Connection to the Distribution Network of a Multi-Apartment Facility: Construction of a 15kv MV Cable Connection, a 15/0.4 Kv Transformer Station, in Kraków, ul. Romanowicza, Mode: Design
Connection to the Distribution Network: Construction of a 15/0.4kv Double Transformer Station in M. Kraków ul. Erazm Jerzmanowski With Lines Sn, Nn And Zk In Design Mode
97/2023 Development of Design Documentation: Kamienna Góra Ul. Krzeszowska Journal 225/4 - Construction of a Container Transformer Station with MV and LV connections - Power supply to a multi-unit building - (kz Jg/001353/23)
99/2023 - Development of Design Documentation: Marciszów - Construction of a Pole Transformer Station with a MV and LV connection - Power supply to a single-family building Marciszów ul. Polna Dz. No. 176/3 - (kz Jg/001864/23)