stages in the Form of Submitting Offers/Electronic Auction/Negotiations; D) Free Choice of Offer. In the "Organizer's attachments" tab you will find the GDPR Information Clause and Photo documentation. This announcement does not constitute an offer within the meaning of the Civil Code
Offizielle Bezeichnung Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Vertreten Durch Den Landesbetrieb Bau Und Immobilien Hessen, Zentrale Vergabe Tender
Closing Date20 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Description: Public tender Vob/a earthworks (din 18300); landscaping work (din 18 320); landscaping work and earthworks: Clearing approx. 4125 m2 of vegetation area, removing approx. 825 m3 of topsoil and later reinstalling it ... additional earthworks (din 18300); landscaping work (din 18 320); Landscaping and earthworks: Clearing approx. 4125 m2 of vegetation area Removing approx. 825 m3 of topsoil and later reinstalling approx. Loosening of soil, moving with mixed binder and reinstalling approx. 900 m3 of soil, transporting and installing into an earthen embankment Creating approx. 100 m of drainage trough Installing approx. 800 m3 of gravel Creating approx. 2450 m2 of vegetation area (grass) Removing approx. 15 m2 of asphalt and reinstalling approx. 12 m of curb demolishing and reinstalling approx. 76 m3 of demolition work on reinforced concrete (individual foundations)
Ministry Of Ecological Transition, Ministry Of Territorial Cohesion, Ministry Of The Sea Tender
Others...+2Civil And Construction, Housekeeping Services
Closing Date31 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Details: The purpose of the consultation is to provide accommodation for trainees and trainers in long training courses (+ 2 days) at the Cvrh of Clermont-Ferrand and Arras-Valenciennes (Valenciennes site), which the Cvrh are responsible for. #x0d; The accommodation service includes: - Accommodation that will be provided in individual studios with bathrooms, individual toilets and equipped with a kitchen and dining area, with a surface area of at least 18 m²; - Breakfast will be served in a common room or equivalent from 7 a.m. Once or twice a year, the training will require breakfast to open at 6 a.m.; - Accommodation must be available for the requested capacity on the set dates. The final calendar will be communicated in advance. For information purposes, the provisional schedule with quantities is attached to the consultation documents; - The accommodation will be located near the SNCF train station and the CVRH within a reasonable radius of 30 minutes by public transport; - A car park (above ground or underground) will be made available to trainees and trainers per week. The CVRH will specify the number of parking spaces to be reserved at the stage of issuing the purchase order.
Offizielle Bezeichnung Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Vertreten Durch Den Landesbetrieb Bau Und Immobilien Hessen, Zentrale Vergabe Tender
Closing Date7 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Description: Public tender Vob/a earthworks (din 18300); landscaping work (din 18 320); landscaping work and earthworks: Clearing approx. 4125 m2 of vegetation area, removing approx. 825 m3 of topsoil and later reinstalling it ... additional earthworks (din 18300); landscaping work (din 18 320); Landscaping and earthworks: Clearing approx. 4125 m2 of vegetation area Removing approx. 825 m3 of topsoil and later reinstalling approx. Loosening of soil, moving with mixed binder and reinstalling approx. 900 m3 of soil, transporting and installing into an earthen embankment Creating approx. 100 m of drainage trough Installing approx. 800 m3 of gravel Creating approx. 2450 m2 of vegetation area (grass) Removing approx. 15 m2 of asphalt and reinstalling approx. 12 m of curb demolishing and reinstalling approx. 76 m3 of demolition work on reinforced concrete (individual foundations)
