Transport Tenders

Transport Tenders

Municipality, Represented By The Imaginary Mayor Tender

Closing DateNA
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Description: As a result of the Progress of the Uspensation of the Uczniom Niepełnosprawny Bezpłatnego Transport I Opieki W sometimes Przewozu Doów Oświęcim W Roku Szkolny 2022/2023.

Municipality Of Wealth Tender

Closing DateNA
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Description: As a result of the Progress of the Children's Services, W Zakresie Transport of the Children I Uczniów Wraz Z Opiekunami, Z Opiekunami, Z Opiekunami, Zakresie. From the Terence of God, Do Szkół I Placów Oświatowe w Roku Szkolny 2022/202323

Gmina Narewka Tender

Closing DateNA
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Description: As a result of the Progressing of the Order of the Bilet of the Years for the Uczniów Do go to the elementary school of W Narewce O along with Opieka W Trakcie Transport of Transport

Municipal Transport Company of Madrid, S A - EMT Tender

Closing Date30 May 2025
Tender AmountEUR 1 Million (USD 1 Million)
Purchaser Name: Municipal Transport Company of Madrid, S A | Dynamic System of Equipment Acquisition, Computer Material and Software Packages

Main Inspectorate Of Road Transport Tender

Closing DateNA
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
Purchaser Name: Main Inspectorate Of Road Transport | Description: The main Inspektorat Transport of the Road Transport

Gmina Sieverz Tender

Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 
Description: As a result of the Progress of the Transport of the Uczniów Niepełnosprawnych Z Terenu Miasta I Gminy Siewierzacji Siewierzeń

Municipal Transport Company of Madrid, S A - EMT Tender

Corrigendum : Tender Amount Updated
Closing Date31 Aug 2026
Tender AmountEUR 50.4 Million (USD 54.4 Million)
Purchaser Name: Municipal Transport Company of Madrid, S A | Dynamic System of Acquisition for Spare Parts and Bus Components for Emt

Route and Transport in Koszalin Tender

Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 
Purchaser Name: Route and Transport in Koszalin | The announcement of the Office of the Progress of the People's Service of the Office of Zieleni W Koszalin

Director of the Maritime Office in Greece Tender

Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 
Description: The reporting of the Office of the Robotic Construction Authority of the construction of the Budynku Base of the Maritime Transport Office. When I Etap Inwestycja covers the Realization of Budynku Nr 7/zadesignuj I Wybuduj/ (...).

School Of Mother And Child At The Court Of St Petersburg Tender

Closing DateNA
Tender AmountNA 
Description: "O Zmianie Ogłoszenia Transport Sanitarny - Ambulanss"
9701-9710 of 10000 active Tenders