Taxi Tenders

Taxi Tenders

London Borough Of Ealing Tender

Transportation and Logistics
United Kingdom
Details: Tenders are invited for ealing all age passenger transport dynamic purchasing system Please note: new applications for the all age transport dps are currently paused. if you have any questions please forward them via the messaging system london borough of ealing (lbe) wishes to procure a dynamic purchasing system (dps) for all age passenger transport for people with disabilities during january/february 2020, to commence in april 2020, for a duration of 5 years with one further possibility of a two-year extension. it is envisaged that the dps will have multiple categories for vehicle types and also a separate category for passenger assistants. the dps will also be available for use by other boroughs in the west london alliance (wla), namely barnet, brent, ealing, hammersmith and fulham, harrow, hillingdon, hounslow; kensington and chelsea and westminster. it is intended that the dps would cover procurement of services for transporting and supporting vulnerable children and adults to a variety of schools, colleges and day centres within the london borough of ealing safety and wellbeing of vulnerable people is a crucially important factor in the procurement of these services. lbe is interested in engaging with a range of providers in relation to passenger transport and passenger assistance, including efficiency, the use of technology, market innovation and sustainability. currently lbe spends circa £7m per annum on the following; special educational needs and disabilities (send) home to school transport college transport adults day centre ad hoc transport services for children and adults. future use of the dps cannot be specified at this stage, and volumes are not guaranteed. however as current lbe contracts for transport come to an end during 2020 and 2021, subject to governance and using a phased approach, it is envisaged that all children s and adult s transport routes, and ad hoc spend on taxis will be purchased via the dps by use of e auctions or mini competitions during the lifetime of the planned dps. Estimated value: £49,000,000.00 Estimated contract dates: 01/04/2020 end date 31/03/2025
Closing Date31 Mar 2025
Tender AmountGBP 49 Million (USD 61.1 Million)

Commissariat L' Nergie Atomique Et Aux Nergies Alternatives Tender

Transportation and Logistics
Details: Title: Transport Collectif Du Personnel Du Cea De Cadarache Et Prestations De Régulation Associées description: Le Présent Marché A Pour Objet De Définir Les Conditions Suivant Lesquelles Le Cea Confie Au Titulaire, Qui Accepte, Les Prestations De Transport Collectif Du Personnel Du Site De Cadarache Et Les Prestations De Régulation Associées. Le Marché Est Composé De 5 Lots : Lot 1 : Transport Collectif Du Pays Aixois Lot 2 : Transport Collectif Des Alpes De Haute Provence Lot 3 : Transport Collectif Du Sud Lubéron, Bouches Du Rhône Ouest Et Pays Varois Lot 4 : Transport Collectif De Marseille Lot 5 : Prestations De Régulation Des Lignes Régulières Du Plan Transport Et Fourniture Du Système De Régulation Associé On Distingue Plusieurs Types De Prestations Forfaitaires, Optionnelles Ou En Parts Estimatives : • La Réalisation De Lignes Régulières (dessertes Aller – Retour) ; • La Réalisation De Navettes Internes En Réemploi Le Matin Ou En Amont Le Soir Des Lignes Régulières ; • La Réalisation De Lignes Régulières À 18h30 ; • La Réalisation De Services Navettes Restaurants, Navettes 9 Places Ou Navettes Internes Correspondance Lignes Publiques ; • La Réalisation De Services De Car En Vue De La Visite Du Site De Cadarache Et Iter ; • La Réalisation De Service De Taxis Internes ; • Le Maintien Sur Site D’autocars Dans Le Cadre Du Plan D’urgence Interne (pui) ; • La Réalisation De Prestations De Transport Spécifique ; • La Variation Du Plan De Transport En Cours D’exécution ; • La Réalisation D’une Prestation De Régulation Des Lignes Régulières Du Plan Transport. Pour Les Lots 1, 2 Et 3 Uniquement: Le Marché Est Constitué D’une Offre De Base Relative À La Mise En Place De Véhicules Euro Vi. Toutefois, Le Cea Autorise Les Candidats À Remettre, En Plus De L’offre De Base, Au Maximum Deux Variantes (non Obligatoires) Relatives Au Verdissement Du Parc De Véhicules. La Variante 1 A Trait À La Mise En Place De Véhicules Hybrides Sur Certaines Lignes La Variante 2 A Trait À La Mise En Place De Véhicules Électriques Sur Certaines Lignes. Le Détail De Ces Variantes Est Renseigné Dans Le Cahier Des Charges Et Les Modalités De Réponse Figurent Dans Le Règlement De Consultation Au §3.8. Les Variantes Ne Sont Pas Acceptées Pour Les Lots 4 Et 5.
Closing Date17 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