Offizielle Bezeichnung Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Vertreten Durch Den Landesbetrieb Bau Und Immobilien Hessen, Zentrale Vergabe Tender
Closing Date13 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Description: Public tender Vob/a earthworks (din 18300); landscaping work (din 18 320); landscaping work and earthworks: Clearing approx. 4125 m2 of vegetation area, removing approx. 825 m3 of topsoil and later reinstalling it ... additional earthworks (din 18300); landscaping work (din 18 320); Landscaping and earthworks: Clearing approx. 4125 m2 of vegetation area Removing approx. 825 m3 of topsoil and later reinstalling approx. Loosening of soil, moving with mixed binder and reinstalling approx. 900 m3 of soil, transporting and installing into an earthen embankment Creating approx. 100 m of drainage trough Installing approx. 800 m3 of gravel Creating approx. 2450 m2 of vegetation area (grass) Removing approx. 15 m2 of asphalt and reinstalling approx. 12 m of curb demolishing and reinstalling approx. 76 m3 of demolition work on reinforced concrete (individual foundations)
Authority of Navala Romana - Romania Tender
Closing Date14 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRON 1.1 Million (USD 229.7 K)
Details: Title: Servicii De Pază Monitorizare Și Intervenție
description: Principalele Atribuții Ale Autorității Navale Române Sunt: • Inspecția, Controlul Și Supravegherea Navigației; • Controlul Statului Pavilionului Și Controlul Statului Portului; • Coordonarea Activităților De Asistență, Căutare Și Salvare În Apele Naționale Navigabile Și A Acțiunilor În Caz De Calamități Naturale Și Sinistru Naval; • Protecția Apelor Navigabile Împotriva Poluării De Către Nave; • Sancționarea Contravențiilor, Cercetarea Evenimentelor Și Accidentelor De Navigație; • Înmatricularea Și Evidența Navelor Sub Pavilion Român; • Evidența, Atestarea Și Brevetarea Personalului Navigant; • Supravegherea Tehnică, Clasificarea Și Certificarea Navelor; • Aducerea La Îndeplinire A Obligațiilor Ce Revin Statului Din Acordurile Și Convențiile Internaționale La Care România Este Parte Privind Domeniul Său De Activitate; • Elaborarea, Avizarea Și Supunerea Spre Aprobarea Ministerului Transporturilor A Proiectelor De Acte Normative Și Norme Obligatorii; • Auditarea Pentru Certificare Ism (certificatul De Siguranță Al Navei) Și Isps (codul International Pentru Siguranța Navelor Și Securitatea Facilităților Portuare) A Navelor Și A Companiilor De Navigație. În Conformitate Cu Legea Nr. 333/2003 Privind Paza Obiectivelor, Bunurilor Si Valorilor, Cu Modificarile Si Completarile Ulterioare, Ministerele Şi Celelalte Unităţi Aflate În Subordonarea / Coordonare / Autoritatea Acestora, Organisme Ale Administraţiei Publice Centrale Şi Locale, Regiile Autonome, Companiile Şi Societăţile Naţionale, Societăţile Comerciale, Indiferent De Natura Capitalului Social, Instituţiile Publice Precum Şi Alte Organizaţii Care Deţin Bunuri Şi Valori Cu Orice Titlu, Denumite De Lege “unităţi” Sunt Obligate Să Asigure Paza Acestora. Avand In Vedere Specificul Activitatilor Autorității Navale Române, Se Impune Supravegherea Permanenta 24 De Ore Din 24 De Ore, Prin Asigurarea Pazei (cladiri, Bunuri, Persoane), Portilor De Acces In Unitate, Prin Supravegherea Iesiri-intrari De Persoane Si Mijloace De Transport (posturi Fixe Si Prin Patrulare), A Obiectivelor. In Prezent, Autoritatea Navală Română, Deruleaza Un Contract De Servicii, Incheiat Cu O Firma De Paza Autorizata, Pe O Perioada De 24 De Luni, Care Expira In Luna Decembrie 2024, Fapt Ce Impune Potrivit Prevederilor Legale In Vigoare, Necesitatea Asigurarii Continuitatii Serviciilor De Paza Si Protectia A Obiectivelor Anr, Pentru Perioada Urmatoare.