Commissariat L' Nergie Atomique Et Aux Nergies Alternatives Tender

Transportation and Logistics
Details: Title: Transport Collectif Du Personnel Du Cea De Cadarache Et Prestations De Régulation Associées description: Le Présent Marché A Pour Objet De Définir Les Conditions Suivant Lesquelles Le Cea Confie Au Titulaire, Qui Accepte, Les Prestations De Transport Collectif Du Personnel Du Site De Cadarache Et Les Prestations De Régulation Associées. Le Marché Est Composé De 5 Lots : Lot 1 : Transport Collectif Du Pays Aixois Lot 2 : Transport Collectif Des Alpes De Haute Provence Lot 3 : Transport Collectif Du Sud Lubéron, Bouches Du Rhône Ouest Et Pays Varois Lot 4 : Transport Collectif De Marseille Lot 5 : Prestations De Régulation Des Lignes Régulières Du Plan Transport Et Fourniture Du Système De Régulation Associé On Distingue Plusieurs Types De Prestations Forfaitaires, Optionnelles Ou En Parts Estimatives : • La Réalisation De Lignes Régulières (dessertes Aller – Retour) ; • La Réalisation De Navettes Internes En Réemploi Le Matin Ou En Amont Le Soir Des Lignes Régulières ; • La Réalisation De Lignes Régulières À 18h30 ; • La Réalisation De Services Navettes Restaurants, Navettes 9 Places Ou Navettes Internes Correspondance Lignes Publiques ; • La Réalisation De Services De Car En Vue De La Visite Du Site De Cadarache Et Iter ; • La Réalisation De Service De Taxis Internes ; • Le Maintien Sur Site D’autocars Dans Le Cadre Du Plan D’urgence Interne (pui) ; • La Réalisation De Prestations De Transport Spécifique ; • La Variation Du Plan De Transport En Cours D’exécution ; • La Réalisation D’une Prestation De Régulation Des Lignes Régulières Du Plan Transport. Pour Les Lots 1, 2 Et 3 Uniquement: Le Marché Est Constitué D’une Offre De Base Relative À La Mise En Place De Véhicules Euro Vi. Toutefois, Le Cea Autorise Les Candidats À Remettre, En Plus De L’offre De Base, Au Maximum Deux Variantes (non Obligatoires) Relatives Au Verdissement Du Parc De Véhicules. La Variante 1 A Trait À La Mise En Place De Véhicules Hybrides Sur Certaines Lignes La Variante 2 A Trait À La Mise En Place De Véhicules Électriques Sur Certaines Lignes. Le Détail De Ces Variantes Est Renseigné Dans Le Cahier Des Charges Et Les Modalités De Réponse Figurent Dans Le Règlement De Consultation Au §3.8. Les Variantes Ne Sont Pas Acceptées Pour Les Lots 4 Et 5.
Closing Date17 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

Kymenlaakson Sosiaali Ja Terveyspalvelujen Kuntayhtym Tender

Details: The acquisen targets the transportation of personnel in the operating area of the municipality of Social and Health Services of Kymenlaakso. Acquisiss are the Disability Services Act (vpl) and Social Welfare Act (shl) as well as the Special Services Act Forms Transportation, Home Care Transportation, Veterans and War Valide Transport, Working and Day Traffic Transports, and Cymstein Customer and Pa.t Transports. The acquisn also included the Transportation of the Kymsote Personnel, Other Actively Required Personnel Transports and the Transportation of Goods by Taxi Vehicle, such as Laboratory Manufacturers. Transportation included in the purchase The Special Purchase Extended Scope is described in more detail in Annex 1 to this Notice of Procurement (Description of the Purchase Target and Dynamic Journalist Register).", "for example, No Taxi Transportation (kela taxis), Pant Transfers at Ambulances, Deadly Transports, Kuorma or Packaget Vehicles, For example, Liquid Taxi Vehicles" The service is not part of this purchase. “The aim of the acquisen is to ensure the effective and timely operation of all Cyms Services as well as the attention of the Users of Transport Services, Good, Y and Clear Customer Service, Ease of Use of Transport Services and Customer Satisfaction. The purpose of the acquisn is also to secure the Equal, Reliable and Functional Activity of All Disability Services Act and the Social Welfare Act as well as the Regular Job and Study Excursions Adjusted to them. """
Closing Date31 Dec 2028
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