Municipality of Tcew Tender
Closing Date4 Feb 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents
Details: Title: Nowe Autobusy Dla Tczewa – Dostawa 10 Autobusów Elektrycznych Klasy Maxi
description: 1. Przedmiotem Zamówienia Jest Dostawa 10 Autobusów Elektrycznych. Szczegółowy Opis Przedmiotu Zamówienia Zawiera Załącznik Nr 10 Do Swz – Opis Przedmiotu Zamówienia. 2. Przy Określeniu Wymogów W Zakresie Norm, Zamawiający Wskazuje To Jako Wymóg Spełnienia Tych Norm Lub Równoważnych – W Zakresie Każdego Opisu Przedmiotu Zamówienia, W Którym Określono Takie Normy. 3. Przedmiot Zamówienia Jest Współfinansowany Ze Środków Krajowego Planu Odbudowy I Zwiększenia Odporności W Ramach Inwestycji: G 1.3.2 Zeroemisyjny Transport Zbiorowy (autobusy) Na Podstawie Umowy Nr 382/2024/wn11/oa-tp/d W Ramach Przedsięwzięcia Pn. „zakup Autobusów Elektrycznych I Budowa Stacji Ładowania Z Pantografem Dla Gminy Miejskiej Tczew". 4. Zamawiający Przewiduje Możliwość Unieważnienia Postępowania Na Podstawie Art. 257 Pkt 1 Ustawy Pzp. 5. Dostarczane Autobusy Winny Uwzględniać Wymagania Dostępności Dla Osób Niepełnosprawnych Zgodnie Z Art. 100 Ustawy Pzp I Zapisami Ustawy Z Dnia 19 Lipca 2019 R. O Zapewnianiu Dostępności Osobom Ze Szczególnymi Potrzebami (dz. U. Z 2024 R. Poz. 1411). 6. Zamawiający Wymaga, Aby W Przedmiocie Dostawy Udział Towarów, W Tym Oprogramowania Wykorzystywanego W Wyposażeniu Sieci Telekomunikacyjnych Pochodzących Z Państw Członkowskich Unii Europejskiej, Państw, Z Którymi Unia Europejska Zawarła Umowy O Równym Traktowaniu Przedsiębiorców, Lub Państw, Wobec Których Na Mocy Decyzji Rady Stosuje Się Przepisy Dyrektywy 2014/25/ue, Przekraczał 50%. Zamawiający Wymaga Złożenia Oświadczenia W Tym Zakresie W Formularzu Ofertowym (załącznik Nr 1 Do Swz). Zgodnie Z Art. 393 Ust. 1 Ppkt. 4 Ustawy Pzp, Zamawiający Odrzuci Ofertę, W Której Udział Towarów, W Tym Oprogramowania Wykorzystywanego W Wyposażeniu Sieci Telekomunikacyjnych Pochodzących Z Państw Członkowskich Unii Europejskiej, Państw, Z Którymi Unia Europejska Zawarła Umowy O Równym Traktowaniu Przedsiębiorców, Lub Państw Wobec Których Na Mocy Decyzji Rady Stosuje Się Przepisy Dyrektywy 2014/25/ue Nie Przekracza 50% .
Indian Oil Corporation Limited - IOCL Tender
Paints and Enamels
Closing Date15 Jan 2025
Tender AmountINR 272.8 K (USD 3.1 K) This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Details: External Painting of Crude Oil Storage Tanks at PHBPL Paradip NOTE 1. Please enable macros before filling the rates to see the quoted figures in words.
2. The bidder shall quote firm prices “Excess(+)/ At Par/ Less(-)” against the rates mentioned in the price schedule provided in BoQ1 sheet as per instructions provided herein after taking into account all the tender terms and conditions and scope of work. In case rates are quoted to more than 2 decimal places then, the amount quoted towards the tender shall be worked out for the rates quoted to first 2 decimal points without rounding off.
3. Only "Bidder Name", "Excess (+) or "At Par" or Less (-)" & "Percentage" are to be filled by the bidder in the designated "Sky Blue cells". For "At Par" selection, the percentage quoted shall be treated as 0.00 and quoted amount at par with estimate.