Lapin Sairaanhoitopiirin Kuntayhtym Tender

Details: The target of the acquis. is the passenger transportation of the welfare area of Lapland. Acquisisable Transports are covered by the Disability Services Act (vpl) and the Social Welfare Act (shl) and the Special Services Act Forms Transportation, Home Care Transport, Veterans and War Valide Transports, Work and Day Traffic. The acquis. includes other biologically required passenger transports as well as goods transport by taxi, such as transportation of laboratory samples. '''','''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''.
Closing Date31 Dec 2028
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

Lapin Sairaanhoitopiirin Kuntayhtym Tender

Details: The target of the acquis. is the passenger transportation of the welfare area of Lapland. Acquisisable Transports are covered by the Disability Services Act (vpl) and the Social Welfare Act (shl) and the Special Services Act Forms Transportation, Home Care Transport, Veterans and War Valide Transports, Work and Day Traffic. The acquis. includes other biologically required passenger transports as well as goods transport by taxi, such as transportation of laboratory samples. '''','''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''.
Closing Date31 Dec 2028
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

Lapin Hyvinvointialue Tender

Healthcare and Medicine
Details: The target of the acquis. is the passenger transportation of the welfare area of Lapland. Acquisisable Transports are covered by the Disability Services Act (vpl) and the Social Welfare Act (shl) and the Special Services Act Forms Transportation, Home Care Transport, Veterans and War Valide Transports, Work and Day Traffic. The acquis. includes other biologically required passenger transports as well as goods transport by taxi, such as transportation of laboratory samples. '''','''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''.
Closing Date31 Dec 2028
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

Kajaanin Kaupunki Tender

Details: The procurement notice sets up a dynamic purchasing system. The dynamic purchasing system accepts all eligibility requirements to meet the candidates. Registration does not apply to the candidate. The Candidate may choose which deposits to be made within the crew will take place. Acceptance of candidates to the Dynamic Purchase System Makes Katain City Procurement Services » The target is the order services acquired by Ka.i City on the basis of a taxi or passenger transport licence. The services required by the City staff, trustees, as well as thenscription services required by the Daycare and Schools.”
Closing Date22 Apr 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

Lohjan Kaupunki Tender

Details: The City of Lohja extends applications for infringement to transport services.” Consequently, the acquisn does not involve regular statutory transport services (e.g. school transport). Transports include, for example, City Staff and Trust Persons Training, Study and Discovery Travels as well as the Travels of Nuversities, such as Early Childhood Education, Primary Education, Higher Education and Youth Services. It can also be open public transport. Transportation They usually leave the Lohja City area, but the starting point may be elsewhere. Transportation can take place by taxi or bus.
Closing Soon31 Dec 2024
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

Etela Karjalan Sosiaali Ja Terveyspiiri Tender

Details: Adjustment: "The exote requests applications for injury to the dynamic purchasing system. The Second Ininen Deposit of the Dynamic Procurement System applies to Transports between 1 January 2021 and 31 December 2022.”The acquisinen targets the Espoote Customers’ Empty-free Personal Transportation with Vehicles of the Service Producer: Transportation ordered by customers” (b. Individual Personal or Goods Transportation Ordered by Exoten, C. Regularly Repeated Transports.”, Transportation Transmitted by Taxi Helsinki Ltd, Katso Connection Mediation Service.” The amendments will be clarified for the second Inn Con. Period from 1 January 2021. In the event of a conflict, specific information will be followed. Clarified tensions are attached to the request for infringement.”, Applications for participation in the Second Inistä Deposit will be requested no later than 31 August 2020 at 23.59 p.m. “Note: If your company has already been approved for a dynamic method, you don’t need to make a new application. “Another request for tender for a dynamic purchasing system will be submitted after the processing of applications for infringement to accepted Suppliers after the processing of applications received within the deadline. In this stage, it is possible to ask additional questions about the Offer Request and the Simple Description of the Service. Schedule is given in the Offer Request.
Closing Date31 Dec 2030
Tender AmountNA 
1221-1230 of 1230 active Tenders