4. "Excess (+)" or "At Par" or "Less (-)" can be selected from the dropdown menu by clicking on the cell.
5. No changes shall be made by the bidder to S.No., Unit, Quantity.
6. In case of any difference in item description/ unit/ quantity in BOQ, then the item description/ unit/ quantity given in the tender document shall prevail.
7.The rates quoted by the tenderer shall include all cost towards equipment, labour & laboratory back-up, logistics, transport, spares, tools, tackles, consumables, etc., travel and stay arrangements and other incidentals including supply of materials as may be necessary for rendering the services as per detailed specifications.
8. Goods and Services tax as per GST Act 2017 for concerned services has been added to the base price of below mentioned services. If the bidder wishes to quote some other Goods and Services tax rate other than mentioned in the price schedule provided in BoQ1 sheet, they may quote the same in "Annexure H". Statutory variation on Goods and Services Tax as applicable for the category/ service shall be to Owner’s account up to the contractual completion period. Reverse charges mechanism on Goods and Services tax amount shall be applicable as per Govt. rules.
9. Bidders are advised strictly not to alter or change the BOQ format/ contents. Bidders are also advised not to paste any image file or put any additional conditions in the BOQ work sheet.
10. Please select the applicable rate of GST in cell 'W13'. Rate selected shall be applicable for the entire BoQ. Abbreviations of Units: SQM - Square Meter, LS - Lumpsum
Indian Oil Corporation Limited - IOCL Tender
Security and Emergency Services
Closing Date13 Jan 2025
Tender AmountINR 579.5 K (USD 6.7 K) This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Details: Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of CCTV cameras at SERPL Jharsuguda station NOTE 1. Please enable macros before filling the rates to see the quoted figures in words.
2. The bidder shall quote firm prices “Excess(+)/ At Par/ Less(-)” against the rates mentioned in the price schedule provided in BoQ1 sheet as per instructions provided herein after taking into account all the tender terms and conditions and scope of work. In case rates are quoted to more than 2 decimal places then, the amount quoted towards the tender shall be worked out for the rates quoted to first 2 decimal points without rounding off.
3. Only "Bidder Name", "Excess (+) or "At Par" or Less (-)" & "Percentage" are to be filled by the bidder in the designated "Sky Blue cells". For "At Par" selection, the percentage quoted shall be treated as 0.00 and quoted amount at par with estimate.
4. "Excess (+)" or "At Par" or "Less (-)" can be selected from the dropdown menu by clicking on the cell.
5. No changes shall be made by the bidder to S.No., Unit, Quantity.
6. In case of any difference in item description/ unit/ quantity in BOQ, then the item description/ unit/ quantity given in the tender document shall prevail.
7.The rates quoted by the tenderer shall include all cost towards equipment, labour & laboratory back-up, logistics, transport, spares, tools, tackles, consumables, etc., travel and stay arrangements and other incidentals including supply of materials as may be necessary for rendering the services as per detailed specifications.
8. Goods and Services tax as per GST Act 2017 for concerned services has been added to the base price of below mentioned services. If the bidder wishes to quote some other Goods and Services tax rate other than mentioned in the price schedule provided in BoQ1 sheet, they may quote the same in "Annexure 8". Statutory variation on Goods and Services Tax as applicable for the category/ service shall be to Owner’s account up to the contractual completion period. Reverse charges mechanism on Goods and Services tax amount shall be applicable as per Govt. rules.
9. Bidders are advised strictly not to alter or change the BOQ format/ contents. Bidders are also advised not to paste any image file or put any additional conditions in the BOQ work sheet. Abbreviations of Units: SET - SET, KM - Kilometer, LS - Lumpsum, SU - Service unit, M - Meter, M2 - Square Meter, SQM - Square Meter, M3 - Cubic Meter, CUM - Cubic Meter, FT2 - Square Foot, BAG - Bag, KG - Kilogram, QN - Quintal, TO - Tonne, L - Liter
6681-6690 of 10000 archived Tenders